Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures

Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures


:NT$ 12000 元
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Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures deals with risk assessment, which is a fundamental support for decisions related to the design, construction, operation and maintenance of industrial products, systems and infrastructures. Risks are influenced by design decisions, by the process of construction of systems and infrastructures, and by the way in which they are operated and maintained. The importance of all these aspects vary in the various phases and types of activities, and different methods have been developed to deal with them.
Risk analysis, structural reliability and human reliability analysis concentrate on different aspects that complement each other, and in many cases they can be considered separately. As a result of this, and of the different characteristics of the techniques, until today the respective specialists have had little interaction, and not enough efforts have been made to integrate methods. This book, the result of SAFERELNET, a thematic network of 67 organizations from industry, universities and research organizations from 18 countries, is a first attempt to overcome this. Since 2001, SAFERELNET has dealt with providing safe and cost-effective solutions for industrial products, systems, facilities and structures across different industrial sectors.
Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures covers all aspects of safety issues such as Risk Assessment Methodology; Human and Organisational Factors in Risk Assessments; Integration of Risk and Reliability Formulations; Reliability Based Design; Assessment of Existing Structures and Life Extension; Risk Based Inspection and Maintenance Planning, with a special focus on safety-critical systems in all types of industrial plants, equipment, structural systems, buildings and other civil engineering facilities. The book will be of interest to academia and engineers involved in industrial safety, structural reliability, quantified risk assessment and safety management.


PrefaceProject organizational structureFramework documentsGeneral framework for safety and reliability of industrial products, systems and structures, C. Guedes SoaresFramework for integrated risk assessment, E. Kragh, M.H. Faber & C. Guedes SoaresFramework for safety, security and sustainability risk management, A.G. HessamiFramework for maintenance planning, C. Guedes Soares, J. Caldeira Duarte, Y. Garbatov, E. Zio & J.D. SorensenFramework for assessment and life extension of existing structures and industrial plants, Ch. Bucher, M. Brehm & H. BoltRisk assessment methodologyRisk acceptance criteria in Europe, V.M. TrbojevicAcceptable safety levels by a socio-economic approach, R. RackwitzRisk assessment of natural hazards with applications to landslides and abnormal waves, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder, F. Nadim & C. Guedes SoaresEfficient practice of risk assessment in design process, S. MedonosConsequences of explosions in various industries, J. CzujkoFire risk assessment in buildings, M. HolickyHuman and organisational factors in risk assessmentsTechniques for human reliability evaluation, H. Bolt, J. Morris, M. Pedrali, P. Antao & C. Guedes SoaresAnalysing the impact of human factors in transport systems, J. Drobiszewski & Z. SmalkoOn projects’ and organizations’ performance uncertainty, Ove T. Gudmestad & R.R. StoelsnesReliability based designOverview of structural reliability methods, T. Vrouwenvelder & H. KaradenizMethods of structural reliability applied to design and maintenance planning of ship hullsand floating platforms, C. Guedes Soares, Y. Garbatov & A.P. TeixeiraDiscrete multicriteria reliability-based optimization of spatial trusses, S. Jendo & E. SilickaContinuous and discrete reliability-based optimization of truss structures, R. Stocki, K. Kolanek, S. Jendo & M. KleiberAssessment of existing structures and life extensionCondition monitoring and remaining life assessment approach at the EDP Group, M.P. Gomes MaiaReliability assessment of a primary school, M. Holicky & J. MarkovaSeismic assessment and retrofitting of existing structures in Romania: Background, programs, regulatory basis, D. Lungu & I. CraifaleanuRisk based inspection and maintenance planningMaintenance optimization for structures by a renewal model, A. Joanni & R. RackwitzMaintenance modelling and optimization applied to safety-related equipment at nuclear power plants, S. Martorell, J.F. Villanueva, S. Carlos & A. SanchezMaintenance modeling and optimization applied to power distribution networks, R. Briš, S. Rusek & R. GoňoApplications of probabilistic safety assessment for vulnerability analyses, M. ČepinTwo computational methods for performing availability analysis of power-systems, M. Bouissou & A.P. UlmeanuProduction availability, J-P. SignoretApplication of reliability centred maintenance in ship operations, J. Wang, A. Pillay & A. MokashiCorrosion of steels in marine environment, monitoring and standards, M. Panayotova, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes SoaresStrategy in the various industrial sectorsApplication of safety and reliability approaches in the power sector: Inside-sectoral overview, K. Lauridsen, E. Hollo & I. KozineRisk-based approaches to maritime safety, C. Guedes Soares, A.P. Teixeira & P. AntaoOptimization of operational safety in tunnels, M. HolickyIntegrating QRA and SRA methods within a predictive Bayesian approach: An example from offshore projects, W. Rettedal & T. AvenAuthor index







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