The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education

The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education


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The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education is a unique and major resource for the field of education. It is a comprehensive, single-volume work, arranged alphabetically and comprising around 600 entries.
The entries range from definitions of key educational concepts and terms to biographies of key educators and specially written substantial essays on major educational topics. The volume includes authoritative and critical commentary on historical and contemporary themes; examinations of continuities, changes and emerging issues; and discussions of the educational traditions and features of major countries and continents. The following special features are also included:

Unrivalled coverage of education in a single volume
Entries by leading international educational researchers
Contributors drawn from all over the globe, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States
A distinguished international advisory board
Fully cross-referenced and indexed
Suggestions for further reading

Offering insight into the world of education in an interesting, informed and sometimes provocative way, The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education is an invaluable work of reference for educators, students, researchers and policy makers in education and related fields internationally.


Gary McCulloch is Dean of Research and Consultancy and Brian Simon Professor of the History of Education at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK.

David Crook is Senior Lecturer in History of Education at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK.


abacus; Abeland, Peter; ability grouping; academic; academic freedom; academy; access/admission; accomplishments; accountability; accountancy; accreditation of prior achievement/learning; action research; Addams, Jane; adult education; aegrotat; Africa; agriculture; algebra; alternative education; alumni; antiracist education; apprenticeship; approved school; aptitude; Argentina; Aristotle; arithmatic; armed forces; Arnold, Matthew; Arnold, Thomas; art; art, college and school of; Ascham, Roger; Asia assessment (inc. continuous, criterion referenced, diagnostic, formative, norm referenced, summative); Association of University Teachers (AUT); astronomy; athenaeum; attainment; attendance; Australia; Austria; autodidact; autonomy; baccalaureate; Baltic States; baseline assessment; basic skills; Beecher, Catherine; benchmarking; Benelux countries; Bernstein, Basil; bicultural education; bilingual education; binary policy; Binet, Alfred; biology; blind children, teaching of; boarding school; Bourdieu, Pierre; boys, education of; brain drain; Brazil; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); British Council; Buddhist education; bullying; Burt, Cyril; business; business school; Cambodia; Canada; careers guidance; Caribbean; Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching case study; catchment areas; Catholic school; Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI); certification; chancellor; character training; charities, educational; charter school; chemistry; child centred education; child development; child guidance; children's literature; China; church; civics; class size; classical education; classical studies/classics; classroom; classroom management; coeducation; cognition; Colet, John; college; college of advanced technology; Comenius, Johann Amos; common school; Commonwealth of Learning (COL); community college; community education; comparative education; compensatory education; comprehension; comprehensive education; comprehensive school; compulsory education; computer assisted learning; computing; Condorcet, Marie Jean; constructivism; continued professional development; continuing education; cookery; core curriculum; corporal punishment; correspondence course; correspondence theory; Council for Education in World Citizenship (CEWC); Council of Europe; counselling; crafts; cramming; creche; credentials; critical pedagogy; cultural capital; curriculum; curriculum development; dame school; dance; day release; day school; dean; degree; delinquency; dentistry; department; Department for International Development (DfID); deschooling; detention; development plan; Dewey, John; didacticism; didactics; diploma; diploma disease; discipline; discovery method; distance education/learning; domestic science; don; drama; driving; Duke of Edinburgh's Award; dunce; Durkheim, Emile; early childhood education; Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (UK); economics; economics of education; Edgeworth, Maria; education; education policy; educational broadcasting; educational management; educational media; educational priority areas; educational profiles; educational publishing; educational research; Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC); educational studies; educational technology; educational theory; egalitarianism; Egypt; elementary school; Eliot, Charles W.; elitism; Elyot, Thomas; endowment; engineering; England; English; environmental studies; equality of opportunity; ethnography; ethos; Europe; European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP); European Union (EU); evaluation; examinations; excellence; experimental learning; expulsion; extra-mural classes; faculty; family; Ferry, Jules; Forster, William; Foucault, Michel; France; Freire, Paulo; freshman; Froebel, Friedrich; further education; Galton, Francis; games; geography; geology; geometry; Germany; giftedness; girls, education of; globalisation; governor; grades; graduate; grammar; grammar school; Greece; Guizot, Francois; Harris, William Torrey; head of department; health education; Herbart, J. F.; hidden curriculum; higher education; Higher Education Funding Councils (HEFC) (UK); Hindu education; history; history of education; home economics; homeschooling; homework; human capital; Hungary; hygiene; Illich, Ivan; inclusive education; incorporation; independent school; India; indigenous education; indoctrination; Indonesia; industrial training; infant school; initial teacher education; in-sevice education; inspection; instruction; intellectual development; intelligence; intelligence tests; intermediate school; International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA); International Bureau of Education (IBE); International Council for Adult Education (ICAE); international education/schools; International Institute for Education Planning (IIEP); Iran; Iraq; Ireland, Republic of; Isaacs, Susan; Islamic education; Israel; Italy; Ivy League; Japan; Jewish education; John of Salisbury; Jowitt, Benjamin; junior school; Kay-Shuttleworth, James; Keate, John; kibbutz (Israel); kindergarten; knowledge economy; Knox, John; Lancaster, Joseph; Lane, Homer; Latin America; law; learning; learning career; learning disabilities; learning society; lecture; lesson; liberal education; liberal studies; librarianship; Library Association; lifelong learning; literacy; Locke, John; logbook; Lowe, Robert; lyceum; magnet school; Makarenko, Anton; Malaysia; management; Mann, Horace; Mannheim, Karl; marketisation; marking; mass education; mass media; mathematics; matriculation; mature students; McMillan, Margaret; mechanics' institute; media studies; medicine; Mediterranean; mentor/mentoring; merit; meritocracy; Mexico; middle school; Mill, John Stuart; mission statement; mixed ability teaching; modern languages; module/modular; monitor; monitorial system; Montessori, Maria; moral curriculum; Morant, Robert; motivation; Mulcaster, Richard; multicultural education; museum education; music; National Academy of Education (US); National Centre for Educational Statistics (US); national curriculum; National Economic Development Council (NEDC) (UK); National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) (UK); nature study; neighbourhood school; Neill, A. S.; New Zealand/Aotearoa; Newman, John Henry; Nigeria; normal school; Norwood, Cyril; Nuffield Foundation; nursery school; Nynn, Percy; objective tests; Oceania; Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) (US); open plan education; oral examinations; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); Outward Bound Trust; Owen, Robert; Pakistan; parental choice; parity of esteem; Parkhurst, Helen; partnerships; pastoral care; payment by results; peace education; pedagogy; peer group; peformance related pay; performance indicators; Pestalozzi, Heinrich; philosophy of education; phonics; phrenology; physical education/training; physics; Piaget, Jean; Pilgrim Trust; Plato; playground; playgroup; Poland; politics of education; Polynesia; polytechnic; Portugal; positive discrimination; post-compulsory education; postgraduate; practical education; practitioner research; prefect; preparatory school; primary school; principal; prison; private school; privatisation; proctor; professor; programmed learning; progression; progressive education; project method; provost; psychology; psychology of education; public library; public school (UK and other); Publisher's Association; pupil; Qintilian; Quaker education; qualifications; qualitative research; quantitative research; reader; reading; reading schemes; reception class; recruitment; rector; recurrent education; Reddie, Cecil; reflective practitioner; religious assmebly; religious education; remedial teaching; retention; Rhodes Trust; Ribot, Alexander; Rice, Joseph Mayer; Robbins, Lionel; Romania; Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; rural educaton; Russell Group; Russia; sabbatical; Sadler, Michael; Save the Children Fund; Scandinavia; scholarships; scholaticism; school; school buildings (architecture); school effectiveness; school fees; school improvement; school journeys; school laboratory; school leadership; school library; School Library Association; school magazine; school reform; school reports; school security; science; Scotland; Scout Association; secondary school; secretarial training; segregation; selection; semester; seminar; seminary; service learning; setting; sex education; situated learning; sixth form; skills; Skinner, Burrhus Fredric; Sloyd; social capital; social exclusion/inclusion; social reproduction; social studies; sociology; sociology of education; Socratic method; sophomore; South Africa; South America; Spain; Speaeman, Charles; special education; specialisation; speech therapy; spelling; Spencer Foundation; Spencer, Herbert; standardised tests; standards; Steiner, Rudolf; Stenhouse, Lawrence; streaming/tracking; student; student finance; subject teaching associations; subjects; Sunday school; supply teaching; Sweden; swimming; Switzerland; syllabus; Tanzania; Tawney, R. H.; teacher; teacher unions; teachers college; teaching; teaching assistants; teaching methods; teaching profession; technical college; technical education; technical school; technology; term; tertiary education; testing; textbooks; theology; thesis; Thorndike, Edward L.; Thring, Edward; trade school; training; transition education; travellers, education of; truancy; Turkey; tutor/tutorial; Tyler, Ralph; Uganda; underachievement; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO); universal education; university; university extension; urban education; USA; value added; Vgotsky, Lev; vice-chancellor; village college; visual aids; viva voce; vocational education; vouchers; Washington, Booker T.; William of Wykeham; Wollstonecraft, Mary; women's studies; work-based learning; workers' education; Workers' Educational Association (WEA); working men's club/institute; World Bank; World Education Fellowship; wrangler; writing; Young, Michael; youth club; zoning





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