Handbook of Latinos and Education: Theory, Research, and Practice
出版社:Routledge UK
作者:Enrique G. Murillo Jr. (EDT); Sofia A. Villenas (EDT); Ruth Trinidad Galvan (EDT); Juan Sanchez Munoz (EDT); Corinne Martinez (EDT)
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Providing a comprehensive review of rigorous, innovative, and critical scholarship relevant to educational issues which impact Latinos, this Handbook captures the field at this point in time. Its unique purpose and function is to profile the scope and terrain of academic inquiry on Latinos and education. Presenting the most significant and potentially influential work in the field in terms of its contributions to research, to professional practice, and to the emergence of related interdisciplinary studies and theory, the volume is organized around five themes:
history, theory, and methodology
policies and politics
language and culture
teaching and learning
resources and information.
The Handbook of Latinos and Education is a must-have resource for educational researchers, graduate students, teacher educators, and the broad spectrum of individuals, groups, agencies, organizations and institutions sharing a common interest in and commitment to the educational issues that impact Latinos.
history, theory, and methodology
policies and politics
language and culture
teaching and learning
resources and information.
The Handbook of Latinos and Education is a must-have resource for educational researchers, graduate students, teacher educators, and the broad spectrum of individuals, groups, agencies, organizations and institutions sharing a common interest in and commitment to the educational issues that impact Latinos.
Enrique G. Murillo, Jr. is Associate Professor in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Culture at California State University, San Bernardino. He is the editor of the Journal of Latinos and Education.
Sofia A. Villenas is Associate Professor of Education and Director of the Latino/a Studies Program at Cornell University.
Ruth Trinidad Galván is Assistant Professor in the Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies Department at the University of New Mexico.
Juan Sánchez Muñoz is Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Director of the Center for Research in Leadership and Education, in the College of Education, Texas Tech University.
Corinne Martínez is Associate Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at California State University, Long Beach.
Margarita Machado-Casas is Assistant Professor in the Department of Bicultural Bilingual Studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Sofia A. Villenas is Associate Professor of Education and Director of the Latino/a Studies Program at Cornell University.
Ruth Trinidad Galván is Assistant Professor in the Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies Department at the University of New Mexico.
Juan Sánchez Muñoz is Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Director of the Center for Research in Leadership and Education, in the College of Education, Texas Tech University.
Corinne Martínez is Associate Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at California State University, Long Beach.
Margarita Machado-Casas is Assistant Professor in the Department of Bicultural Bilingual Studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Foreword, José Salvador Hernández
Preface, Enrique G. Murillo, Jr.
Part I: History, Theory, and Methodology (Eds. Sofia A. Villenas and Douglas E. Foley)
1. History, Theory and Methodology: An Introduction, Sofia A. Villenas and Douglas E. Foley
2. The United Status of Latinos, Victoria-María MacDonald and Juan F. Carrillo
3. Latino Education in Twentieth Century America: A Brief History, Guadalupe San Miguel, Jr. and Rubén Donato
4. Latina/o Education and the Reciprocal Relationship between Theory and Practice: Four Theories Informed by the Experiential Knowledge of Marginalized Communities, C. Alejandra Elenes and Dolores Delgado Bernal
5. Contemporary and Critical Methodological Shifts in Research on Latino Education, María Estela Zarate and Gilberto Q. Conchas
6. Latino/a Theoretical Contributions to Educational Praxis: Abriendo Caminos, Construyendo Puentes, Jason G. Irizarry and Sonia Nieto
Part II: Policies and Politics (Eds. Ruth Trinidad Galván and Norma González)
7. Policies and Politics: An Introduction, Ruth Trinidad Galván and Norma González
8. The Effects of Globalization and Transnationalism on Policies and Practices in the Education of Latinos in the U. S. and Latin Americans in Spain, Martha Montero-Sieburth, Lidia Cabrera Pérez, and Celoni Espínola Mesa
9. Education in the New Latino Diaspora, Edmund T. Hamann and Linda Harklau
10. Construction of Race and Ethnicity for and by Latinos, Edward Fergus, Pedro Noguera and Margary Martin
11. Monoglossic Ideologies and Language Policies in the Education of U.S. Latinas/os, Ofelia García and Rosario Torres-Guevara
12. The Role of High-Stakes Testing and Accountability in Educating Latinos, Frances E. Contreras
13. Assessing the Higher Education Opportunity Structure for Latino Students: Research and Policy Trends at the Turn of the Century, Stella M. Flores
14. Latin@ Faculty in Academelandia, Luis Urrieta, Jr. and Rudolfo Chávez Chávez
15. Latinas/os in Higher Education: Eligibility, Enrollment, and Educational Attainment, Octavio Villalpando
16. Latino Community Activism in the Twenty-First Century: Confronting the Future, Learning from the Past, Carmen I. Mercado and Luis O. Reyes
17. When Stepping to College is Stepping to Consciousness: Critical Pedagogy, Transformational Resistance, and Community Building with Urban Latin@ and African-American Youth, Nicole D. Hidalgo and Jeffrey M. R. Duncan-Andrade
Part III: Language and Culture (Eds. Juan Sánchez Muñoz and Eugene García)
18. Language and Culture: An Introduction, Juan Sánchez Muñoz and Eugene García
19. Infinite Possibilities, Many Obstacles: Language, Culture, Identity and Latino/a Educational Achievement, Aída Hurtado, Karina Cervantez, and Michael Eccleston
20. Misrepresentations of Language and Culture, Language and Culture as Proxies for Marginalization: Debunking the Arguments, Angela E. Arzubiaga and Jennifer Adair
21. Bilingualism: An Overview of the Linguistic Research, Kellie Rolstad and Jeff MacSwan
22. Language, Culture, and Cognition: from Research to Improving Educational Practice for Latino Students, Virginia González
23. Language Socialization Among Latinos: Theory, Method and Approaches, Patricia Baquedano-López, Gabino Arredondo, and Jorge Solís
24. Latino Families: Culture and Schooling, Flora V. Rodríguez-Brown
25. Latinos in Special Education: Equity Issues at the Intersection of Language, Culture, and Ability Differences, Alfredo J. Artiles, Amanda L. Sullivan, Federico R. Waitoller, and Rebecca A. Neal
26. Effective Practices that Matter for Latino Children, Teresa M. Huerta and Carmina M. Brittain
27. Language, Culture, Policy and the Law: Issues for Latino Students, Tom Stritikus and Bonnie English
Part IV: Teaching and Learning (Eds. Corinne Martínez and Esteban Díaz)
28. Teaching and Learning: An Introduction, Corinne Martínez and Esteban Díaz
29. Going Back to the Headwaters: Examining Latina/o Educational Attainment and Achievement Through a Framework of Hope, Rebeca Burciaga, Lindsay Perez Huber and Daniel G. Solorzano
30. Dismantling Group-Based Inequality in a NCLB Era, Effective Practices, and Latino Students Placed and Left at Risk, Pedro R. Portes, Margaret A. Gallego and Spencer Salas
31. "Who are These Kids, Rejects from Hell?" Analyzing Hollywood Distortions of Latina/o High School Students, Tara J. Yosso and David G. García
32. Latin@s in Early Childhood Education: Issues, Practices, and Future Directions, Verónica E. Valdez and María E. Fránquiz
33. Best Practices for Teaching Latino English Learners in U.S. Schools, Josefina Villamil Tinajero, Judith Hope Munter and Blanca Araujo
34. Accountability and Educational Assessment for Latino English Language Learning Students: Improving Practices through Multidisciplinary Approaches, Zenaida Aguirre-Muñoz and Guillermo Solano-Flores
35. Boosting the Professional Development of Teachers of Latino English Learners, Liliana Minaya-Rowe and José A. Ortiz
Part V: Resources and Information (Ed. Margarita Machado-Casas)
36. Resources and Information: An Introduction, Margarita Machado-Casas
37. Adult/Continuing Education, Carlos Martín Vélez
38. Commercial Products, Minda López
39. Demographics/Statistics and Government, Norma A. Guzmán
40. Events, Victor A. Castillo and Sonia N. Sánchez
41. Groups, Silvia Cristina Bettez
42. Higher Education, Belinda Treviño Schouten and Katherine Graves-Talati
43. Internet Tools/Technology, Victor H. Pérez
44. Libraries/Museums/Galleries, Belinda Treviño Schouten
45. Nonprint Media, Grisel Y. Acosta
46. Parents and Teachers, Esther Garza and Keren Zuniga McDowell
47. Periodicals, Evelyn M. Gordon and Daniella Ann Cook
48. Publications, Norma A. Guzmán, Janet López and Mary Ruth Fernández
Preface, Enrique G. Murillo, Jr.
Part I: History, Theory, and Methodology (Eds. Sofia A. Villenas and Douglas E. Foley)
1. History, Theory and Methodology: An Introduction, Sofia A. Villenas and Douglas E. Foley
2. The United Status of Latinos, Victoria-María MacDonald and Juan F. Carrillo
3. Latino Education in Twentieth Century America: A Brief History, Guadalupe San Miguel, Jr. and Rubén Donato
4. Latina/o Education and the Reciprocal Relationship between Theory and Practice: Four Theories Informed by the Experiential Knowledge of Marginalized Communities, C. Alejandra Elenes and Dolores Delgado Bernal
5. Contemporary and Critical Methodological Shifts in Research on Latino Education, María Estela Zarate and Gilberto Q. Conchas
6. Latino/a Theoretical Contributions to Educational Praxis: Abriendo Caminos, Construyendo Puentes, Jason G. Irizarry and Sonia Nieto
Part II: Policies and Politics (Eds. Ruth Trinidad Galván and Norma González)
7. Policies and Politics: An Introduction, Ruth Trinidad Galván and Norma González
8. The Effects of Globalization and Transnationalism on Policies and Practices in the Education of Latinos in the U. S. and Latin Americans in Spain, Martha Montero-Sieburth, Lidia Cabrera Pérez, and Celoni Espínola Mesa
9. Education in the New Latino Diaspora, Edmund T. Hamann and Linda Harklau
10. Construction of Race and Ethnicity for and by Latinos, Edward Fergus, Pedro Noguera and Margary Martin
11. Monoglossic Ideologies and Language Policies in the Education of U.S. Latinas/os, Ofelia García and Rosario Torres-Guevara
12. The Role of High-Stakes Testing and Accountability in Educating Latinos, Frances E. Contreras
13. Assessing the Higher Education Opportunity Structure for Latino Students: Research and Policy Trends at the Turn of the Century, Stella M. Flores
14. Latin@ Faculty in Academelandia, Luis Urrieta, Jr. and Rudolfo Chávez Chávez
15. Latinas/os in Higher Education: Eligibility, Enrollment, and Educational Attainment, Octavio Villalpando
16. Latino Community Activism in the Twenty-First Century: Confronting the Future, Learning from the Past, Carmen I. Mercado and Luis O. Reyes
17. When Stepping to College is Stepping to Consciousness: Critical Pedagogy, Transformational Resistance, and Community Building with Urban Latin@ and African-American Youth, Nicole D. Hidalgo and Jeffrey M. R. Duncan-Andrade
Part III: Language and Culture (Eds. Juan Sánchez Muñoz and Eugene García)
18. Language and Culture: An Introduction, Juan Sánchez Muñoz and Eugene García
19. Infinite Possibilities, Many Obstacles: Language, Culture, Identity and Latino/a Educational Achievement, Aída Hurtado, Karina Cervantez, and Michael Eccleston
20. Misrepresentations of Language and Culture, Language and Culture as Proxies for Marginalization: Debunking the Arguments, Angela E. Arzubiaga and Jennifer Adair
21. Bilingualism: An Overview of the Linguistic Research, Kellie Rolstad and Jeff MacSwan
22. Language, Culture, and Cognition: from Research to Improving Educational Practice for Latino Students, Virginia González
23. Language Socialization Among Latinos: Theory, Method and Approaches, Patricia Baquedano-López, Gabino Arredondo, and Jorge Solís
24. Latino Families: Culture and Schooling, Flora V. Rodríguez-Brown
25. Latinos in Special Education: Equity Issues at the Intersection of Language, Culture, and Ability Differences, Alfredo J. Artiles, Amanda L. Sullivan, Federico R. Waitoller, and Rebecca A. Neal
26. Effective Practices that Matter for Latino Children, Teresa M. Huerta and Carmina M. Brittain
27. Language, Culture, Policy and the Law: Issues for Latino Students, Tom Stritikus and Bonnie English
Part IV: Teaching and Learning (Eds. Corinne Martínez and Esteban Díaz)
28. Teaching and Learning: An Introduction, Corinne Martínez and Esteban Díaz
29. Going Back to the Headwaters: Examining Latina/o Educational Attainment and Achievement Through a Framework of Hope, Rebeca Burciaga, Lindsay Perez Huber and Daniel G. Solorzano
30. Dismantling Group-Based Inequality in a NCLB Era, Effective Practices, and Latino Students Placed and Left at Risk, Pedro R. Portes, Margaret A. Gallego and Spencer Salas
31. "Who are These Kids, Rejects from Hell?" Analyzing Hollywood Distortions of Latina/o High School Students, Tara J. Yosso and David G. García
32. Latin@s in Early Childhood Education: Issues, Practices, and Future Directions, Verónica E. Valdez and María E. Fránquiz
33. Best Practices for Teaching Latino English Learners in U.S. Schools, Josefina Villamil Tinajero, Judith Hope Munter and Blanca Araujo
34. Accountability and Educational Assessment for Latino English Language Learning Students: Improving Practices through Multidisciplinary Approaches, Zenaida Aguirre-Muñoz and Guillermo Solano-Flores
35. Boosting the Professional Development of Teachers of Latino English Learners, Liliana Minaya-Rowe and José A. Ortiz
Part V: Resources and Information (Ed. Margarita Machado-Casas)
36. Resources and Information: An Introduction, Margarita Machado-Casas
37. Adult/Continuing Education, Carlos Martín Vélez
38. Commercial Products, Minda López
39. Demographics/Statistics and Government, Norma A. Guzmán
40. Events, Victor A. Castillo and Sonia N. Sánchez
41. Groups, Silvia Cristina Bettez
42. Higher Education, Belinda Treviño Schouten and Katherine Graves-Talati
43. Internet Tools/Technology, Victor H. Pérez
44. Libraries/Museums/Galleries, Belinda Treviño Schouten
45. Nonprint Media, Grisel Y. Acosta
46. Parents and Teachers, Esther Garza and Keren Zuniga McDowell
47. Periodicals, Evelyn M. Gordon and Daniella Ann Cook
48. Publications, Norma A. Guzmán, Janet López and Mary Ruth Fernández