Modeling And Control of Complex Systems
出版社:CRC Press UK
作者:Petros A. Ioannou (EDT); Andreas Pitsillides (EDT)
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Comprehension of complex systems comes from an understanding of not only the behavior of constituent elements but how they act together to form the behavior of the whole. However, given the multidisciplinary nature of complex systems, the scattering of information across different areas creates a chaotic situation for those trying to understand possible solutions and applications. Modeling and Control of Complex Systems brings together a number of research experts to present some of their latest approaches and future research directions in a language accessible to system theorists. Contributors discuss complex systems such as networks for modeling and control of civil structures, vehicles, robots, biomedical systems, fluid flow systems, and home automation systems. Each chapter provides theoretical and methodological descriptions of a specific application in the control of complex systems, including congestion control in computer networks, autonomous multi-robot docking systems, modeling and control in cancer genomics, and backstepping controllers for stabilization of turbulent flow PDEs. With this unique reference, you will discover how complexity is dealt with in different disciplines and learn about the latest methodologies, which are applicable to your own specialty. The balanced mix of theory and simulation presented by Modeling and Control of Complex Systems supplies a strong vehicle for enlarging your knowledge base a fueling future advances and incredible breakthroughs.
Introduction P. Ioannou and A. PitsillidesModeling and Control of Complex Systems using Neural NetworksK.S. Narendra, M. Feiler, and Z.-L. TianModeling and Identification of Complex Structural SystemsS.Masri and A. ChassiakosModel-free adaptive dynamic programming algorithms for H-infinity control of complex linear systemsA. Al-Tamimi, M. Abu-Khalaf, and F.L. LewisOptimization and Distributed Control for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks A. Sridhara and B. KrishnamachariOptimization Problems in the Deployment of Sensor NetworksC. G. Cassandras and W. LiCongestion Control in Computer NetworksM.s Lestas, A. Pitsillides, and P. IoannouPersistent Autonomous Formations and Cohesive Motion ControlB. Fidan, B. D.O. Anderson, C.Yu, and J. M. HendrickxModeling and Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - Current Status and Future DirectionsG. Vachtsevanos, P. Antsaklis, and K. ValavanisAutonomous Multi-Robot Docking SystemsA. Drenner and N. PapanikolopoulosModeling and Control in Cancer Genomics A. Datta, A. Choudhary, M. L. Bittner, and E. R. DoughertyModeling and control problems in the visuomotor pathwayB. K. Ghosh, W. Wang, and Z. V. FreudenburgModeling and Control of Transportation Systems P. Ioannou, Y.Wang, and H. ChangBackstepping Controllers for Stabilization of Turbulent Flow PDEs M. Krstic, J. Cochran, and R. VazquezApplying MAS theory to Complex Home Automation Systems G. Conte and D. ScaradozziMulti-Robot Social Group-Based Search Algorithms B. Fox, W.T. Ong, H.P. Lee, and A.Y. Zomaya