El Espiritu de Liderazgo / Spirit of Leadership

El Espiritu de Liderazgo / Spirit of Leadership


:NT$ 760 元
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El espíritu de liderazgo define la singular actitud que todo líder eficaz presenta, cómo eliminar los obstáculos a sus habilidades de liderazgo, y, cómo cumplir con su llamado particular en la vida.
¡Con sabiduría y poder, el Dr. Munroe revela una riqueza de ideas prácticas que le motivará a cambiar de ser un simple seguidor al líder que usted fue diseñado a ser!

The Spirit of Leadershipdefines the unique attitudes that all effective leaders exhibit, explains how to eliminate hindrances to your leadership abilities, and helps you to fulfill your particular calling in life.
With wisdom and power, Dr. Munroe reveals a wealth of practical insights that will move you from being a follower to becoming the leader you were meant to be!


El Dr. Myles Munroe (1954–2014) fue un orador motivacional internacional, autor de exitos de ventas, educador, mentor de liderazgo, y consultor gubernamental y de negocios. Viajaba extensamente por todo el mundo, abordando temas criticos que afectan a todas las areas del desarrollo humano, social y espiritual. El tema central de su mensaje es la maximizacion del potencial individual, incluyendo la transformacion de seguidores en lideres y de lideres en agentes de cambio.
El doctor Munroe fue fundador y presidente de Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI), una organizacion multidimensional con oficinas principals en Nassau, Bahamas. Fue director general (CEO) de International Third World Leaders Association (Asociacion Internacional de Lideres del Tercer Mundo) y presidente de International Leadership Training Institute (Instituto Internacional de Adiestramiento en Liderazgo).
Fue ademas el fundador y productor ejecutivo de programas de radio y television transmitidos alrededor del mundo. Era invitado frecuente en otros programas de radio y television en emisoras internacionales, y fue colaborador de varias ediciones biblicas, revistas y boletines como. Fue un popular autor de mas de 40 libros.
El doctor Munroe ha cambiado las vidas de multitudes en todo el mundo con un poderoso mensaje que inspira, motiva, desafia y empodera a las personas para descubrir su proposito personal, desarrollar el verdadero potencial, y manifestar las habilidades unicas del liderazgo. Por mas de treinta anos, ha adiestrado a decenas de miles de lideres en negocios, industria, educacion, gobierno y religion.
El doctor Munroe obtuvo sus grados de bachillerato y maestria de la Universidad Oral Roberts y la Universidad de Tulsa, en Oklahoma. Recibio ademas diversos grados honorarios. Sirvio como profesor adjunto de la Escuela Graduada de Teologia de la Universidad Oral Roberts.
Los padres de dos hijos adultos, Charisa y Chairo (Myles, Jr.), el doctor Munroe y su esposa Ruth viajaban como equipo, ofreciendo juntos seminaries de ensenanza. Ambos eran lideres que ministraban con corazones sensibles y vision internacional. En noviembre de 2014, murieron tragicamente en un desastre aereo rumbo a una conferencia anual de liderazgo auspiciada por Bahamas Faith Ministries International.
Dr. Myles Munroe (1954–2014) was an international motivational speaker, best-selling author, educator, leadership mentor, and consultant for government and business. Traveling extensively throughout the world, Dr. Munroe addressed critical issues affecting the full range of human, social, and spiritual development. The central theme of his message is the maximization of individual potential, including the transformation of followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change.
Dr. Munroe was founder and president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI), a multidimensional organization headquartered in Nassau, Bahamas. He was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Association and president of the International Leadership Training Institute.
Dr. Munroe was also the founder and executive producer of a number of radio and television programs aired worldwide. In addition, he was a frequent guest on other television and radio programs and international networks and was a contributing writer for various Bible editions, journals, magazines, and newsletters. He was a popular author of more than forty books. Dr. Munroe has changed the lives of multitudes around the world with a powerful message that inspires, motivates, challenges, and empowers people to discover personal purpose, develop true potential, and manifest their unique leadership abilities. For over thirty years, he trained tens of thousands of leaders in business, industry, education, government, and religion.
Dr. Munroe earned B.A. and M.A. degrees from Oral Roberts University and the University of Tulsa, and was awarded a number of honorary doctoral degrees. He also served as an adjunct professor of the Graduate School of Theology at Oral Roberts University.
The parents of two adult children, Charisa and Chairo (Myles Jr.), Dr. Munroe and his wife, Ruth, traveled as a team and were involved in teaching seminars together. Both were leaders who ministered with sensitive hearts and international vision. In November 2014, they were tragically killed in an airplane crash en route to an annual leadership conference sponsored by Bahamas Faith Ministries International.







定價:100 760



