Microgel Suspensions - Fundamentals And Applications

Microgel Suspensions - Fundamentals And Applications


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Providing a vital link between chemistry and physics on the nanoscale, this book offers concise coverage of the entire topic in five major sections, beginning with synthesis of microgel particles and continuing with their physical properties. The phase behavior and dynamics of resulting microgel suspensions feature in the third section, followed by their mechanical properties. It concludes with detailed accounts of numerous industrial, commercial and medical applications.
Edited by David Weitz, Professor at Harvard and one of the world's pre-eminent experts in the field.


Alberto Fernandez-Nieves is Assistant Professor of Physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Granada (Spain) and came to the US to work with David Weitz as a Post-Doctoral Researcher in 2001. Before joining GeorgiaTech, he was Lecturer in the Department of Applied Physics at the University of Almeria (Spain). His research is in Soft Condensed Matter Physics with a focus on the connection between microscopic order and macroscopic properties.

Hans Wyss is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, working in the group of David Weitz. He received his B.S. in Physics and his PhD in Materials Science from ETH Zurich (Switzerland). His research interests are focused on the structure, dynamics, and rheology of soft materials.

Johan Mattsson is an Assistant Professor of physics at Chalmers University of Technology in Goteborg, Sweden. He received his MSc in Eng. Physics from Lund University (Sweden) and his PhD in Materials Science from Chalmers. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher in David Weitz's research group at Harvard University, 2003-2006. His research is directed towards soft matter in general, with a particular focus on structure and dynamics of disordered materials.

David Weitz is the Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and of Applied Physics at Harvard University. He received his B.S. in Physics from the University of Waterloo, and A.M. and Ph.D. in Physics from Harvard University. His research group studies the physics of soft condensed matter. Before coming to Harvard, David Weitz was a Professor of Physics at the University of Pennsylvania and a Physicist with Exxon Research and Engineering Co.



List of Contributors.

Part One Synthesis.

1 Microgels and Their Synthesis: An Introduction (Robert Pelton and Todd Hoare).

1.1 Introduction.

1.2 Microgel Synthesis.

1.3 Particle Derivatization.

1.4 Microgel Purification and Storage.

1.5 Conclusions.

2 Polymerization Kinetics of Microgel Particles (Abdelhamid Elaissari and Ali Reza Mahdavian).

2.1 Introduction.

2.2 Polymerization Processes.

2.3 Kinetics of Polymerization Reaction.

2.4 Conclusions.

3 New Functional Microgels from Microfluidics (Jin-Woong Kim and Liang-Yin Chu).

3.1 Introduction.

3.2 Monodisperse Thermosensitive Microgels Fabricated in a PDMS Microfluidic Chip.

3.3 Monodisperse Thermosensitive Microgels Fabricated in a Capillary Microfluidic Device.

3.4 Monodisperse Thermosensitive Microgels with Tunable Volume-Phase Transition Kinetics.

3.5 Monodisperse Thermosensitive Microgels with Core–Shell Structures Containing Functional Materials.

3.6 Monodisperse Thermosensitive Microgels with Multiphase Complex Structures.

3.7 Conclusions.

Part Two Physical Properties of Microgel Particles.

4 Swelling Thermodynamics of Microgel Particles (Benjamin Sierra-Martin, Juan Jose Lietor-Santos, Antonio Fernandez-Barbero, Toan T. Nguyen, and Alberto Fernandez-Nieves).

4.1 Introduction.

4.2 Swelling Thermodynamics.

4.3 Theory Versus Experiment.

4.4 Additional Aspects.

4.5 Summary.

5 Determination of Microgel Structure by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (Walter Richtering, Ingo Berndt, and Jan Skov Pedersen).

5.1 Introduction.

5.2 Form Factor of Microgels.

5.3 Core–Shell Particles.

5.4 Summary.

6 Interactions and Colloid Stability of Microgel Particles (Brian Vincent and Brian Saunders).

6.1 Theoretical Background.

6.2 Experimental Studies.

Part Three Phase Behavior and Dynamics of Microgel Suspensions.

7 Structure and Thermodynamics of Ionic Microgels (Christos N. Likos).

7.1 Introduction.

7.2 Effective Interparticle Potentials.

7.3 The Fluid Phase of Ionic Microgels.

7.4 Genetic Algorithms for the Crystal Structures.

7.5 Phase Behavior.

7.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks.

8 Elasticity of Soft Particles and Colloids Near the Jamming Threshold (Matthieu Wyart).

8.1 Introduction.

8.2 Structure and Mechanical Stability.

8.3 Elastic Moduli.

8.4 Summary and Conclusion.

9 Crystallization of Microgel Spheres (Zhibing Hu).

9.1 Introduction.

9.2 Synthesis and Characterization of PNIPAM Microgels.

9.3 Phase Behavior of Dispersions of PNIPAM Microgels at Room Temperature.

9.4 Temperature- and Polymer Concentration-Dependent Phases of the PNIPAM Microgel Dispersions.

9.5 Theoretical Investigation of Phase Behavior.

9.6 Phase Diagram in Terms of Volume Fraction.

9.7 The Interparticle Potential.

9.8 Annealing and Aging Effects.

9.9 Kinetics of Crystallization.

9.10 Crystallization Along a Single Direction.

9.11 Summary and Outlook.

10 Melting and Geometric Frustration in Temperature-Sensitive Colloids (Ahmed M. Alsayed, Yilong Han, and Arjun G. Yodh).

10.1 Introduction.

10.2 The Experimental System.

10.3 "First" Melting in Bulk (3D) Colloidal Crystals.

10.4 Melting in Two Dimensions: The Hexatic Phase.

10.5 Geometric Frustration in Colloidal "Antiferromagnets".

10.6 Future.

Part Four Mechanical Properties.

11 Yielding, Flow, and Slip in Microgel Suspensions: From Microstructure to Macroscopic Rheology (Michel Cloitre).

11.1 Introduction.

11.2 Advanced Techniques for Microgel Rheology.

11.3 Near-Equilibrium Properties and Linear Rheology of Microgel Suspensions.

11.4 Yielding, Flow, and Aging.

11.5 Slip and Flow of Microgel Suspensions Near Confining Surfaces.

11.6 Outlook.

12 Mechanics of Single Microgel Particles (Hans M. Wyss, Johan Mattsson, Thomas Franke, Alberto Fernandez-Nieves, and David A. Weitz).

12.1 Compressive Measurements by Variation of the Osmotic Pressure.

12.2 Capillary Micromechanics: Full Mechanical Behavior of a Single Microgel Particle.

12.3 Discussion: Effects of Particle Softness on Suspension Rheology.

12.4 Microgels as Model Glasses: Soft Particles Make Strong Glasses.

12.5 Analogy to Emulsions and Foams.

13 Rheology of Industrially Relevant Microgels (Jason R. Stokes).

13.1 Introduction.

13.2 Flow Behavior.

13.3 Microgel Suspension Rheology in Applications.

13.4 Outlook.

Part Five Applications.

14 Exploiting the Optical Properties of Microgels and Hydrogels as Microlenses and Photonic Crystals in Sensing Applications (L. Andrew Lyon, Grant R. Hendrickson, Zhiyong Meng, and Ashlee N. St. John Iyer).

14.1 Introduction.

14.2 Responsive Microgel and Hydrogel-Based Lenses.

14.3 Photonic Crystals.

14.4 Other Responsive Systems.

14.5 Summary.

15 Microgels in Drug Delivery (Martin Malmsten).

15.1 Introduction.

15.2 Polymer Gels.

15.3 Polymer Microgels.

15.4 Polymer Microcapsules.

15.5 Swelling, Loading, and Release Kinetics.

15.6 Outlook.

16 Microgels for Oil Recovery (Yuxing Ben, Ian Robb, Peng Tonmukayakul, and Qiang Wang).

16.1 Introduction.

16.2 Microgels Used in Oil Recovery.

16.3 Concluding Remarks.

17 Applications of Biopolymer Microgels (Eugene Pashkovski).

17.1 Introduction.

17.2 Origin, Production, and Molecular Properties of Xanthan Gum.

17.3 Characterization of Xanthan and CMC Microgels.

17.4 Rheology of Silica Suspensions in Xanthan Microgel Pastes.

17.5 Aging of Concentrated Xanthan Suspensions.

17.6 Conclusions.









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