Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques

Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques


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With its uncommon presentation of instructional material regarding mathematical modeling, measurements, and solution of inverse problems, Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques is a one-stop reference for those dealing with various aspects of heat transfer.
Progress in mathematical modeling of complex industrial and environmental systems has enabled numerical simulations of most physical phenomena. In addition, recent advances in thermal instrumentation and heat transfer modeling have improved experimental procedures and indirect measurements for heat transfer research of both natural phenomena and manmade applications. These new resources and methods help theoretical, computational, and experimental researchers synergistically interact to better understand the physical phenomena being studied. This book explores how inverse analysis can be used to increase understanding of interactions between technological systems and nature, by bridging the gap between data derived from measurements and information from theoretical predictions.
Assembled in three parts—Modeling and Measurements in Heat Transfer, Inverse Heat Transfer Problems, and Applications—this self-contained resource:

Explores theoretical background and examples

Outlines practical applications, including sample test cases

Presents inverse techniques to estimate spatially and time-varying functions (such as heat sources, fluxes, and thermophysical properties), as well as constant parameters in heat transfer problems

Written by international experts, this book assumes basic heat transfer knowledge, presenting a balanced approach suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, as well as practicing engineers and academic and industrial researchers. With coverage of modeling at the micro- and nanoscales, this book covers classic and novel approaches to help readers understand and solve heat transfer problems of all kinds.


Helcio Orlande and Renato M. Cotta are both with the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Olivier Fudym is an Associate Professor in Heat Transfer at Ecole des Mines d'Albi, France, and the Coordinator of the "Energy Efficiency and Thermal Sciences" Research Group at RAPSODEE Research Center.
Denis Maillet is a Professor of Heat Transfer at Université de Lorraine and Coordinator of the Energy Research Group at the LEMTA-Lab in Nancy, France.


Modeling and Measurements in Heat Transfer
Modeling in Heat Transfer, J.-L. Battaglia and D. Maillet
A Multiscale Modeling Approach to Predict Thermophysical Properties of Heterogeneous Media, M. Cruz and C. Matt
Temperature Measurements: Thermoelectricity and Microthermocouples, F. Lanzetta and E. Gavignet
Temperature Measurements: Resistive Sensors, P. Seleghim, Jr.
Heat Flux Sensors, S. Güths
Radiative Measurements of Temperature, J.-C. Krapez
Inverse Heat Transfer Problems
Introduction to Linear Least Squares Estimation and Ill-Posed Problems for Experimental Data Processing, O. Fudym and J.-C. Batsale
Inverse Problems and Regularization, H. Campos Velho
Non-linear Estimation Problems, B. Rémy and S. André
A Survey of Basic Deterministic, heuristic and Hybrid Methods for Single Objective Optimization and Response Surface Generation, M. Colaço and G. Dulikravich
Adjoint Methods, Y. Jarny and H. Orlande
Bayesian Approaches for the Solution of Inverse Problems, M. Paez and D. Gamerman
Identification of Low Order Models and Use for Solving Inverse Boundary Problems, M. Girault, D. Petit and E. Videcoq
Karhunen-Loève Decomposition for Data, Noise, and Model Reduction in Inverse Problems, E. Palomo and J.-L. Dauvergne
Explicit Formulations for Radiative Transfer Problems, L. Barichello
Analysis of Errors in Measurements and Inversion, P. Le Masson and M. Dal
Multisignal Least Squares: Dispersion, Bias, Regularization, T. Metzger and D. Maillet
Thermophysical Properties Identification in the Frequency Domain, V. Borges, P. Sousa, A. Fernandes and G. Guimarães
Front Face Thermal Characterization of Materials by a Photothermal Pulse Technique, F. Rigollet and C. Le Niliot
Estimation of Space Variable Thermophysical Properties, C. N.-Cotta, R. Cotta and H. Orlande
Inverse Thermal Radiation Problems: Estimation of Radiative Properties of Dispersed Media, L. M. Moura







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