The First Year: Hepatitis C: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed
系列名:The First Year
出版社:Da Capo Pr
作者:Cara Bruce; Lisa Montanarelli; Teresa Wright
The fifth-year anniversary of the book ushers in a new phase of treatment and information, including protease inhibitors (which have been so successful in treating HIV), split-liver transplants, and prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for HCV. Bruce and Montanarelli also offer updated information on medications that are toxic to the liver; Eastern and Western approaches to healing; nutrition guides; the types of hepatitis that have been identified and what is known; and living with coinfection (HCV and HIV, HBV, and HAV). Alarming statistics: Hepatitis C is the most common bloodborne virus: It has infected 300 million people worldwide (4.1 million in the U.S.) and kills 8,000 to 10,000 Americans each year. About 26,000 people in the U.S. are infected yearly. Chronic hepatitis C is the number one cause of liver transplants. Key lifestyle issues: The book offers emotional support for newly diagnosed patients, helps them navigate and overcome insurance obstacles, as well as providing suggestions for making necessary changes in diet, exercise, drinking habits, drug use, dating, and sex life. Bruce and Montanarelli also debunk common myths and offer ideas for coping with depression, fatigue, and the side effects of medications.
Cara Bruce is an accomplished writer who has served as senior editor for three on-line magazines and has edited three fiction anthologies. Her work has appeared on and in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, and more than a dozen anthologies. She was diagnosed with hepatitis C in 2000.
Lisa Montanarelli, a freelance writer and sex educator, received her B.A. from Yale and her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from U.C. Berkeley. Her work has appeared on (Agence France-Presse), on and in the San Francisco Bay Guardian and other publications. She was diagnosed with hepatitis C in 1990.
Cara and Lisa both live in San Francisco.
Teresa L. Wright, MD, is Chief of the Gastroenterology Section at the San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. A prolific author in peer-reviewed journals, she has lectured nationally and internationally on hepatitis C and B. She has been a visiting professor at sixteen universities in the US and Canada. Dr. Wright is a member of the Council of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.
Lisa Montanarelli, a freelance writer and sex educator, received her B.A. from Yale and her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from U.C. Berkeley. Her work has appeared on (Agence France-Presse), on and in the San Francisco Bay Guardian and other publications. She was diagnosed with hepatitis C in 1990.
Cara and Lisa both live in San Francisco.
Teresa L. Wright, MD, is Chief of the Gastroenterology Section at the San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. A prolific author in peer-reviewed journals, she has lectured nationally and internationally on hepatitis C and B. She has been a visiting professor at sixteen universities in the US and Canada. Dr. Wright is a member of the Council of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.