Sustainable Business: An Executive's Primer
出版社:Business Expert Pr PBKBUSEX
作者:Nancy E. Landrum Ph.D.; Sandra Edwards
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This book is a brief introduction to sustainability as it applies to business and offers an overview of how sustainability is applied throughout the organization. Chapters are organized by familiar departments or functions of the business and cover the applications and terminology of sustainability throughout each area. Whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur, an employee, or a business student, this book will help you understand the big picture of what it means to be a sustainable business.
Nancy E. Landrum, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR); she is also the Principal at Sustainable Business Design Consulting and is cofounder of the Sustainable Business Network of Central Arkansas. Dr. Landrum has consulted on sustainability issues with companies ranging from Fortune 200 and supermajor oil companies to locally-owned small businesses. Through class projects, Dr. Landrum and her students have worked with several local private, public, government, and nonprofit organizations pursuing sustainability. Dr. Landrum serves on the Sustainability Committee for UALR, the Little Rock Sustainability Commission, and the Green Schools committee of the Arkansas chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council. In addition, Dr. Landrum is faculty advisor to UALR Net Impact and was named a Net Impact Distinguished Member. Her research, teaching, and consulting interests are in the areas of strategic management, corporate social responsibility, sustainable business, and base of the pyramid strategies. Publications include 10 peer-reviewed academic journal articles, 9 peer-reviewed academic proceedings, 3 book chapters, 3 contributions to books, and a sustainable business blog (recently listed among the Top 50 Business Professor Blogs). The common theme throughout all of Dr. Landrum's publications is responsible, ethical, and sustainable business. Dr. Landrum has been a visiting scholar in China and Finland. Prior to academia, Dr. Landrum was a children's mental health therapist and licensed social worker. Dr. Landrum is proud to have found a "forever family" with her two beautiful daughters.
Sandra Edwards, Ph.D., is Associate Professor and MBA Director at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Her main teaching areas are corporate sustainability, quantitative analysis, and organizational leadership. Dr. Edwards has also taught at University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, in the fields of management and marketing. Her research interests include sustainable business, work team effectiveness, learning styles, and team mental models. Dr. Edwards has consulted with several businesses in the areas of strategic planning and team building and is currently a consultant with Sustainable Business Design Consulting. In addition, she has made presentations on sustainable business for local business leaders and at national and regional academic conferences. Dr. Edwards currently serves on the Leadership Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee for the College of Business. She has published 1 book chapter, 2 peer-reviewed academic journal articles, and 12 peer-reviewed academic proceedings. In addition, she has contributed to the review and revision of several textbooks.
Sandra Edwards, Ph.D., is Associate Professor and MBA Director at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Her main teaching areas are corporate sustainability, quantitative analysis, and organizational leadership. Dr. Edwards has also taught at University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, in the fields of management and marketing. Her research interests include sustainable business, work team effectiveness, learning styles, and team mental models. Dr. Edwards has consulted with several businesses in the areas of strategic planning and team building and is currently a consultant with Sustainable Business Design Consulting. In addition, she has made presentations on sustainable business for local business leaders and at national and regional academic conferences. Dr. Edwards currently serves on the Leadership Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee for the College of Business. She has published 1 book chapter, 2 peer-reviewed academic journal articles, and 12 peer-reviewed academic proceedings. In addition, she has contributed to the review and revision of several textbooks.