Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching

Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching


:NT$ 7920 元
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"As the consummate praetilioner he is. Stephen G. Barkley has worked tirelessly for twenty-five years, long before it became popular, to educate so many others about the immense power of teachers coaching their peers so that all students learn. His accessible language, practieal and immediately useful strategies. and inspiring stories make this book the single most important resource for any school or school system that cares about their `culture' of coaching." ---Denny Berry, director, Cluster VI. Fairfax County Public Schools, Virginia

"This book is a must for any educator striving to make positive changes in student achievement! Barklcy provides the best practical approaches for educators who evaluate how student behaviors relate to the strategies implemented in the classroom. He outlines how increased collaboration through ongoing coaching is critical for improving student achievement and refming the skills of every teacher." ---Diane Ray. director, Teacher Leader Development, Professional Association of Georgia Educators

"Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching is an exemplary resource for any school distriel whose goal is to establish a common language that can be used by mentors, administrators. and coaehes, Barkley provides praetical coaching models that are grounded in research, and he provides real examples that can he adapted to any school. The Career in Teaching Program of the Rochester City School District has included this book as a `mustread' by all mentors in the program." ---Marie Costanza. director, Career in Teaching Program. Rochester, New York

"Stephen G. Barkley's book on coaching was one of the first I read when we were developing our instructional coaching approach, and it remains one of my favorites. Anyone interested in improving instruction will find a lot of useful information here." ---Jim Knight, director, Kansas Coaching Project, The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning


Stephen G. Barkley immersed himself in the promotion of coaching for teachers and has since afforded opportunities for success in educational coaching eultures worldwide. Barkley has extraordinary knowledge and perspective about a teachers's life in the classroom and is a highly motivational and riveting speaker. He serves as a catalyst for growth---a role model who practices what he teaches.
Terri Bianco joined forces with Stephen G. Barkley and Performance Learning Systems, Inc. in 1991 where she designed and wrote several graduate courses for educators. An executive coach, Bianco creates and delivers live and online training programs. She has collaborated with Barkley on multiple books and articles and currently heads TBEnterprises in California (







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