Angles of Approach: Poems
系列名:Marie Alexander Poetry Series
出版社:White Pine Pr
作者:Holly Iglesias
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"The cumulative effect of Holly Iglesias' gorgeous prose poems in Angles of Approach is both hypnotic and disturbing. She is witness and actor alike, a citizen of American soil both running from and caught deep in its grand mistakes and its sharp-edged minutiae. There is humor to keep us from despair, and there is a dark vision that begs questions. Iglesisias, as a lover of history and a chronicler of its shared and intimate details, pronounces no judgements with her time elegies. She simply renders them musical and faultless, places them side by side, and invites us to listen"-Maureen Seaton, author of Cave of the Yellow Volkswagen
"It's unusual to call a book of poetry a 'page turner' but this collection, with the knocking and jostling of words that make the peculiar rhythm and appeal of the prose poem, is just that. Holly Iglesias has an uncanny ability to capture whole sweeps of history in a few lines, while her eye and ear for the quotidian result in the characters pulling us from one remarkable incident to another as if they had physically taken us by the elbow, whispering urgently. Here is nostalgia without sentimentality, menace without despair, confession without bathos."-Marie Harris
"Reading Angles of Approach is like getting out of the car after a road trip, having followed a map of blue highways through places both strange and familiar. The poems uncover the peculiar, contending histories of transplanted cultures that shape the light of those small answers that mean the most."-Gary Copeland Lilley
"It's unusual to call a book of poetry a 'page turner' but this collection, with the knocking and jostling of words that make the peculiar rhythm and appeal of the prose poem, is just that. Holly Iglesias has an uncanny ability to capture whole sweeps of history in a few lines, while her eye and ear for the quotidian result in the characters pulling us from one remarkable incident to another as if they had physically taken us by the elbow, whispering urgently. Here is nostalgia without sentimentality, menace without despair, confession without bathos."-Marie Harris
"Reading Angles of Approach is like getting out of the car after a road trip, having followed a map of blue highways through places both strange and familiar. The poems uncover the peculiar, contending histories of transplanted cultures that shape the light of those small answers that mean the most."-Gary Copeland Lilley
Holly Iglesias: Holly Iglesias is the author of Souvenirs of a Shrunken World (Kore Press), a collection of poems focused on the 1904 World’s Fair, and a critical work, Boxing Inside the Box: Women’s Prose Poetry (Quale Press). She teaches at the University of North Carolina -Asheville and has received fellowships from the North Carolina Arts Council, the Edward Albee Foundation and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.