Prostitution And Human Trafficking

Prostitution And Human Trafficking


:NT$ 6000 元
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While the trafficking of women for prostitution has been the subject of numerous studies, Prostitution and Human Trafficking is the first book to focus on demand as a key factor in the equation. In order to do this, the editors adopted a double approach: on the one hand, a virtual ethnography was developed that focused on the analysis of specialized forums on the web and that used an anonymous internet questionnaire as interview method. On the other, fieldwork allowed national research teams to collect interviews and data from likely clients of trafficked prostitutes, prostitutes themselves, from police officers involved and from national experts. Who is the client of trafficked prostitution? What fuels the demand for trafficked prostitution as opposed to other forms? Which are the most effective policies for what type of prostitution? The research in this book aims to answer these questions with an innovative approach. The editors have explored the hidden world of human trafficking for prostitution and profiled its clients. In doing so, they have refuted some common stereotypes about clients while inspiring the elaboration of balanced guidelines for managing prostitution, protecting the victims and thus tackling its undesired trafficking component. Prostitution and Human Trafficking is highly recommended for researchers in the fields of criminology, sociology and law as well as for the law enforcement and legal communities. The book is also recommended for organizations and policymakers involved in fighting organized crime in general and human trafficking in particular.


Andrea Di Nicola earned his Ph.D. in Criminology at the University of Bari-Trento on 11 June 2001. Since 2004 he has been a researcher in Sociology of Deviance at the School of Law at the University of Trento (Italy), member of the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Trento, and research coordinator of the Trento office of Transcrime, Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime, University of Trento–Catholic University of Milan (Italy). Since 2004 he has taught Criminology and Applied Criminology at the School of Law at the University of Trento. Since 2003 he has been member of the Academic Board of the International Ph.D. in Criminology of the Catholic University of Milan, coordinated by Prof. Ernesto Savona, where he has tutored several foreign and Italian Ph.D. students. Since 2006 he has been a member of the Academic Board of the Ph.D. in International Studies of the University of Trento, coordinated by Prof. Vincent Della Sala. He has spent research periods abroad in Europe and Australia. In December 1996, he graduated summa cum laude from the School of Law at the University of Trento with a thesis in Criminology. Under the supervision of Prof. Ernesto Savona, Dr. Di Nicola is coordinator of all the research projects developed in the Trento office of Transcrime. Between 2001 and 2007, he has been project manager or lead researcher for more than 20 national and international research projects carried out by Transcrime jointly with other leading EU research centres or researchers, in the field of crime prevention, crime risk assessment as well as economic and organised crime. Many of these projects have concerned trafficking in human beings.Andrea Cauduro is a researcher at Transcrime and a Ph.D. candidate in criminology at the Catholic University in Milan (final discussion foreseen in february 2008). In 2004 he graduated in law with a final dissertation in criminology on trafficking in human beings in the EU. Since then he has been participating as a researcher in several EU financed research projects on this topic. In addition, he has been extensively writing in national and international books and scientific articles, participating as a speaker at some international conferences and has held some lectures at the University of Trento. Finally, since 2007 he has been cooperating with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as an expert on trafficking in human beings. Marco Lombardi is associated professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Catholic University, Milan, teaching Sociology, Theory and Technique of mass communication and Crisis management. He is member of the board of the Ph.D. School of the Faculty of Sociology, director of the Master in Communication of the High School of Communication, director of ITSTIME project (Italian Team for Security Terroristic Issues & Managing Emergencies) member of the board of the Master in Urban Security, member of board of the International Ph.D. in Criminology, member of the board of the Master in International Emergencies Management, faculty of Psychology. He is author of various publications: "Il Kashmir e sempre piu caldo", in Liberal Risk, 2007; An Italian Village, Dreams Creek, Milan 2006; Comunicare nell’emergenza, Vita e Pensiero, Milan 2005; La comunicazione dei rischi naturali, Vita e Pensiero, Milan 2005; "How to Achieve a Real Pacification Amongst the Iraqi Communities?", in The New Iraq, Landau 2005; "Comments on Al-Qaeda’s terrorism and the nuclear threat", in Acque & Terre, 2004.Paolo Ruspini (PhD, Milan) is Senior researcher at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Lugano, Switzerland, as well as Associate Fellow at the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations (CRER) of the University of Warwick, United Kingdom. A political scientist, he has been researching issues of international and European migration and integration with a comparative approach and by drawing on policy and some qualitative analyses. He is an active membe







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