The Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese, Level 2 ─ Simplified Characters

The Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese, Level 2 ─ Simplified Characters


:NT$ 2144 元
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The Routledge Course in Mandarin Chinese is a two-year undergraduate course for students with no prior background in Chinese study. Designed to build a strong foundation in both the spoken and written language it develops all the basic skills such as pronunciation, character writing, word use and structures, while placing strong emphasis on the development of communicative skills.
The complete course consists of Textbook Level 1, Workbook Level 1 – including free CDs, Textbook level 2 and workbook Level 2 – including free CDs. All books are available separately in simplified as well as traditional characters and take the students from complete beginner to post-intermediate level.
Workbook Level 2 is designed to accompany Textbook Level 2 lesson by lesson, and offers exercises for homework, independent study and classroom use. The exercises focus on interpersonal, interpretative and presentational modes of communication while helping students to consolidate the vocabulary, characters, and structures introduced in each lesson. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to read page-length texts for information, listen to and comprehend extended narratives on a variety of topics, and communicate a broad range of information orally and in writing.
The course is also fully supported by an interactive companion website which contains a wealth of additional resources for both teachers and students.

Teachers will find lesson plans in both English and Mandarin, providing a weekly schedule and overall syllabus for fall and spring, as well as activities for each lesson and answer keys.

Students will be able to access downloadable character practice worksheets along with interactive pronunciation, vocabulary and character practice exercises. All the audio material necessary for the course is also available online and conveniently linked on screen to the relevant exercises for ease-of-use.

For more information about the course and to access these additional resources, please visit the Companion Website at

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Claudia Ross is Professor of Chinese at the College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts. She has served as President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association and as Director of the CET Chinese Program in Beijing. Her publications include Chinese Demystified (2010);The Lady in the Painting, Expanded Edition (2008); Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical Guide, co-authored with Jing-heng Sheng Ma; Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook, co-authored with Jing-heng Sheng Ma and Baozhang He (both Routledge, 2006); Outline of Chinese Grammar (2004); and Traditional Chinese Tales: A Course in Intermediate Chinese (2001).

Baozhang He is Associate Professor in Chinese at the College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts. He has served as Director of the Chinese Language Program at Harvard University and as Head Instructor in the "Princeton in Beijing" language program. His publications include Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (Routledge, 2006), co-authored with Claudia Ross and Jing-heng Sheng Ma and Elementary Chinese (2006), co-authored with Pei-Chia Chen.

Pei-Chia Chen is a lecturer in Chinese at UC San Diego and has previously taught at Harvard University. Her publications include Elementary Chinese (2006), co-authored with Baozhang He.

Meng Yeh is Senior Lecturer in Chinese at Rice University. She has served as a Board Member of the Chinese Language Teachers Association and is a founding member of CLTA-TX. She is an AP Chinese consultant for the College Board and a certified Oral Proficiency Interviewer in Chinese for Language Testing International, ACTFL. Her publications include Advancing in Chinese (2010) and Task-based Listening Workbook: Communicating in Chinese Series (1999).


Acknowledgments Introduction List of abbreviations Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20 Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32







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