Hierarchic Electrodynamics and Free Electron Lasers ─ Concepts, Calculations, and Practical Applications

Hierarchic Electrodynamics and Free Electron Lasers ─ Concepts, Calculations, and Practical Applications


:NT$ 14950 元
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Hierarchic Electrodynamics and Free Electron Lasers: Concepts, Calculations, and Practical Applications presents intriguing new fundamental concepts in the phenomenon of hierarchical electrodynamics as a new direction in physics. Concentrating on the key theory of hierarchic oscillations and waves, this book focuses on the numerous applications of nonlinear theory in different types of high-current Free Electron Lasers (FEL), including their primary function in the calculation methods used to analyze various multi-resonant, multi-frequency nonlinear FEL models.
This is considered the first book to:

Completely and systematically describe the foundation of hierarchical electrodynamics as a new direction of physics
Fully represent the physics of high-current FEL—and associated models—from the hierarchic oscillation wave perspective
Cover the multi-harmonic nonlinear theory of new types of electronic devices, such as plasma-beam and two-stream FEL
Formulate and substantiate the concept of cluster femtosecond FEL
Analyze practical prospects for a new generation of a global "Star Wars" strategic defense systems

These subjects involve a wide range of disciplines. Using numerous real-world examples to illustrate information and concepts, the book offers a mathematical foundation to explore FEL applications as well as analyze hierarchic plasma-like electrodynamic systems and femto-second clusters of electromagnetic energy. Assembling fragmented concepts from existing literature, the author re-examines classic approaches in order to develop new insights and achieve scientific breakthroughs.


Victor V. Kulish is a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the National Aviation University, Ukraine.


Part I: Hierarchical Electrodynamics: Key Concepts, Ideas, and Investigation Methods

High-Current Free Electron Lasers as a Historical Relic of the Star Wars Epoch
Star Wars Program from Today’s Point of View
Key Ideas and Potential Design Elements of the Star Wars Program
Femtosecond Laser Systems: Basis, Concepts, and Ideas
CFEL Systems: Methods for Formation and Application of Electromagnetic Clusters
Other Exotic Methods of Formation of Super-Powerful EMPs

Elements of the Theory of Hierarchic Dynamic Systems
Hierarchy and Hierarchic Dynamic Systems
Fundamental Principles in Natural Hierarchic Systems
Postulates of the Theory of Hierarchic Systems
Hierarchic Trees and the Concept of the System God
Hierarchic Description: Basic Ideas and Approaches

Hierarchic Oscillations
Oscillations as a Universal Physical Phenomenon
Hierarchic Oscillations and Hierarchic Trees
Relativistic Electron Beam without the Proper Magnetic Field as a Hierarchic Oscillation System
Relativistic Electron Beam with the Proper Magnetic Field as a Hierarchic Oscillation System

Hierarchic Waves
Electron Beam as a Hierarchic Wave System
Elementary Mechanisms of Wave Amplification in FELs

Hierarchic Description
Decompression and Compression Operators: General Case of Lumped Systems
Distributed Hierarchic Systems
Decompression Operator in the Case of the Van der Pol Method
Decompression and Compression Operators in the Case of the Averaging Methods
Decompression Operator in the Case of Systems with Slow and Fast Variables

Hierarchic Systems with Fast Rotating Phases
General Approach
Decompression Operator in the Simplest Case of One Scalar Phase
Case of Two Fast Rotating Scalar Phases
Case of Many Rotating Scalar Phases
Method of Averaged Characteristics
One Example of the Application of the Method of Averaged Characteristics

Electron Oscillations in FEL-Like Electronic Systems
Formulation of the Problem
Cyclotron Resonances
Parametric Resonances: General Case
Case of Two Electromagnetic Waves
Bounded (Coupled) Parametric Resonance in the Field of Three Electromagnetic Waves
Model with Pumping by the Crossed Magnetic and Electric Undulation Fields

Hierarchic Oscillations and Waves: The Foundation of the World?
Tree of Life: The Ancient Cosmogonic Concept and Method of Investigation
Hierarchy, Oscillations, Modern Physics, and the Tree of Life
Evolution of the Universe in Terms of the Tree of Life Doctrine
Hierarchic Cycles (Oscillations) in Earth Systems
Integrity of the Surrounding World as a Totality of Seven-Level Hierarchic Besoms
Instead of a Conclusion

Part II: High-Current Free Electron Lasers

Free Electron Lasers for the Cluster Systems
Parametrical Free Electron Lasers: Most General Information
Two-Stream Superheterodyne Free Electron Lasers: History and Typical Design Schemes
Cluster Klystron SFEL: The Main Design Schemes and Operation Principles
Linear High-Current Induction Accelerators
Undulation High-Current Induction Accelerators

General Description of the FEL Models
General FEL Model
Formulation of the General FEL Problem
Method of Simulating the FEL Pumping Fields

Parametrical (Ordinary) Free Electron Lasers: Weak-Signal Theory
Self-Consistent Truncated Equations: Simplest Example
Kinematical Analysis
Amplitude Analysis
More General Dopplertron Model: Explosive Instability
Arbitrarily Polarized Dopplertron Model: Truncated Equations
Arbitrarily Polarized Kinetic Model: Approximation of Given Pumping Field in the Case of Raman Mode
Arbitrarily Polarized Kinetic Model: An Approximation of a Given Pumping Field in the Case of the Compton Mode
Arbitrarily Polarized Dopplertron Model: Explosive Instability in the Raman Model
Explosive Instability in the Linearly Polarized Compton Model
Effect of Generation of the Transverse H-Ubitron Field

Ordinary (Parametrical) Free Electron Lasers: Cubic-Nonlinear Theory
Truncated Equations: Dopplertron Model
Truncated Equations: The H-Ubitron Model
Effect of Nonlinear Generation of the Longitudinal Electric Field
Isochronous Model of a Dopplertron Amplifier
Generation of the Additional H-Ubitron Magnetic Field

Two-Stream Superheterodyne Free Electron Lasers
Two-Stream Instability
Ordinary Two-Stream Superheterodyne Free Electron Lasers
Project of the Simplest Femtosecond TSFEL Former

Plasma-Beam and Parametrical Electron- Wave Superheterodyne FEL
Plasma-Beam Superheterodyne Free Electron Lasers: H-Ubitron Model
Plasma-Beam Superheterodyne Free Electron Lasers: Dopplertron Model
Parametrical Three-Wave Instability in Two- Velocity High-Current Beams
Parametrical Electron-Wave Two-Stream Superheterodyne Free Electron Lasers








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