Constitutive Models for Rubber VII

Constitutive Models for Rubber VII


:NT$ 12900 元
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All aspects of our lives, industry, health, travel and leisure, are utterly reliant on rubber materials, yet typically this notion rarely occurs to us. Increasingly, greater demands are made on elastomeric compounds and we seek elevated performance in terms of improved physical and chemical properties. In particular, we have come to expect rubber components (tyres, vibration isolators, seals etc) to exhibit exceptional wear and fatigue resistance, often at elevated temperatures. Unsurprisingly then, the emphasis in characterising isochoric materials has shifted significantly away from understanding and modelling hyperelastic material behaviour, to a position where we can confi dently design and manufacture rubber components having the functionality and resilience to meet the dynamic loading and harsh environmental conditions that are prevalent today.
In consequence, state-of-the-art technology in terms of dynamic response and fatigue resistance are strongly represented here along with numerous insights into advanced elastomers used in novel applications.
This development is not at the expense of research devoted to current test procedures and the constitutive equations and algorithms that underpin finite element methods. As a result, Constitutive Models for Rubber VII is not only essential reading for undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and researchers working in the discipline, but also for all those designers and engineers involved in the improvement of machines and devices by introducing new and novel elastomers possessing elevated properties.


Invited papers
Unravelling the mysteries of cyclic deformation in thermoplastic elastomers, C.P. Buckley, D.S.A. De Focatiis & C. Prisacariu
The role of glassy-like polymer bridges in rubber reinforcement, M. Klüppel, H. Lorenz, M. Möwes, D Steinhauser & J. Fritzsche
Elastic instabilities in rubber, A.N. Gent
Mechanical characterization of rubber – Novel approaches
Strain-induced crystallization of natural rubber subjected to biaxial loading conditions as revealed by X-ray diffraction, S. Beurrot, B. Huneau & E. Verron
Effects of strain field and strain history on the natural rubber matrix, K. Bruening & K. Schneider
Parameter identification based on multiple inhomogeneous experiments of practical relevance, D. Schellenberg, D. Juhre & J. Ihlemann
New insights about strain-induced crystallization of natural rubber thanks to in situ X-rays measurements during uniaxial cyclic deformation at high velocity, N. Candau, C. Gauthier, L. Chazeau & J.-M. Chenal
Application of full-field measurements and numerical simulations to analyze the thermo-mechanical response of a three-branch rubber specimen, X. Balandraud, E. Toussaint, J.-B. Le Cam, M. Grédiac, R. Behnke & M. Kaliske
Effect of thermal cycles on the kinematic field measurement at the crack tip of crystallizable natural rubber, E. Toussaint & J.-B. Le Cam
Processing heterogeneous strain fields with the virtual fields method: A new route for the mechanical characterization of elastomeric materials, N. Promma, B. Raka, M. Grédiac, E. Toussaint, J.-B. Le Cam, X. Balandraud & F. Hild
Energy losses at small strains in filled rubbers, L.B. Tunnicliffe, A.G. Thomas & J.J.C. Busfield
The mechanism of fatigue crack growth in rubbers under severe loading: The effect of stress-induced crystallization, J.-B. Le Cam & E. Toussaint
Influence of thermal ageing on mechanical properties of styrene-butadiene rubber, I. Petrikova, B. Marvalova & P.T. Nhan
Modelling and simulation
An extended tube model for thermo-viscoelasticity of rubberlike materials: Theory and numerical implementation, R. Behnke, H. Dal & M. Kaliske
Characterization and identification of the memory decay rates of carbon black-filled rubber, J. Ciambella, A. Paolone & S. Vidoli
Theoretical and numerical modelling of unvulcanized rubber, H. Dal, M. Kaliske & C. Zopf
Thermomechanical material behaviour within the concept of representative directions, C. Naumann & J. Ihlemann
Chemical ageing of elastomers: Experiments and modelling, M. Johlitz, J. Retka &A. Lion
A stable hyperelastic model for foamed rubber, M.W. Lewis & P. Rangaswamy
Simulation of self-organization processes in filled rubber considering thermal agitation, H.Wulf & J. Ihlemann
On finite strain models for nano-filled glassy polymers, M. Hossain, P. Steinmann &A.R. Sanchez
Aspects of crack propagation in small and finite strain continua, M. Kaliske, K. Özenç & H. Dal
Testing, modelling and validation of numerical model capable of predicting stress fields throughout polyurethane foam, C. Briody, B. Duignan & S. Jerrams
Comparison of two different approaches to predict rubber response at different strain rates, J.-C. Petiteau, E. Verron, R. Othman, H. Le Sourne, J.-F. Sigrist & B. Auroire
Numerical analysis of the heterogeneous ageing of rubber products, L. Steinke, U.Weltin, M. Flamm, A. Lion & M. Celina
Proposal of an orthotropic hyperelastic model for fiber-reinforced rubber in the electric generator, A. Matsuda & K. Nakahara
A thermo-chemo-mechanical coupled formulation, application to filled rubber, T.A. Nguyen Van, S. Lejeunes, D. Eyheramendy &A. Boukamel
Microstructural analysis of carbon black filled rubbers by atomic force microscopy and computer simulation techniques, I.A. Morozov, B. Lauke & G. Heinrich
Identification of local constitutive model from micro-indentation testing, Y. Marco, V. Le Saux, G. Bles, S. Calloch & P. Charrier
Damage mechanisms in elastomers
A new approach to characterize the onset tearing in rubber, K. Sakulkaew, A.G. Thomas & J.J.C. Busfield
Damage variables for the life-time prediction of rubber components, V. Mehling, H. Baaser &T. Hans
Formation of crust on natural rubber after ageing, S. Kamaruddin, P.-Y. Le Gac, Y. Marco &A.H. Muhr
Contribution of accurate thermal measurements to the characterization of the thermo-mechanical properties of rubber-like materials, V. Le Saux, Y. Marco, S. Calloch & P. Charrier
Nano- to macro-scale modeling of damage in filled elastomers, R. Dargazany & M. Itskov
Influence of strain induced crystallization on the mechanical behaviour of natural rubbers, E.A. Poshtan, R. Dargazany & M. Itskov
Tear rotation in reinforced natural rubber, B. Gabrielle, A. Vieyres, O. Sanseau, L. Vanel, D. Long, P. Sotta & P.-A. Albouy
Stress softening and related phenomena
Modelling Mullins and cyclic stress-softening in filled rubbers, J. Diani, Y. Merckel & M. Brieu
Modelling of the Payne effect using a 3-d generalization technique for the finite element method, M. Freund, J. Ihlemann & M. Rabkin
Electromechanical hysteresis in filled elastomers, D.S.A. De Focatiis, D. Hull &A. Sánchez-Valencia
Effect of the strain amplitude and the temperature on the viscoelastic properties of rubbers under fatigue loading, P. Garnier, J.-B. Le Cam & M. Grédiac
Effect of material and mechanical parameters on the stress-softening of carbon-black filled rubbers submitted to cyclic loadings, Y. Merckel, M. Brieu, J. Diani & D. Berghezan
From the experimental determination of stress-strain full fields during a bulge test thanks to 3D-DIC technique to the characterization of anisotropic Mullins effect, G. Machado, D. Favier & G. Chagnon
A new isotropic hyperelastic strain energy function in terms of invariants and its derivation into a pseudo-elastic model for Mullins effect: Application to finite element analysis, L. Gornet, G. Marckmann, R. Desmorat & P. Charrier
The Mullins effect, S.R. Rickaby & N.H. Scott
Design and applications
Evaluation of magneto-rheological elastomers for spacecrafts, G. Aridon, T. Lindroos & J. Keinänen
Coupling between diffusion of biodiesel and large deformation in rubber: Effect on the mechanical response under cyclic loading conditions, A. Andriyana, A.B. Chai, E. Verron, M.R. Johan &A.S.M.A. Haseeb
Characterization and numerical study of rubber under fast depressurization, J. Jaravel, S. Castagnet, J.C. Grandidier, G. Benoit & M. Gueguen
Fatigue peeling of rubber, T.L.M. Baumard, A.G. Thomas,W. Ding & J.J.C. Busfield
Elastomer prediction method for space applications, P. Camarasa
Structural optimization of a rubber bushing for automotive suspension, G. Previati, M. Kaliske, M. Gobbi & G. Mastinu
Optimisation and characterisation of magnetorheological elastomers, J. McIntyre, S. Jerrams, T. Steinke, A. Maslak, P.Wagner, M. Möwes, T. Alshuth & R. Schuster
Marine ageing of polychloroprene rubber: Validation of accelerated protocols and static failure criteria by comparison to a 23 year old offshore export line, V. Le Saux, Y. Marco, S. Calloch & P.-Y. Le Gac
Nanomechanics of rubber for fuel efficient tyres, K. Akutagawa, S. Hamatani & H. Kadowaki
Fatigue and time dependent behaviour
Definition and use of an effective flaw size for the simulation of elastomer fatigue, F. Abraham
Determination of effective flaw size for fatigue life predictions, J.G.R. Kingston &A.H. Muhr
Fatigue crack growth dynamics in filled natural rubber, L. Vanel, L. Munoz, O. Sanseau, P. Sotta, D. Long, L. Odoni & L. Guy
Heat build-up and micro-tomography measurements used to describe the fatigue mechanisms and to evaluate the fatigue lifetime of elastomers, Y. Marco, V. Le Saux, S. Calloch & P. Charrier
In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of strain-induced crystallization of natural rubber during fatigue tests, S. Beurrot, B. Huneau, E. Verron, P. Rublon, D. Thiaudière, C. Mocuta &A. Zozulya
The influence of inelasticity on the lifetime of filled elastomers under multiaxial loading conditions, D. Juhre, M. Doniga-Crivat & J. Ihlemann
Time-dependence of fracture behaviour of carbon black filled natural rubber, M. Boggio, C. Merano & M. Rink
Investigations regarding environmental effects on fatigue life of natural rubber, J. Spreckels, U.Weltin, M. Flamm, T. Steinweger &T. Brüger
Potentials of FEA-simulation for elastomer stress softening in engineering practice, J. Präffcke & F. Abraham
On the influence of heat ageing on filled NR for automotive AVS applications, P. Charrier, Y. Marco, V. Le Saux & R.K.P.S. Ranawerra
Test methods and analytical techniques
Development of an experimental device to investigate mechanical response of rubber under simultaneous diffusion and large strain compression, A.B. Chai, A. Andriyana, E. Verron, M.R. Johan &A.S.M.A. Haseeb
Determination of the behaviour of rubber components under hydrostatic pressure, M. Stommel & J. Zimmerman
Creating a uniform magnetic field for the equi-biaxial physical testing of magnetorheological elastomers; electromagnet design, development and testing, D. Gorman, S. Jerrams, R. Ekins & N. Murphy
A method of real-time bi-axial strain control in fatigue testing of elastomers, N. Murphy, J. Hanley & S. Jerrams
Measurement and simulation of a jumping rubber ball, H. Baaser, G. Hohmann, C. Wrana & J. Kroll
Swelling of bent rubber strips and recovery when the stresses are removed, A.N. Gent & C. Nah
Experimental determination of mechanical properties of elastomeric composites reinforced by textiles made of SMA wires and numerical modelling of their behaviour, B. Marvalova, J. Kafka, J. Vlach & L. Heller
Simple shearing of soft biomaterials, C.O. Horgan & J.G. Murphy
Three-dimensional carbon black aggregate reconstruction from two orthogonal TEM images, J. López-de-Uralde, M. Salazar, A. Santamaría, A. Zubillaga, P.G. Bringas, T. Guraya, A. Okariz, E. Gómez & Z. Saghi
Finite element analysis and design of rubber specimen for mechanical test, C.S.Woo,W.D. Kim & H.S. Park
A new machine for accurate fatigue and crack growth analysis of rubber compounds, A. Favier
Biaxial fracture testing of rubber compounds, F. Caimmi, R. Calabrò, C. Marano & M. Rink
Dynamic analysis and test investigation on rubber anti-vibration component, R.K. Luo,W.J. Mortel, S. Sewell, D. Moore & J. Lake
Author index







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