Delay Tolerant Networks ─ Protocols and Applications
出版社:CRC Press UK
作者:Edited by Athanasios Vasilakos; Yan Zhang and Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos
規格:22.9cm*15.2cm*1.9cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 8775 元優惠價
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A class of Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN), which may violate one or more of the assumptions regarding the overall performance characteristics of the underlying links in order to achieve smooth operation, is rapidly growing in importance but may not be well served by the current end-to-end TCP/IP model. Delay Tolerant Networks: Protocols and Applications takes you on a systematic exploration of DTN concepts, architectures, protocols, enabling technologies, and applications.
Containing a wealth of illustrative material for ease of understanding, this one-stop reference discusses the various challenges associated with DTN. Written for a broad audience of researchers and practitioners, it supplies useful reference material for graduate students and senior undergraduate students in courses of networking, wireless, and mobile communications. Starting with an accessible introduction to DTNs, their architecture, bundle protocols, and routing schemes, the book provides authoritative coverage of:
DTN Routing
Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for DTNs
A Routing-Compatible Credit-Based Incentive Scheme
R-P2P: a Data-Centric Middleware for Delay Tolerant Applications
Mobile Peer-to-Peer Systems over DTNs
Delay-Tolerant Monitoring of Mobility-Assisted WSN
Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks
DTN Protocols for Space Communications
DTN for Satellite Communications
Reporting on the latest developments in these domains, the distinguished panel of contributors supplies a realistic look into the future of networking. Complete with sections that summarize open issues in each domain, this book arms you with the understanding and methods required to make an impact on the advancement of these emerging networks that continue to grow in importance.
Containing a wealth of illustrative material for ease of understanding, this one-stop reference discusses the various challenges associated with DTN. Written for a broad audience of researchers and practitioners, it supplies useful reference material for graduate students and senior undergraduate students in courses of networking, wireless, and mobile communications. Starting with an accessible introduction to DTNs, their architecture, bundle protocols, and routing schemes, the book provides authoritative coverage of:
DTN Routing
Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for DTNs
A Routing-Compatible Credit-Based Incentive Scheme
R-P2P: a Data-Centric Middleware for Delay Tolerant Applications
Mobile Peer-to-Peer Systems over DTNs
Delay-Tolerant Monitoring of Mobility-Assisted WSN
Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks
DTN Protocols for Space Communications
DTN for Satellite Communications
Reporting on the latest developments in these domains, the distinguished panel of contributors supplies a realistic look into the future of networking. Complete with sections that summarize open issues in each domain, this book arms you with the understanding and methods required to make an impact on the advancement of these emerging networks that continue to grow in importance.
Dr. Athanasios Vasilakos is with the University of Western Macedonia, Greece.
Dr. Yan Zhang is with the Simula Research Laboratory, Norway.
Dr. Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos is with ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Dr. Yan Zhang is with the Simula Research Laboratory, Norway.
Dr. Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos is with ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Delay Tolerant Networking Introduction History of Delay Tolerant Networking A Delay Tolerant Network Requirements on DTNs The Architecture Overlay Architecture Store and Forward Message Switching Routing and Forwarding Fragmentation and Reassembly Custody Transfer The Bundle Protocol Bundle Service Bundle Format Bundle Processing Routing Schemes in DTNs Routing Considerations Classification of Routing Schemes Replication-Based Routing Open Issues in Delay-Tolerant Networking Routing Custody and Congestion SecurityDTN Routing: Taxonomy and Design IntroductionRouting in Intermittently Connected Networks Routing as Opportunistic Forwarding Message Replication Message Forwarding Message Coding DTN Routing as Resource AllocationDTN Routing Utility Functions Destination Dependent (DD) Utility Destination Independent (DI) Utility Additional Considerations Examples of DTN Routing Protocols A Taxonomy of DTNs Connectivity Mobility Node Resources Application Requirements DTN Routing Design Guidelines Case Studies Pocket Switched Networks Metropolitan Networks with Heterogeneous Nodes Applications with Priorities Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for Delay Tolerant NetworksIntroduction Routing in Sparse Networks The Epidemic Routing Protocol for Delay Tolerant Network The Properties of the Epidemic Routing Protocol The Network Lifetime of the Epidemic Routing ProtocolThe Analytical Model of the Epidemic Routing Protocol The Statistics of Encounter Times The Transitional Epidemic Routing Model The Solution of the Epidemic Routing Model The Restricted Epidemic Routing (RER) Protocols The Exclusion (EX) Scheme The Limited Time (LT) Scheme The Limited Number of Copies (LC) Scheme The Tradeoff Function of the Restricted Epidemic Routing The Number of Copies and the Time Delay Evaluation of the Tradeoff Function The Network Lifetime of the RER SchemesThe Residual-Energy (RE) Scheme The LC Scheme with Residual-Energy Information Maximizing the Lifetime of the Delay Tolerant Networks The Residual-Battery Information The Comparison of Lifetime Performance Summary and Concluding RemarksA Routing-Compatible Credit-Based Incentive Scheme for DTNs Introduction Related WorkSystem Model and Design Goals Network Model Data Forwarding Strategy Rewarding Model Attack Model Design Goals The Proposed SMART Scheme Pairing Technique The Overview of SMART The SMART Scheme Efficiency Enhancement Performance Evaluation Cryptographic Overhead Evaluation Simulation Open Issues Public Key Revocation in DTNs Reputation Based Incentive Scheme Conclusion R-P2P: a Data-Centric Middleware for Delay Tolerant Applications Application Scenario Related Works Novelty of the Proposed Architecture Sketch of the System Data Retrieval Diffusion of Advertisements Functional Blocks User Nodes Throwbox Nodes System Dimensioning RP2P Design Space Application Requirements System Dimensioning Preliminary Implementation U-Hopper: The Mobile Part of R-P2P Throwboxes Conclusions AcknowledgmentsMobile Peer-to-Peer Systems over Delay Tolerant NetworksIntroduction Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks Overview Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks Delay Tolerant Networks The Store-Carry-Forward Paradigm MANETs as a Special Case of DTNs Mobile Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks For DTNs Challenges Unstructured Mobile Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks Structured Mobile Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks Summary and Open ProblemsConclusion
Delay-Tolerant Monitoring of Mobility-Assisted WSN Introduction .State of the Art Node-Centric Delay-Critical Monitoring Techniques Region-Centric Delay-Critical Monitoring Techniques Mobility-Assisted Delay-Tolerant Monitoring Techniques Our Contributions Compared to Existing ApproachesSystem Model gMAP: Mobility-Assisted Monitoring Using Global Maps Overview of Approach Scenario Classification Path Planning of ANs Data Collection eMap Construction Evaluation Path Planning Performance Data Collection and Map Construction Performance Comparison to Related Work ConclusionsOpen IssuesMessage Dissemination in Vehicular Networks IntroductionCharacteristics of VANET Network Characteristics Innovative Applications Low Cost Digital Connectivity in Rural Areas Data Collection from Sensor Nodes Cooperative Downloading Miscellaneous Applications Message Dissemination MANET Forwarding Schemes and Their Limitations Forwarding Schemes Suitable for VANET Medium Access Control for VANET Cooperative ARQ 802.11p MAC Open Issues Security Challenges Acknowledgments Addressing Emerging New Application Conclusion Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) Protocols for Space Communications Introduction Space Communications and DTPs for Space/Interplanetary Internet Overview of Space Communications Performance Problems of TCP in Space Data Transport Protocols for Space/Interplanetary InternetDTN, BP, AND Convergence Layer Protocols Overview of DTN DTN for Space Bundle Protocol (BP) DTN Convergence Layer Protocol (CLP) Recent Research and Experimental Activities on DTN for Space Communications Summary Open IssueAcknowledgmentsDTN and Satellite Communications Introduction Bundle Layer DTN Architecture Overview End-to-End Reliability and Custody Transfer Option DTN Concept Development Satellite Channel Impairments and Possible Solutions End-to-End TCP Enhancements and Other Transport Protocols Optimized for Satellite and Space Communications Performance Enhancing Proxies (or "Protocol Accelerators") The Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking Alternative Testbed and Tools Used in Performance Evaluations Performance Evaluation Scenario 2: Satellite Systems with Random Intermittent Endto-End Connectivity TCP Resilience to Disruption Analysis of DTN Behavior in the Presence of Disruption Performance Evaluation in a Realistic Case Study: Railway Satellite Communications Scenarios 3 and 4 Scenario 3: Satellite Systems with Scheduled Intermittent End-to-End-Connectivity Scenario 4: Satellite Systems without End-to-End ConnectivityOngoing Research NASA JPL October 2008 Experiments DTN Application to a Military Heterogeneous Network DTN Application to the UK-DMC LEO System Conclusions
Delay-Tolerant Monitoring of Mobility-Assisted WSN Introduction .State of the Art Node-Centric Delay-Critical Monitoring Techniques Region-Centric Delay-Critical Monitoring Techniques Mobility-Assisted Delay-Tolerant Monitoring Techniques Our Contributions Compared to Existing ApproachesSystem Model gMAP: Mobility-Assisted Monitoring Using Global Maps Overview of Approach Scenario Classification Path Planning of ANs Data Collection eMap Construction Evaluation Path Planning Performance Data Collection and Map Construction Performance Comparison to Related Work ConclusionsOpen IssuesMessage Dissemination in Vehicular Networks IntroductionCharacteristics of VANET Network Characteristics Innovative Applications Low Cost Digital Connectivity in Rural Areas Data Collection from Sensor Nodes Cooperative Downloading Miscellaneous Applications Message Dissemination MANET Forwarding Schemes and Their Limitations Forwarding Schemes Suitable for VANET Medium Access Control for VANET Cooperative ARQ 802.11p MAC Open Issues Security Challenges Acknowledgments Addressing Emerging New Application Conclusion Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) Protocols for Space Communications Introduction Space Communications and DTPs for Space/Interplanetary Internet Overview of Space Communications Performance Problems of TCP in Space Data Transport Protocols for Space/Interplanetary InternetDTN, BP, AND Convergence Layer Protocols Overview of DTN DTN for Space Bundle Protocol (BP) DTN Convergence Layer Protocol (CLP) Recent Research and Experimental Activities on DTN for Space Communications Summary Open IssueAcknowledgmentsDTN and Satellite Communications Introduction Bundle Layer DTN Architecture Overview End-to-End Reliability and Custody Transfer Option DTN Concept Development Satellite Channel Impairments and Possible Solutions End-to-End TCP Enhancements and Other Transport Protocols Optimized for Satellite and Space Communications Performance Enhancing Proxies (or "Protocol Accelerators") The Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking Alternative Testbed and Tools Used in Performance Evaluations Performance Evaluation Scenario 2: Satellite Systems with Random Intermittent Endto-End Connectivity TCP Resilience to Disruption Analysis of DTN Behavior in the Presence of Disruption Performance Evaluation in a Realistic Case Study: Railway Satellite Communications Scenarios 3 and 4 Scenario 3: Satellite Systems with Scheduled Intermittent End-to-End-Connectivity Scenario 4: Satellite Systems without End-to-End ConnectivityOngoing Research NASA JPL October 2008 Experiments DTN Application to a Military Heterogeneous Network DTN Application to the UK-DMC LEO System Conclusions