Advanced Simulation and Modelling for Urban Groundwater Management - UGROW
出版社:Taylor & Francis
作者:Dubravka Pokrajac; Ken W. F. Howard
規格:24.1cm*17.1cm*1.9cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 7200 元若需訂購本書,請電洽客服 02-25006600[分機130、131]。
UGROW (Urban GROundWater) represents one of the most advanced urban water management tools produced to date and fully integrates all urban water system components including groundwater. It will raise the awareness of the interaction between urban water system components, support management decision-making, and solve a wide range of urban water problems. The model has a sound scientific basis, is computationally efficient, and is supported by outstanding graphics. Developed as part of the sixth Phase of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP-IV), UGROW was tested and refined under a range of demanding urban conditions. Book includes UGROW software CD-ROM and instruction manual.
List of FiguresList of TablesList of AcronymsList of SymbolsGlossary
Preface: UGROW as an IHP-VI componentKen W. F. Howard and Dubravka Pokrajac
1. Challenges in urban groundwater modeling as an introduction to UGROWKen W.F. Howard and John H. Tellam1.1 The management of urban groundwater1.2 What hydrogeological characteristics are unique to urban groundwater systems?1.2.1 Geology1.2.2 Aquifer recharge1.2.3 Aquifer discharge1.2.4 Groundwater chemistry1.3 The challenges for model representation of urban aquifers1.4 Numerical modeling of groundwater in urban areas – the state of the art1.4.1 Developments in numerical modeling1.4.2 The interim solution1.4.3 The niche for UGROW
2. UGROW – the Urban GROundWater modeling systemDubravka Pokrajac and Miloš Stanić2.1 Model concepts2.1.1 General features2.1.2 User interface2.1.3 The database2.1.4 Algorithms2.1.5 Simulation models2.1.5 Using UGROW2.2 Model application2.2.1 Physical model2.2.2 The urban water balance2.2.3 Scope of application2.3 GROW: GROundWater flow simulation model 2.3.1 Introduction2.3.2 Basic equations2.3.3 External sources of recharge2.3.4 Aquifer water balance2.3.5 Numerical solutions2.4 Unsaturated soil water movement (UNSAT)2.4.1 Basic equations 2.4.2 Numerical solution 2.4.3 Boundary conditions 2.4.4 Simulation results2.5 Surface runoff (RUNOFF) 2.5.1 Delineation 2.5.2 Time-area diagram and unit hydrograph 2.5.3 Direct runoff hydrograph 2.6 Model data 2.6.1 Terrain 2.6.2 Geology2.6.3 Water2.7 User interface2.7.1 Program overview2.7.2 General 3DNet functions2.7.3 TERRAIN component2.7.4 GEOLOGY component2.7.5 GROW component2.8 Model application2.8.1 Calibration2.8.2 Uncertainty2.8.3 Sensitivity
3. UGROW applications – case studiesLeif Wolf, Christina Schrage, Miloš Stanić and Dubravka Pokrajac3.1 Testing and validation of UGROW in Rastatt, Germany3.1.1 Scope and motivation3.1.2 Geographical setting3.1.3 Existing investigations and models available for benchmarking3.1.4 UGROW model setup3.1.5 Model results3.1.6 Summary and conclusions 3.2 Case study: Pančevački rit, Serbia3.2.1 Introduction3.2.2 Input data for UGROW 3.2.3 Simulation results3.2.4 Conclusion3.3 Case study: city of Bijeljina in Bosnia3.3.1 Introduction3.3.2 Geology and hydrogeology3.3.3 Groundwater regime3.3.4 Field measurements3.3.5 Urban aquifer model3.3.6 Concluding discussion
4. ConclusionsDubravka Pokrajac and Ken W. F. Howard4.1 The urban sustainability challenge4.2 UGROW as a tool for urban water system management4.3 Validation and testing of UGROW4.4 UGROW – the future References
Appendix: UGROW CD-RomMiloš Stanić and Dubravka Pokrajac
Preface: UGROW as an IHP-VI componentKen W. F. Howard and Dubravka Pokrajac
1. Challenges in urban groundwater modeling as an introduction to UGROWKen W.F. Howard and John H. Tellam1.1 The management of urban groundwater1.2 What hydrogeological characteristics are unique to urban groundwater systems?1.2.1 Geology1.2.2 Aquifer recharge1.2.3 Aquifer discharge1.2.4 Groundwater chemistry1.3 The challenges for model representation of urban aquifers1.4 Numerical modeling of groundwater in urban areas – the state of the art1.4.1 Developments in numerical modeling1.4.2 The interim solution1.4.3 The niche for UGROW
2. UGROW – the Urban GROundWater modeling systemDubravka Pokrajac and Miloš Stanić2.1 Model concepts2.1.1 General features2.1.2 User interface2.1.3 The database2.1.4 Algorithms2.1.5 Simulation models2.1.5 Using UGROW2.2 Model application2.2.1 Physical model2.2.2 The urban water balance2.2.3 Scope of application2.3 GROW: GROundWater flow simulation model 2.3.1 Introduction2.3.2 Basic equations2.3.3 External sources of recharge2.3.4 Aquifer water balance2.3.5 Numerical solutions2.4 Unsaturated soil water movement (UNSAT)2.4.1 Basic equations 2.4.2 Numerical solution 2.4.3 Boundary conditions 2.4.4 Simulation results2.5 Surface runoff (RUNOFF) 2.5.1 Delineation 2.5.2 Time-area diagram and unit hydrograph 2.5.3 Direct runoff hydrograph 2.6 Model data 2.6.1 Terrain 2.6.2 Geology2.6.3 Water2.7 User interface2.7.1 Program overview2.7.2 General 3DNet functions2.7.3 TERRAIN component2.7.4 GEOLOGY component2.7.5 GROW component2.8 Model application2.8.1 Calibration2.8.2 Uncertainty2.8.3 Sensitivity
3. UGROW applications – case studiesLeif Wolf, Christina Schrage, Miloš Stanić and Dubravka Pokrajac3.1 Testing and validation of UGROW in Rastatt, Germany3.1.1 Scope and motivation3.1.2 Geographical setting3.1.3 Existing investigations and models available for benchmarking3.1.4 UGROW model setup3.1.5 Model results3.1.6 Summary and conclusions 3.2 Case study: Pančevački rit, Serbia3.2.1 Introduction3.2.2 Input data for UGROW 3.2.3 Simulation results3.2.4 Conclusion3.3 Case study: city of Bijeljina in Bosnia3.3.1 Introduction3.3.2 Geology and hydrogeology3.3.3 Groundwater regime3.3.4 Field measurements3.3.5 Urban aquifer model3.3.6 Concluding discussion
4. ConclusionsDubravka Pokrajac and Ken W. F. Howard4.1 The urban sustainability challenge4.2 UGROW as a tool for urban water system management4.3 Validation and testing of UGROW4.4 UGROW – the future References
Appendix: UGROW CD-RomMiloš Stanić and Dubravka Pokrajac