作者:赤星因徹; 久保松勝喜代; 瀨越憲
規格:26cm*19cm (高/寬)
《醫學英語文獻閱讀(1)》內容簡介:隨著我國大學英語教學改革的不斷深入開展,21世紀中國大學英語教育將逐步向專門用途英語(ESP,English for Specinc Purposes)方向發展,專門用途英語將成為中國大學英語教育的主流。醫學英語(EMP, English for Medical Purpose)是專門用途英語中非常有特色的一個分支。在醫學專業學習、醫學科學研究、臨床醫學工作、國際醫學學術交流活動等方方面面,醫學英語都表現了它在專門用途英語教學和醫學發展過程中越來越重要的作用。如何將大學英語教學與醫科學生的專業培養結合,如何將英語語言學習融合于醫學專業學習之中,這是廣大醫學英語教學工作者面臨的一項極富挑戰性的工作。《高等院校新概念醫學英語系列教材》正是適應這種新形勢和挑戰的產物。
Chapter 1 The Sub health Problem
Text A
Sub health Problem Poses Threat
Text B
Sudden Death in Young People-Heart Problems Often Blamed
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 2 Drug Resistance and Allergies
Text A
Fears Grow Over Global Drug Resistance
Text B
Common Drug Allergies
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 3 Hospice Care
Text A
End-of-Life Care
Text B
A Good Death: Thoughts on Hospice Care of My Mother
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 4 Plastic Surgery
Text A
Text B
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 5 Genetic Engineering and Food Security
Text A
Genetically Engineered Crops
Text B
Food Security
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 6 Drug and Alcohol
Text A
Drug Abuse and Addiction
Text B
Gay Teens Turning to Drugs & Alcohol
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 7 U.S. Health Care System
Text A
Medicare and Medicaid
Health Insurance for the Elderly and Poor
Text B
Staying Healthy
Medicare's Preventive Services
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 8 Future Careers
Chapter9 Nutrition
Chapter 10 Ultrasound and Medicine
Chapter 11 Communicable Disease Control
Chapter 12 Baby illnesses
Chapter 13 TCM and Health
Chapter 14 Mental Health
Text A
Sub health Problem Poses Threat
Text B
Sudden Death in Young People-Heart Problems Often Blamed
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 2 Drug Resistance and Allergies
Text A
Fears Grow Over Global Drug Resistance
Text B
Common Drug Allergies
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 3 Hospice Care
Text A
End-of-Life Care
Text B
A Good Death: Thoughts on Hospice Care of My Mother
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 4 Plastic Surgery
Text A
Text B
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 5 Genetic Engineering and Food Security
Text A
Genetically Engineered Crops
Text B
Food Security
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 6 Drug and Alcohol
Text A
Drug Abuse and Addiction
Text B
Gay Teens Turning to Drugs & Alcohol
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 7 U.S. Health Care System
Text A
Medicare and Medicaid
Health Insurance for the Elderly and Poor
Text B
Staying Healthy
Medicare's Preventive Services
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 8 Future Careers
Chapter9 Nutrition
Chapter 10 Ultrasound and Medicine
Chapter 11 Communicable Disease Control
Chapter 12 Baby illnesses
Chapter 13 TCM and Health
Chapter 14 Mental Health
This is a diseasein which the heart muscle (myocardium) becomes abnormally thick, making it harder for the heart to pump blood. Hypertrop hiccardio my opathy, while usually not fatal in most people, is the most common cause of heart-related sudden death in people under30. It's the most common cause of sudden death in athletes. HCMofien goes undetected.
Coronary artery abnormalities. Sometimes people are born with heart arteries (coronaryarteries) that are connected abnormally to the heart. The arteries can become compressed during exercise and not provide proper blood fiow to the heart.
Long QT syndrome(LQTS). Long QT syndrome(LQTS)is an inherited heart rhythm disorderthat can cause fast, chaotic heartbeats. The rapid heartbeats, caused by changes in the part ofyour heartthat causes it to beat, may lead to fainting, which can be life-threatening. In some cases, your hear Csrhythm may be so erratic that it can cause sudden death. Young people with long QT syndrome havean increased risk of sudden death.
There are many other causes of sudden cardiac death in young people. They usually affect the structure of the heart or the heart's electrical system.
There's another rare cause of sudden cardiac death that can occur in anyone, though it's usually heard about in young people who play sports. It occurs as the result of a blunt blow to the chest-suchas being hit by a baseball or hockey puck at just the right time. Its medical name is commotio cordis.The blow to the chest can trigger ventricular fibrillation if the blow strikes at exactly the wrong time inthe heart's electrical cycle.
Are there symptoms or red flags parents, coaches and others should be on the lookout forthat signal a young person is at high risk of sudden cardiac death?
Many times these deaths occur with no warning, but there are two symptoms to watch for:
Unexplained fainting(syncope). Sudden and unexplained fainting that occurs during physicalexertion could be a sign that there's a problem with your heart. Seizures also can occur.
Family history of sudden cardiac death. The other major warning sign is a family history of unexplained deaths before the age of 50. This obviously isn't a physical symptom like fainting, butdeaths like this in your family should prompt you to pay close attention and perhaps talk with yourdoctor about screening options.
Shortness of breath or chest pain may also be a sign that you're at risk of sudden cardiac death, butthese are rare and may be a sign of other health problems in young people, such as asthma.
Can sudden death in young people be prevented?
It sometimes can. If you're found to be at high risk of sudden cardiac death, your doctor will usually suggest that you avoid competitive sports. Depending on your underlying condition, medical orsurgical treatments may be recommended to reduce your risk of sudden death.
Another option for some, such as those with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).
Coronary artery abnormalities. Sometimes people are born with heart arteries (coronaryarteries) that are connected abnormally to the heart. The arteries can become compressed during exercise and not provide proper blood fiow to the heart.
Long QT syndrome(LQTS). Long QT syndrome(LQTS)is an inherited heart rhythm disorderthat can cause fast, chaotic heartbeats. The rapid heartbeats, caused by changes in the part ofyour heartthat causes it to beat, may lead to fainting, which can be life-threatening. In some cases, your hear Csrhythm may be so erratic that it can cause sudden death. Young people with long QT syndrome havean increased risk of sudden death.
There are many other causes of sudden cardiac death in young people. They usually affect the structure of the heart or the heart's electrical system.
There's another rare cause of sudden cardiac death that can occur in anyone, though it's usually heard about in young people who play sports. It occurs as the result of a blunt blow to the chest-suchas being hit by a baseball or hockey puck at just the right time. Its medical name is commotio cordis.The blow to the chest can trigger ventricular fibrillation if the blow strikes at exactly the wrong time inthe heart's electrical cycle.
Are there symptoms or red flags parents, coaches and others should be on the lookout forthat signal a young person is at high risk of sudden cardiac death?
Many times these deaths occur with no warning, but there are two symptoms to watch for:
Unexplained fainting(syncope). Sudden and unexplained fainting that occurs during physicalexertion could be a sign that there's a problem with your heart. Seizures also can occur.
Family history of sudden cardiac death. The other major warning sign is a family history of unexplained deaths before the age of 50. This obviously isn't a physical symptom like fainting, butdeaths like this in your family should prompt you to pay close attention and perhaps talk with yourdoctor about screening options.
Shortness of breath or chest pain may also be a sign that you're at risk of sudden cardiac death, butthese are rare and may be a sign of other health problems in young people, such as asthma.
Can sudden death in young people be prevented?
It sometimes can. If you're found to be at high risk of sudden cardiac death, your doctor will usually suggest that you avoid competitive sports. Depending on your underlying condition, medical orsurgical treatments may be recommended to reduce your risk of sudden death.
Another option for some, such as those with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).
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