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《法律英語聽說教程》共分16個單元,內容涉及法律英語基本知識,每個單元主要分4個部分:waming.up,Dialogues,Listening Comprehension和Supplementary Material。




Unit One Legal System / 1
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 1
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 2
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 4
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 5

Unit Two LegalProfession / 11
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 11
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 12
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 14
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 16

Unit Three Legal Education / 22
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 22
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 23
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 25
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 27

Unit Four Judicial System / 32
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 32
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 33
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 35
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 37

Unit Five Constitution / 42
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 42
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 43
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 46
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 48

Unit Six Jury / 52
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 52
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 53
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 55
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 56

Unit Seven Trial Stages / 60
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 60
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 61
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 63
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 65

Unit EightPre-trialProcedure / 69
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 69
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 70
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 72
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 73

Unit Nine Evidence / 78
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 78
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 79
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 81
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 83

Unit Ten Going to Court / 88
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 88
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 89
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 92
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 94

Unit Eleven How to Read Cases / 101
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 101
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 102
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 105
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material/107

Unit Twelve Criminal Law / 112
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 112
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 113
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 116
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 118

Unit Thirteen Contract Law / 122
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 122
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 123
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 125
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material/ 127

Unit Fourteen Torts/131
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 131
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 132
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 134
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material/135

Unit Fifteen The Law ofProperty / 140
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 140
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 141
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 143
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material / 145

Unit Sixteen Corporation / 148
Part Ⅰ Warming-up / 148
Part Ⅱ Dialogues / 149
Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension / 151
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Material/153
References / 158


To assure independence of the federal judiciary, the notion of their election (even by Congress)was rejected in favor of lifetime appointment by the president with "advice and consent" of the Senate. Where the path to the bench is by way of executive appointment, the power of appointment, at least on the federal level, is generally exercised along political lines. More than 90% of judgeships bestowed by recent presidents have been to members of their own political party, except for Gerald Ford, who appointed only 82% from his own party. The precise way that the appointment process works in the federal system varies depending on whether it is for the lower federal courts or the Supreme Court.
Let's first address the lower federal court appointments. Generally, the president consults with the Attorney General and other advisors, to come up with a list of nominees. In addition, because of the need for Senate approval, certain customs and practices have arisen with regard to appointments to the lower federal courts. Senators with the same party affiliation as the president have a great deal of power to "suggest" nominees to the president for district court posts in their state and have virtually an absolute right to "veto" nominees the president may be considering if they are "personally obnoxious" to the Senator. Arrangements vary from state to state and there are even compromise agreements in some states that allow a Senator of the opposite political party of the president to "suggest" judicial candidates. The president has more latitude in naming judges for the courts of appeal, since circuits cover more than one state, but even there seats are in practice thought of as "belonging" to one or another state, thereby assuring a major role for the Senators from that state.




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