The Body In Society - An Introduction 2E
出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc
規格:22.2cm*14.6cm*1.9cm (高/寬/厚)
In everyday life we are not, for the most part, actively conscious of our bodies or the bodies of others - we simply take them for granted. This new edition of a lively and highly accessible introduction to the sociology of the body examines what certain aspects of our bodies, such as the size, shape, smell and demeanour, reveal about the social organization of everyday life and how the body is crucial to the way we engage with the world and the people around us. The human body is endowed with varied forms of social significance, and it is this which sociology has addressed by asking questions such as: To what degree do individuals have control over their own bodies? What interest does the state have in regulating the human body? How significant is the body to the development and performance of the self in everyday life? What images of the body influence people’s expectations of themselves and others? Written in a clear and comprehensible way, The Body in Society introduces students to the key theoretical perspectives and conceptual frameworks that help us to understand the social significance of the human body. This second edition has been thoroughly updated to take into account recent theories and debates and also includes enhanced pedagogical features. Using familiar examples from everyday life, such as diet and exercise regimes, personal hygiene, dress, displays of emotion, and control over bodily functions, coupled with examples from contemporary popular culture, the text has strong contemporary relevance and will strike a chord with all who read it. This book will be essential reading for students taking courses on the body in sociology, anthropology, gender studies and cultural studies.
- Literature and references updated throughout.- Has been made much more student friendly, with ‘Stop and Pause’ questions, and case study boxes throughout the text.- Updated and improved further reading sections.
* New edition of an accessible introduction to the sociology of the body, including cultural, social and theoretical approaches to the body.
* Introduces students to the key theoretical perspectives and conceptual frameworks which help us to understand the social significance of the human body.
* Written in an approachable style, but also providing stimulating and thought-provoking material for upper-level students.
* Filled with intriguing examples, such as diet regimes, personal hygiene, dress, and body modification, to help readers engage with this fascinating discipline.
- Literature and references updated throughout.- Has been made much more student friendly, with ‘Stop and Pause’ questions, and case study boxes throughout the text.- Updated and improved further reading sections.
* New edition of an accessible introduction to the sociology of the body, including cultural, social and theoretical approaches to the body.
* Introduces students to the key theoretical perspectives and conceptual frameworks which help us to understand the social significance of the human body.
* Written in an approachable style, but also providing stimulating and thought-provoking material for upper-level students.
* Filled with intriguing examples, such as diet regimes, personal hygiene, dress, and body modification, to help readers engage with this fascinating discipline.
Alexandra Howson is an Independent Researcher, and former Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Aberdeen.
Introduction 1 The Body in Everyday Life 2 The Body, Gender and Sex 3 The Civilized Body 4 The Body in Consumer Culture 5 Regulating the Body 6 Vulnerable Bodies Glossary References