Part One Texts
Chapter l Overview of Logistics
Lesson l.1 The Definition of Logistics
Lesson l. 2 Some Interpretations to Logistics
Lesson l.3 Competing through Logistics
Logistics Situational Dialogues l
Case Study 1
Chapter 2 Warehousing Management and
Inventory Control
Lesson 2.1 The Strategic Role of Warehousing in Logistics
Lesson 2. 2 Warehouse Operations
Lesson 2.3 Basic Inventory Concepts
Lesson 2.4 The Purposes oflnventory
Logistics Situational Dialogues 2
Chapter 3 Transportation Management
Lesson 3.1 Railroad and Motor Carriers
Lesson 3.2 Air Carriers, Water Carriers and Pipelines
Lesson 4.1 Functions of Logistics Packaging
Chapter6 Logisticslnformation System
Lesson 6.1 Information and Communication Technology System
Lesson 6.3 0rder Management and Customer Service through
Advanced Reading 6
Part Two Extra-curricular Readings
Appendix Logistics Terms·
Chapter l Overview of Logistics
Lesson l.1 The Definition of Logistics
Lesson l. 2 Some Interpretations to Logistics
Lesson l.3 Competing through Logistics
Logistics Situational Dialogues l
Case Study 1
Chapter 2 Warehousing Management and
Inventory Control
Lesson 2.1 The Strategic Role of Warehousing in Logistics
Lesson 2. 2 Warehouse Operations
Lesson 2.3 Basic Inventory Concepts
Lesson 2.4 The Purposes oflnventory
Logistics Situational Dialogues 2
Chapter 3 Transportation Management
Lesson 3.1 Railroad and Motor Carriers
Lesson 3.2 Air Carriers, Water Carriers and Pipelines
Lesson 4.1 Functions of Logistics Packaging
Chapter6 Logisticslnformation System
Lesson 6.1 Information and Communication Technology System
Lesson 6.3 0rder Management and Customer Service through
Advanced Reading 6
Part Two Extra-curricular Readings
Appendix Logistics Terms·
Labor, fuel, and capital costs have made making a profit difficult for air carriers. Shippers have been sensitive to high rates and this has made air carriers susceptible in spite of promised trade-off savings in inventory costs.
Fuel price increases have tended to moderate in the early 1990s, but other costs, including labor, parts, supplies, and capital, have continued to make it difficult for air carriers to make a profit. Airlines are likely to continue using trucks to complement their air service on the shorter (less than 500 miles) hauls. Ease of entry and the deregulated truck environment will enable this modal substitution to occur and will be advantageous to both the carriers and shippers.
In the deregulated climate of the 1990s, the larger airlines will closely evaluate marginal business, redeploying equipment to more profitable passenger and. air cargo routes. Competition in the form of rates and service will increase, especially in the parcel-size shipment (under 70 pounds) where Federal Express and UPS Air are locked in a competitive struggle. Heavy-lift (shipments weighting more than 70 pounds) air carders are indirect competition with LTL motor carders on rates on domestic moves and container ships on international moves, but only when time is not important.
A particular segment to watch is the air cargo container business. The 20-foot box in the all-cargo plane offers some real productivity benefits and has attracted renewed interest for many carders. The carriers are publishing all kinds of commodities prices on those containers to help attract business. Ground equipment can still be a problem, but this should change thus allowing efficient handling of 20-foot containers at nearly all airports with scheduled service.
Air Freight Rates
Air cargo tariff is very complicated and difficult to understand, as apart from the general cargo rates (GCR), there are specific commodity rates (SCR) and class rates (CR), and GCR itself varies to a certain extent with the quantity offered for consignment. A vast network of airlines provides speedy transportation service to almost all the big cities in the world and even to remotest places on the earth, rendering the compilation of air cargo tariff like a dictionary, so to speak, rather than a chart or a table. A complex code system is adopted to facilitate identifying the applicable freight rate to a particular consignment of goods.
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