Cell Mechanics

Cell Mechanics


:NT$ 11375 元
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Ubiquitous and fundamental in cell mechanics, multiscale problems can arise in the growth of tumors, embryogenesis, tissue engineering, and more. Cell Mechanics: From Single Scale-Based Models to Multiscale Modeling brings together new insight and research on mechanical, mathematical, physical, and biological approaches for simulating the behavior of cells, specifically tumor cells.

In the first part of the text, the book discusses the powerful tool of microrheology for investigating cell mechanical properties, multiphysics and multiscale approaches for studying intracellular mechanisms in cell motility, and the role of subcellular effects involving certain genes for inducing cell motility in cancer. Focusing on models based on physical, mathematical, and computational approaches, the second section develops tools for describing the complex interplay of cell adhesion molecules and the dynamic evolution of the cell cytoskeleton. The third part explores cell interactions with the environment, particularly the role of external mechanical forces and their effects on cell behavior. The final part presents innovative models of multicellular systems for developmental biology, cancer, and embryogenesis.

This book collects novel methods to apply to cells and tissues through a multiscale approach. It presents numerous existing tools while stimulating the discovery of new approaches that can lead to more effective and accurate predictions of pathologies.


Arnaud Chauvière is an assistant professor of health informatics in the Health Science Center at the University of Texas in Houston.
Luigi Preziosi is a professor of mathematical physics at the Politecnico di Torino in Italy.
Claude Verdier is a research director at CNRS in Grenoble, France.


From Subcellular to Cellular PropertiesMicrorheology of Living Cells at Different Time and Length Scales, Atef Asnacios, Sylvie Hénon, Julien Browaeys, and François Gallet
Actin-Based Propulsion: Intriguing Interplay between Material Properties and Growth Processes, Karin John, Denis Caillerie, Philippe Peyla, Mourad Ismail, Annie Raoult, Jacques Prost, and Chaouqi Misbah
Cancer: Cell Motility and Tumor Suppressor Genes, Rémy Pedeux, Damien Ythier, and Alain Duperray
Single Cell Migration ModelingCoupling of Cytoplasm and Adhesion Dynamics Determines Cell Polarization and Locomotion, Wolfgang Alt, Martin Bock, and Christoph Möhl

How Do Cells Move? Mathematical Modeling of Cytoskeleton Dynamics and Cell Migration, Dietmar Ölz and Christian Schmeiser

Computational Framework Integrating Cytoskeletal and Adhesion Dynamics for Modeling Cell Motility, Angélique Stéphanou
Mechanical Effects of Environment on Cell BehaviorHistory Dependence of Microbead Adhesion under Varying Shear Rate, Sylvain Reboux, Giles Richardson, and Oliver E. Jensen

Understanding Adhesion Sites as Mechanosensitive Cellular Elements, Sophie Féréol, Redouane Fodil, Gabriel Pelle, Bruno Louis, Valérie M. Laurent, Emmanuelle Planus, and Daniel Isabey

Cancer Cell Migration on 2-D Deformable Substrates, Valentina Peschetola, Claude Verdier, Alain Duperray, and Davide Ambrosi

Single Cell Imaging of Calcium Dynamics in Response to Mechanical Stimulation, Tae-Jin Kim and Yingxiao Wang
From Cellular to Multicellular ModelsMathematical Framework to Model Migration of Cell Population in Extracellular Matrix, Arnaud Chauvière and Luigi Preziosi

Mathematical Modeling of Cell Adhesion and Its Applications to Developmental Biology and Cancer Invasion, Alf Gerisch and Kevin J. Painter

Bridging Cell and Tissue Behavior in Embryo Development, Alexandre J. Kabla, Guy B. Blanchard, Richard J. Adams, and L. Mahadevan

Modeling Steps from Benign Tumor to Invasive Cancer: Examples of Intrinsically Multiscale Problems, Dirk Drasdo, Nick Jagiella, Ignacio Ramis-Conde, Irene E. Vignon-Clementel, and William Weens

Delaunay Object Dynamics for Tissues Involving Highly Motile Cells, Tilo Beyer and Michael Meyer-Hermann







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