Human Development from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood

Human Development from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood


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Data generated from longitudinal studies allow researchers to better understand how context and experience interact with stable characteristics of the developing person over time. This book summarizes a landmark longitudinal study of 200 children, from the ages of 3 to 23. The Munich Longitudinal Study on the Ontogenesis of Individual Competencies (LOGIC) examined the development of individual differences over time and whether it is possible to predict later competencies from earlier ones. Offering a snapshot of theory and data on personality, social, motor, moral, and cognitive development, the contributors help us understand which individual differences can and cannot be altered through schooling and other experiences and how differences seen in the earliest stages are later reflected in adulthood. The results provide valuable insight into the strengths and limitations of early prediction of individual differences.

This is the second volume to review the wealth of data generated by the study. The first volume (Weinert and Schneider, 1999) traced development from ages 3 to 12. This volume continues the story, integrating these early findings with the results from adolescence and young adulthood.

Each of the chapters provides an overview of current research and addresses how the data help us understand the presence and developmental effects of individual differences. Among the findings are results on:

The relative stability of cognitive competencies

The long term effects of shyness and aggression

The relation between moral understanding and action, and

The role of education in the development or maintenance of performance differences.

Intended for researchers and advanced students in developmental, educational, personality, social, and cognitive psychology, this book will also appeal to educators, especially the chapters that focus on literacy development, educational context, scientific reasoning and mathematical reasoning.


Dr. Wolfgang Schneider is Vice-President of the Julius-Maximilians-University Wuerzburg and Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology. He was an original member of the research group assembled by the Founding Director of the Max-Plank-Institute for Psychological Research in 1982 and has been involved in the study for the entire length of the project.

Dr. Merry Bullock is Senior Director for International Affairs at the American Psychological Association. She received her PhD in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1979. She is presently deputy secretary-general for the International Union of Psychological Science and a member of the National Academy of Sciences Board on International Science Organizations.


M. Bullock, W. Schneider, Introduction and Overview: Goals and Structure of LOGIC. W. Schneider, J. Stefanek, F. Niklas, Development of Intelligence and Thinking. J. Ahnert, W. Schneider, K. Bos Developmental Changes and Individual Stability of Motor Abilities from Preschool to Young Adulthood. W. Schneider, M. Knopf, B. Sodian, Verbal Memory Development from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood. G. Nunner-Winkler, Moral Motivation from Childhood to Early Adulthood. J.B. Asendorpf, J.J.A. Denissen, M.A.G. van Aken, Personality Trajectories from Early Childhood through Emerging Adulthood. F.W. Schrader, A. Helmke, Development of Self-confidence from Adolescence to Early Adulthood. M. Bullock, B. Sodian, S. Koerber, Doing Experiments and Understanding Science: Development of Scientific Reasoning from Childhood to Adulthood. W. Schneider, The Development of Reading and Spelling: Relevant Precursors, Developmental Changes and Individual Differences. E. Stern, The Development of Mathematical Competencies: Sources of Individual Differences and their Developmental Trajectories. W. Schneider, M. Bullock, Epilogue: Problems and Potentials of the Munich Longitudinal Study. Bibliography of Publications Stemming from the LOGIC Project.







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