Mobile Communications Handbook

Mobile Communications Handbook


:NT$ 13975 元
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With 26 entirely new and 5 extensively revised chapters out of the total of 39, the Mobile Communications Handbook, Third Edition presents an in-depth and up-to-date overview of the full range of wireless and mobile technologies that we rely on every day. This includes, but is not limited to, everything from digital cellular mobile radio and evolving personal communication systems to wireless data and wireless networks

Illustrating the extraordinary evolution of wireless communications and networks in the last 15 years, this book is divided into five sections:

  • Basic Principles provides the essential underpinnings for the wide-ranging mobile communication technologies currently in use throughout the world.
  • Wireless Standards contains technical details of the standards we use every day, as well as insights into their development.
  • Source Compression and Quality Assessment covers the compression techniques used to represent voice and video for transmission over mobile communications systems as well as how the delivered voice and video quality are assessed.
  • Wireless Networks examines the wide range of current and developing wireless networks and wireless methodologies.
  • Emerging Applications explores newly developed areas of vehicular communications and 60 GHz wireless communications.

Written by experts from industry and academia, this book provides a succinct overview of each topic, quickly bringing the reader up to date, but with sufficient detail and references to enable deeper investigations. Providing much more than a "just the facts" presentation, contributors use their experience in the field to provide insights into how each topic has emerged and to point toward forthcoming developments in mobile communications.


Jerry D. Gibson is a professor and the department chair of electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Author, co-author, and editor of numerous books, Dr. Gibson was associate editor for speech processing for the IEEE Transactions on Communications from 1981 to 1985 and an associate editor for communications for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory from 1988 to 1991. He was president of the IEEE Information Theory Society in 1996 and served on the Board of Governors of the IT Society for 10 years. He was a member of the Speech Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society from 1992 to 1994. Dr. Gibson served as technical program chair and founder of the 1999 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, technical program chair of the 1997 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, and general co-chair of the 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. He was an elected Member-at-Large on the Communications Society Board of Governors from 2005 to 2007. Currently, he serves on the Steering Committee for the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. He was an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2007–2008, and he is a member of the IEEE Awards Committee and the IEEE Medal of Honor Committee. Dr. Gibson also received the IEEE Technical Committee on Wireless Communications Recognition Award in 2009 for contributions in the area of Wireless Communications Systems and Networks.







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