Moving Out of Poverty: Rising from the Ashes of Conflict: Vol. 4

Moving Out of Poverty: Rising from the Ashes of Conflict: Vol. 4


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“There is no peace with hunger. Only promises and promises and no fulfillment. If there is no job, there is no peace. If there is nothing to cook in the pot,there is no peace.”- Oscar, a 57-year-old man, El Gorrion, Colombia“They want to construct their houses near the road, and they cannot do that if they do not have peace with their enemies. So peace and the road have developeda symbiotic relation. One cannot live without the other. . . .”- A community leader from a conflict-affected community on the island of Mindanao, PhilippinesMost conflict studies focus on the national level, but this volume focuses on the community level. It explores how communities experience and recover from violent conflict, and the surprising opportunities that can emerge for poor people to move out of poverty in these harsh contexts. 'Rising from the Ashes of Conflict' reveals how poor people’s mobility is shaped by local democracy, people’s associations, aid strategies, and the local economic environment in over 100 communities in seven conflict-affected countries, including Afghanistan. The findings suggest the need to rethink postconflict development assistance.This is the fourth volume in a series derived from the Moving Out of Poverty study, which explores mobility from the perspectives of poor people in more than 500 communities across 15 countries.


DEEPA NARAYAN is project director of a 15-country World Bank study, Moving Out of Poverty: Understanding Freedom, Democracy, and Growth from the Bottom Up, which builds on an earlier study also directed by Narayan, Voices of the Poor.
Formerly a senior adviser in the Poverty Reduction group of the World Bank, Narayan has over 25 years of development experience in Asia and Africa, working for nongovernmental organizations, national governments, and the United Nations system as well as the World Bank Group. Her areas of expertise include participatory development, community-driven development, and social capital, and the use of these concepts to create wealth for the poor. Recent publications include Moving Out of Poverty: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Mobility (World Bank, 2007); Ending Poverty in South Asia: Ideas that Work, co-edited with Elena Glinskaya (World Bank, 2007); and Measuring Empowerment:Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (World Bank, 2005).

PATTI PETESCH is a specialist in qualitative analysis on the causes of poverty, how people escape poverty, and the role of individual and collective agency in these processes. She freelances for the World Bank and other international development organizations, and served as coordinator for the World Bank's global Voices of the Poor and Moving out of Poverty studies. Her recent publications include Moving Out of Poverty: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Mobility, (edited with D. Narayan); Evaluating Empowerment: A Framework with Cases from Latin America, (with C. Smulovitz and M. Walton); and Voices of the Poor from Colombia: Strengthening Livelihoods, Families and Communities, (with J.Arboleda and J. Blackburn).







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