Other Worlds and Their Relation to This World ─ Early Jewish and Ancient Christian Traditions

Other Worlds and Their Relation to This World ─ Early Jewish and Ancient Christian Traditions


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Tobas Nicklas, Dr. theol. (2000), Habilitation (2004), is currently Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Regensburg, Germany, He has published extensively on Jewish and Christian apocrypha, New Testament Textual Criticism and questions of Jewish-Christian Dialogue.

Joseph Verheyden, Dr. Theol. (1987), is Professor of New Testament at the Catholic University of Louvain. He has published in the field of synoptic studies, textual criticism, intertestamental and apocryphal literature, and the early reception history of the New Testament.

Erik Eynikel, Th,D. (1989), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, is Lecturer of Old Testament exegesis at the University of Dallas. He has published extensively on the Deuteronomistic History and the Septuagint, including The Reform of the King Josiah and the Composition of the Deuteronomistic History, (Brill, 1996) and together with J. Lust and K. Hauspie, A Greek English Lexicon of the Septuagint (DBG, 2003).

Florentino Garcia Martinez was Professor of Early Judaism and Dead Sea Scrolls at the Catholic University of Leuven and at the University of Groningen where he led the Qumran Institute. He is a member of the International Team of Editors of the Dead Sea scrolls, editorial secretary of the Revue de Qumrsn, and editor-in-chief of the journal for the Study of Judaism. He has written numerous books and articles on the Dead Sea Scrolls.


Tobias Nicklas, Dr. theol. (2000), Habilitation (2004), is currently Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Regensburg, Germany. He has published extensively on Jewish and Christian apocrypha, New Testament Textual Criticism and questions of Jewish-Christian Dialogue.Joseph Verheyden, Dr. Theol. (1987), is Professor of New Testament at the Catholic University of Louvain. He has published in the field of synoptic studies, textual criticism, intertestamental and apocryphal literature, and the early reception history of the New Testament.Erik Eynikel Th.D. (1989), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, is Lecturer of Old Testament exegesis at the University of Nijmegen and Adjunct Professor for Old Testament at the University of Dallas. He has published extensively on the Deuteronomistic History and the Septuagint, including The Reform of King Josiah and the Composition of the Deuteronomistic History (Brill, 1996) and together with J. Lust and K. Hauspie, A Greek English Lexicon of the Septuagint (DBG, 2003).Florentino Garcia Martinez was Professor of Early Judaism and Dead Sea Scrolls at the Catholic University of Leuven and at the University of Groningen where he led the Qumran Instituut. He is a member of the International Team of Editors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, editorial secretary of the "Revue de Qumran", and editor-in-chief of the "Journal for the Study of Judaism". He has written numerous books and article on the Dead Sea Scrolls.







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