Advanced Nanoelectronics
系列名:Nano and Energy
替代書名:Advanced Nanoelectronics
出版社:Taylor & Francis
作者:Razali Bin Ismail (EDT); Mohammad Taghi Ahmadi (EDT); Sohail Anwar (EDT)
規格:24.1cm*16.5cm*2.5cm (高/寬/厚)
While theories based on classical physics have been very successful in helping experimentalists design microelectronic devices, new approaches based on quantum mechanics are required to accurately model nanoscale transistors and to predict their characteristics even before they are fabricated. Advanced Nanoelectronics provides research information on advanced nanoelectronics concepts, with a focus on modeling and simulation. Featuring contributions by researchers actively engaged in nanoelectronics research, it develops and applies analytical formulations to investigate nanoscale devices.
The book begins by introducing the basic ideas related to quantum theory that are needed to better understand nanoscale structures found in nanoelectronics, including graphenes, carbon nanotubes, and quantum wells, dots, and wires. It goes on to highlight some of the key concepts required to understand nanotransistors. These concepts are then applied to the carbon nanotube field effect transistor (CNTFET).
Several chapters cover graphene, an unzipped form of CNT that is the recently discovered allotrope of carbon that has gained a tremendous amount of scientific and technological interest. The book discusses the development of the graphene nanoribbon field effect transistor (GNRFET) and its use as a possible replacement to overcome the CNT chirality challenge. It also examines silicon nanowire (SiNW) as a new candidate for achieving the downscaling of devices. The text describes the modeling and fabrication of SiNW, including a new top-down fabrication technique. Strained technology, which changes the properties of device materials rather than changing the device geometry, is also discussed.
The book ends with a look at the technical and economic challenges that face the commercialization of nanoelectronics and what universities, industries, and government can do to lower the barriers. A useful resource for professionals, researchers, and scientists, this work brings together state-of-the-art technical and scientific information on important topics in advanced nanoelectronics.
Dr. Razali Ismail is currently a professor and head of the Computational Nanoelectronics Research Group at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He has worked for more than 20 years in the field of modeling and simulation of microelectronics devices and has published various articles on the subject. His current research interest is in the emerging area of nanoelectronics devices, focusing on the use of carbon-based materials and novel device structure. Dr. Razali is a member of the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS).
Dr. Mohammad Taghi Ahmadi is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He is active in research related to carbon-based devices and graphene-based transistor and sensor modeling. His main research interests are in nanoscale device modeling, simulation, and characterization. His research has resulted in a number of publications in high-impact journals, for which he has been several awards, including a UTM Chancellor Award (2010). Dr. Ahmadi is an IEEE and American Nano Society member.
Dr. Sohail Anwar is an associate professor of engineering at the Altoona College of The Pennsylvania State University. He is also a professional associate of the Management Development Programs and Services at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Dr. Anwar is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of ASEE and PAS. He recently served on the IEEE Committee on Technology Accreditation Activities (CTAA). He is a commissioner of the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of ABET. Dr. Anwar is also editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering & Technology, published by Taylor & Francis/CRC Press.