The Geography of North America ─ Environment / Culture / Economy

The Geography of North America ─ Environment / Culture / Economy


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North America’s physical, economic, and cultural environments are changing rapidly – from climate change and environmental hazards, to the ongoing global economic turmoil, to an expanding population, to the cultural phenomenon of online social networks like Facebook. T he Geography of North America: Environment, Culture, Economy is an engaging approach to the geography of the U.S., Canada, and Greenland. While the material is structured around traditional concepts and themes, compelling modern examples illustrate key concepts, including popular culture, sports, music, and travel. The authors’ accessible approach promotes understanding of various regions of the continent as well as Hawai'i and Greenland.

The Second Edition strengthens the text’s three core themes of environment, culture, and economy with new data and updated chapter sections, revised feature box essays, and a new pedagogical structure consisting of learning outcomes, checkpoints, and discussion questions. Online media and quiz support are found on the book’s premium website at


Susan Wiley Hardwick is professor emeritus at the University of Oregon where she specializes in the geography of North America, urban and cultural geography, and the geography of immigration. Susan has authored seven other books and dozens of articles and book chapters. She is a former President of the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) and has been involved in numerous national geography education initiatives, including The National Geography Standards, The Roadmap to Geography Project, and the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE). She is perhaps best known as the co-host of “The Power of Place” an Annenberg geography series produced for public television. She is the recipient of numerous grants and teaching and professional awards, including the statewide California Outstanding Professor Award, where she was selected out of more than 23,000 faculty when she taught at California at State University, Chico. She received her B.A. from Slippery Rock State University, her M.A. from California State University, and her PhD from University of California-Davis.

Fred M. Shelley
is Professor of Geography and Graduate Liasion at the University of Oklahoma. His research and teaching focuses on political geography, world systems, cultural geography, and North America geography. He has published ten books and over seventy scholarly articles. He received his B.A. from Clark University, his M.A. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa.

Donald G. Holtgrieve is an adjunct professor of geography and environmental studies at the University of Oregon-Eugene. He received his B.A. from San Diego State College, his M.A. from California State University Los Angeles., and his PhD from the University of Oregon-Eugene. He is the author of numerous articles and book chapters and has received a number of awards and grants. He founded and headed an environmental research firm, coordinated projects for citizen environmental groups, and was a consulting urban planner for several state and local public agencies. He has worked as an inner-city high school teacher, reserve state fish and game warden, and land planner for sustainable development projects.







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