Max viaja a la Luna / Max Goes to the Moon ─ Una aventura de ciencias con el perro Max / A Science Adventure With Max the Dog: Edicion para el planetario

Max viaja a la Luna / Max Goes to the Moon ─ Una aventura de ciencias con el perro Max / A Science Adventure With Max the Dog: Edicion para el planetario


:NT$ 675 元
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Max the Dog and a young girl named Tori take the first trip to the Moon since the Apollo era, and their trip proves so inspiring to people back on Earth that all the nations of the world come together to build a great Moon colony. From the colony, the views of Earth make everyone realize how small and precious planet Earth is. Along the way, the story sets the stage for more sophisticated science, featured in the 19 “Big Kid Box” sidebars?which cover topics including “Phases of the Moon,” “Wings in Space?,” and “Frisbees and Curve Balls on the Moon”—all thoughtfully explained so that grownups and children can learn about science together. Behind-the-scenes science lessons with activities round out this entertaining and educational picture book, which is designed to accompany the new Max Goes to the Moon planetarium show, coming soon to planetariums around the world.

El perro Max y una joven llamada Tori emprenden el primer viaje a la luna desde la epoca del programa Apolo, y su viaje resulta ser tan inspirador para los habitantes de la Tierra que todas las naciones trabajan juntas para construir una colonia en la luna. Las vistas de la Tierra desde la colonia les recuerdan a todos lo pequeno y precioso que es el planeta. A lo largo del libro, la historia presenta conceptos cientificos mas sofisticados en 19 notas de recuadro que abarcan temas como “Las fases de la luna,” “?Alas en el espacio?” y “Frisbees y bolas curva en la luna”—todos explicados de tal manera que los adultos y los ninos puedan aprender juntos sobre la ciencia. Lecciones cientificas con actividades tambien se incluyen en este divertido y didactico libro ilustrado, el cual esta disenado para acompanar la nueva exposicion en planetarios Max Goes to the Moon, el cual estara pasando por planetarios nacionales e internacionales.


Jeffrey Bennett is the author of El mago que salvo el mundo as well as the books in the Science Adventures with Max the Dog series. He is an astrophysicist and educator who proposed the idea for and helped develop the Voyage Scale Model Solar System—the first science-oriented exhibit approved for permanent installation on the National Mall in Washington, DC. He lives in Boulder, Colorado. Alan Okamoto is a children's book illustrator and a space artist who has done commissioned work for the Air Force, numerous aerospace corporations, and college textbooks. He lives in Lodi, California.







定價:100 675



