Thieves of Virtue ─ When Bioethics Stole Medicine
系列名:Basic Bioethics
替代書名:Thieves of Virtue
出版社:Mit Pr
作者:Tom Koch
規格:23.5cm*15.9cm*3.2cm (高/寬/厚)
Bioethics emerged in the 1960s from a conviction that physicians and researchersneeded the guidance of philosophers in handling the issues raised by technological advances inmedicine. It blossomed as a response to the perceived doctor-knows-best paternalism of thetraditional medical ethic and today plays a critical role in health policies and treatmentdecisions. Bioethics claimed to offer a set of generally applicable, universally accepted guidelinesthat would simplify complex situations. In Thieves of Virtue, Tom Koch arguesthat bioethics has failed to deliver on its promises. Instead, he argues, bioethics has promoted aview of medicine as a commodity whose delivery is predicated not on care but on economic efficiency.Koch questions the "founding myths" of bioethics by which moral philosophers becamepractical ethicists who served as adjudicators of medical practice and planning. High philosophy, heargues, does not provide a guide to the practical dilemmas that arise at the bedside of sickpatients. Nobody, he writes, carries Kant to a clinical consult. At the heart of bioethics, Kochwrites, is a "lifeboat ethic" that assumes "scarcity" of medical resources is anatural condition rather than the result of prior economic, political, and social choices. The ideaof natural scarcity requiring ethical triage signaled a shift in ethical emphasis from patient careand the physician's responsibility for it to neoliberal accountancies and the promotion of researchas the preeminent good. The solution to the failure of bioethics is not a new set of simplisticprinciples. Koch points the way to a transformed medical ethics that is humanist, responsible, anddefensible.
Tom Koch, an international lecturer and consultant on bioethics, gerontology, and public health, is the author of fifteen books, including Mirrored Lives: Aging Children and Elderly Parents; Cartographies of Disease: Maps, Mapping, and Medicine; Disease Maps: Epidemics on the Ground