The Winning Way to Quit Smoking

The Winning Way to Quit Smoking


:NT$ 659 元
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The original 'Winning Way' revolutionary protocol is derived from a Natural and Holistic foundation. It incorporates Health Science, and embraces Complementary and Nutritional Therapy with an accent on biological regulation and the intrinsic healing of the mind, body and soul. It is designed to slowly and systematically change smokers into non-smokers (in around six months) without the need for nicotine replacement products and anti-smoking drugs, which in the light of recent research may pose serious health dangers.Chapter 1 ‘I’d Walk a Mile for a Camel’!This opening chapter gives a clear insight into the complexities and overriding genetic factors involved in cigarette addiction. It includes the latest scientific research from world-leading scientists and institutions. Chapter 2 ‘A 100 Trillion Garbage Cans’This chapter takes on a cellular perspective, and considers the alarming damage caused by the non-stop onslaught of toxic and carcinogenic molecules generated from smoke particles. It examines the knock-on effect to all the body’s tissues and organs and then turns to detoxing - the portal to all biological balance and regeneration, and the gateway to optimal health and cessation. There are numerous practical methods to choose from, all of which can be immediately incorporated into your daily routine. Research on the strong link between smoking and genetic expression is presented, and the link between gene expression and nutrigenomics is introduced.Chapter 3 ‘Health Cuisine’In the spirit of optimum nutrition, with referrals to the renowned Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Nutrition, this chapter embarks on showing you countless ways to gradually upgrade your nutritional status without worrying about counting calories. With recent research indicating that food and food concentrates may be capable of modifying genetic damage; this book sets a precedence for encouraging you to strive for the very best in food choices. It clearly explains how smoking changes the body's digestive functioning, and allows you to work out a program which avoids the helter-skelter blood sugar highs and lows which make smokers yearn for more cigarettes. It reviews energising and powerful foods and supplements which can be instrumental in helping to create an optimal cellular environment, and strong biological, neurological and immune system functioning. The aim is to support the organ and tissue weaknesses that smoking has created, in addition to staving off further damage. There is an undercurrent strategy to help readers when they reach the end of the protocol, so that they will be well acquainted with obtaining a favourable balance of nutrients, with a suitable level and quality of carbohydrates, protein and fat, that will impart maximum energy and optimal body weight. Chapter 4 ‘The ‘S’ Factor’This chapter explores the stress cycle created by smoking. There is an insight into the nervous system which compounds the difficulties and keeps smokers in the groove. Chapter 5 ‘Fuhgeddaboutit’!The title of this chapter is the name of the book’s method which is geared to allow you to forget about smoking permanently. – It was inspired by the expression of the much loved rogue mafia boss, Tony Soprano, from the fantastic HBO world-wide smash hit ‘The Sopranos’. This chapter is geared to build up your strength and willpower. A 'C' dairy is introduced to allow you to keep a simple record of when and where you smoke.Chapters 6-9 comprise the 4 Zones which you will enter:The Prep Zone (4 weeks)The Cutting Down Zone (8 weeks)The Quit Zero Zone (16 weeks)The Permanent Quit ZoneChapter 10 ‘Weighing In’!This chapter examines how nicotine suppresses the appetite, and burns up calories quicker than normal. It allows you to understand the inevitable changes that cessation brings and gives guidance on taking positive action through a healthy diet, specific supplements, an age old remedy, and moderate exercise programs.







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