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A common thread in this book is the depiction of the African diasporas not only as a cultural epiphenomena (or interlocking communities), but also as a process characterized by identity transformations, lived experiences and realities, including the capturing of the historical trends that are acted and played out in multiple social domains. The heart of the diaspora domain is the cultural communities which serve at the fulcrum or the center of action exemplifying the vibrant nature and the continuities inherent in the formation of the diaspora.


Dr. John A. Arthur is Professor of Sociology and Criminology at the University of Minnesota, Duluth campus. He received his Ph.D. from Penn State University. His research interests include international migration, the African diaspora, race and ethnic relations, and minorities and the criminal justice system. He is author of several books including Invisible Sojourners: African Immigrant Diaspora in the United States; The African Diaspora in the United States and Europe; African Immigrant Women in the United States: Crossing Transnational Borders; and African Diaspora Identities: Negotiating Culture in Transnational Migration.

Dr. Joseph Takougang is Professor of African history in the department of Africana Studies at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio. His interests include colonial and post-colonial Africa, with a focus on Cameroon nationalism and post-colonial political developments in Cameroon. A secondary research area focuses on the African Diaspora in the United States. In addition to over a dozen articles in refereed journals and edited volumes, Takougang is also co-author (with Milton Krieger) of African State and Society in the 1990s: Cameroon’s Political Crossroads (Westview Press, 1998) and co-editor (with John Mukum Mbaku) of The Leadership Challenge in Africa: Cameroon Under Paul Biya (Africa World Press, Inc, 2004).

Dr Thomas Owusu is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Geography and Urban Studies, William Paterson University of New Jersey. He earned his B.A from the University of Ghana, M.A. from Wilfred Laurier University in Canada, and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. His research interests include the changing social geography of North American cities, immigrants and North America cities, dynamics of urban economic and demographic change, and comparative urban development and policy. He has published papers on the social and economic experiences and conditions of immigrants in Canada and the United States in several international journals including International Migration Review, Journal of Migration and Integration, Housing Studies, The Canadian Geographer, and National Social Science Journal.







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