Advanced Treatment Techniques for the Manual Therapist: Neck
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Advanced Treatment Techniques for the Manual Therapist: Neck

Advanced Treatment Techniques for the Manual Therapist: Neck


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Help your students develop the advanced skills needed to treat the neck!?
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is pleased to introduce?Advanced Treatment Techniques for the Manual Therapist NECK, an exciting new edition as part of our?In Touch?series. Relying on his vast experience as a chiropractor, manual therapist, and educator, author Joe Muscolino creates a comprehensive guide to neck treatment that empowers manual therapists from multiple health professions to confidently and effectively manage neck pain and conditions . Part One of the book begins with an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the neck, common pathologic conditions, and assessment.? Part Two sets forth a variety of tested and proven treatment techniques.And Part Three offers self-care advice for both the client and the manual therapist.
The treatment routines set forth in the text combine images with detailed explanations to guide students through effective clinical orthopedic manual therapy techniques for the functional muscle groups and joints of the neck.? Accompanying video clips show these techniques in action.? Caution boxes throughout the text draw attention to contraindications and precautions that students need to be aware of before performing manual therapy on the neck.
Whether as a student expanding his or her learning to include advanced treatment options, or as a practicing therapist seeking to hone and enhance a seasoned skill set, this book will help readers prepare to meet the needs of their clients and become a more marketable, in-demand, and valuable therapist by performing clinical orthopedic work. Likewise, instructors will find additional tools and resources to facilitate the teaching and learning of this crucial topic.

--Chapter Objectives, Key Terms, and Review Questions set up, solidfy, and structure each chapter's concepts for optimal reader understanding and retention.
--Treatment Routines present images and detailed technique explanations for each functional muscle group.
--Practical Applications pair with the Treatment Routines to help the practitioner apply the techniques.
--Therapist Tips throughout the text delve deeper into the treatment tequniques.
--Caution! boxes highlight contraindications or precautions that practitioners must take while performing the techniques.
--Case Studies with Think it Through questions bridge the pathologies in Part 1 with the techniques in Part 2 by helping the practitioner apply critical reasoning when assessing their clients.
--Bound-in DVD features videos demonstrating how to performa various assessment and treatment techniques.
--Ancillaries: Video clips and Image Bank, as well as free eBook will accompany the text.


Jospeh E. Muscolino has been teaching core curriculum and continuing education musculoskeletal anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, assessment, and treatment courses to manual and movement therapists for more than 25 years. He was an instructor at the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy from 1986 to 2010. and is presently an adjunct professor at Purchase College, State University of New York (SUNY).
Dr. Muscolino is the author of numerous textbooks written for the world of manual and movement therapy. These textbooks cover musculoskeletal anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, musculoskeletal pathology, palpation and orthopedic assessment, and hands-on treatment techniques. He has authored several assessment and treatment DVDs, writes the column article, "Body Mechanics," in the Massage Therapy Journal (MTJ), and has written for numerous journals in the United States and internationally.
Dr. Muscolino teaches continuing education workshops in the United States and internationally on such topics as body mechanics, deep tissue massage, stretching, advanced stretching,?joint mobilization,?muscle palpation, joint motion palpation, orthopedic assessment,?musculoskeletal pathologic conditions, kinesiology, and cadaver workshops. Through The Art and Science of Kinesiology, Dr. Muscolino offers a Certification in Clinical Orthopedic Massage Therapy. He also runs instructor in-services for kinesiology and hands-on treatment instructors.
Dr. Muscolino received his Bachelor of Arts in biology from the State University of New York at Binghamton, Harpur College. He attained his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. He has been in private practice in Connecticut for more than 26 years and incorporates soft tissue work into his chiropractic practice for all of his patients.


Part 1: Anatomy, Pathology, and Assessment
Chapter 1: Anatomy and Physiology Review
Chapter 2: Common Musculoskeletal Pathologic Conditions
Chapter 3: Assessment and Treatment Strategy
Part 2: Advanced Treatment Techniques
Chapter 4: Body Mechanics for Deep Tissue Work to the Posterior Neck
Chapter 5: Massaging the Anterior Neck
Chapter 6: Multiplane Stretching
Chapter 7: Contract Relax Stretching
Chapter 8: Agonist Contract Stretching
Chapter 9: Contract Relax Agonist Contract Stretching
Chapter 10: Joint Mobilization

Part 3: Self-Care for the Client and Therapist
Chapter 11: Self-Care for the Client
Chapter 12: Self-Care for the Therapist






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