Virtual & Rapid Manufacturing

Virtual & Rapid Manufacturing


:NT$ 24000 元
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Collection of 120 peer-reviewed papers that were presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, held in Leiria, Portugal in September 2007. Essential reading for all those working on V&RP, focused on inducing increased collaboration between industry and academia. In addition to keynotes dealing with cutting-edge manufacturing engineering issues, contributions deal with topical research virtual and rapid prototyping (V&RP), such as: 1. biomanufacturing, 2. CAD and 3D data acquistion technologies, 3. materials, 4. rapid tooling and manufacturing, 6. advanced rapid prototyping technologies and nanofabrication, 7. virtual environments, 8. collaborative design and engineering and 9. various applications.


Paulo Bartolo is Professor of Advanced Manufacturing Processes at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL), Portugal, and Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the School of Technology and Management of IPL. He is Co-Director of the Postgraduate Research Centre at IPL, Fellow of the Institute of Polymers and Composites at the University of Minho (Portugal), Advisor of the Portuguese Agency for the Development and Innovation and President of the Portuguese Rapid Prototyping Association. He is Editor in Chief of Virtual & Physical Prototyping


Invited lectures

State of the industry
Rapid manufacturing of metallic objects: A challenge for research and industry
Data fusion and shape retrieval methods for 3D geometric structures
Scan and solve: Acquiring the physics of artifacts
Tangible virtual reality for product design
Interoperability isn’t (yet), and what’s being done about it
The use of multiple materials in Rapid Prototyping

A novel poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid)-collagen hybrid scaffold fabricated via multi-nozzle low-temperature deposition
Scaffold-based bone engineering by using Rapid Prototyping Technologies

Mechanical behaviour and vascularisation analysis of tissue engineering scaffolds
Evolutionary optimization for soft tissue engineering
Porogen-based solid freeform fabrication of polycaprolactone-calcium phosphate scaffolds for tissue engineering
Development of novel rapid-freeze prototyping for tissue engineering
Evaluation of degradation of bioabsorbable polycaprolactone used in Rapid Prototyping for medical application
Laser powder micro deposition of Ti6Al4V for the rapid manufacture of dental implants
Functionally graded scaffolds: The challenges in design and fabrication processes
Characterisation of HA/polymer bio-composite structure fabricated by selective laser sintering
Classification of image artifacts due to amalgam restoration in Computed Tomography for the improvement of Rapid Prototyping biomodels
InVesalius: Three-dimensional medical reconstruction software
Two-dimensional X-ray simulation based on Computed Tomography images
An integrated physical and virtual prototyping approach for medical applications
The virtual biomodel as a complementary resource for the diagnosis of mandibular ankylosis
Customized implant development for maxillo-mandibular reconstruction
Rapid Prototyping applied to surgical planning for correcting craniofacial malformations in wild animals.A case study of a brazilian fox
BioExtrusion for tissue engineering applications
CAD and 3D data acquisition technologies

Automatic usability data acquisition and interface simulation using stereolithography mock-up and internal video analysis
Heterogeneous soft material modeling and virtual prototyping with 5-DOF haptic force feedback for product development
Reverse engineering from 3D optical acquisition: Application to crime scene investigation
A novel high-resolution algorithm for detecting laser stripe center
Fast digitizing of 3D shapes by automatic alignment of multiple range maps
Coded targets photogrammetry for 3D digitization of human faces

Surface roughness parameters determination model in machining with the use of design and visualization technologies
Preliminary budget methodology for reverse engineering applications using laser scanning
A Neural Network technique for re-meshing of bone micro-structure
Knowledge representation for subassembly designing using CBR methodology
Theses analysis on CAD/RP technology
Agile-CAD for reverse engineering

Electrowetting based multi-microfluidics array printing of high resolution tissue construct with embedded cells and growth factors
Fabrication of functionally graded bio materials by Nano Composite Deposition System
Biodegradable stereolithography resins with defined mechanical properties
The influence of bond-coating on plasma sprayed alumina-titania, doped with biologically derived hydroxyapatite, on stainless steal
Acrylic based hydrogel phantom for in-vitro ultrasound contrast agent characterization
A study of the degradation of Duraform PA due to cyclic processing
The manufacturing of PMMA/PS blends by selective laser sintering
Manufacture by selective laser sintering of functionally graded PA6/PA12 components with applications in antifriction materials
Investigation of shrinkage strains in a photo-curable resin for 3D micro-fabrication using a FBG sensor
Development of nanocomposite material for rapid manufacturing: Application in microreactor technology
Manufacturing cellular materials via Three-Dimensional Printing of spray-dried metal oxide ceramic powder
Material characterization for Fused Deposition of Ceramics
Localized irradiations for covalent graftings on glass substrates
Rapid prototyping of amorphous silica through laser stereolithography
Development of a model to optimize the sand shape and post process parameters for parts produced by Direct Croning Process
Additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V based components with high power fiber lasers
Copper powder densification by means of DMLF process: The effect of energy density input and oxidation
Foaming alginate for tissue engineering
The effect of thermal conductivity of RIM moulds in kinetics cure
Composition and cure temperature: The influence on properties of final flexible PU cold cure foam parts
Rapid tooling and manufacturing

Digitally Adjustable Tooling technology for dieless forming and jigless assembly of panels
Rapid Tooling and the LOMOLD process
Fabrication of stainless steel and ceramic parts with the Optoform process
Manufacturing criteria in hybrid modular tools: How to combine additive and subtractive processes
The effect of the mould material selection and production methodology on the thermal behaviour and tribology of injection moulds
CAD/CAE techniques to prevent premature failure in direct AIM moulding inserts
Rapid Tooling aided by Virtual Prototyping for blow-molds development
Multiple material moulds – Directives for blow moulding design
Rapid Prototyping applied to a new development in moulds for rotational moulding
Rapid Tooling route selection and evaluation for sand and investment casting
Direct manufacturing of pneumatic grippers by stereolithography
Rapid Metal Casting – A review of present status
Pursuing successful Rapid Manufacturing in a standards-less industry: A best practice approach
Application of Rapid Prototyping/Rapid Tooling in manufacturing experimental stereotypes of new-style emitters
Advanced rapid prototyping technologies and nanofabrication

Laser Micro Sintering – A new method to generate metal and ceramic parts of high resolution with sub-micrometer powder
Process accuracy during laser based stereo lithography and production of Ormocer® microsystems with related mechanical properties
Freeform fabrication of metals by 3D Micro Welding
Deep Proton Writing: A tool for rapid prototyping of polymer micro-opto-mechanical modules
Feedback control of Selective Laser Melting
Selective Laser Melting of lattice structures in solid shells
Complex structure micro-parts formed with Selective Laser Melting method
Type HRPM-II machine for Selective Laser Melting process
Investigation on polyamide powder properties deterioration and efficient powder recycling in Laser Sintering
Influence of the process parameters on the liquid bridges between particles in SLS
Application of rapid manufacturing to build artifacts for using in microgravity environment. - An International Space Station case
Intelligent optimization of process parameters in selective laser sintering
Expanding applications and opportunities with polyjet™ Rapid Prototyping technology
A novel combination of materials for rapid manufacturing of 3-dimensional objects by ink-jet printing
Super-saturation drowning-out coating of metal particles for usage in layered manufacturing processes; Process development, design and manufacturing of coating machine
SEDS – A new rapid prototyping method based on metal powder sintering
Laminated Object Manufacturing with aluminium bonded sheets
Ultrasonic Consolidation with aluminum and copper
Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) as small batch production method
Some experimental studies of mechanical behavior of FDM Rapid Prototyped parts
Part strength analysis of Shell Assisted Layer Manufacturing (SALM)
Effect of constraint on residual stresses and deformations in weld based Rapid Prototyping
Investigations of the energy input of different metal processing, additive layer manufacturing methods
A new 2D inner/outer contour identification method for layer manufacturing
Putting it all together: Rapid Prototype as Design
Multi-objective optimal positioning and packing for layered manufacturing
Lean thinking and Rapid Prototyping: Towards a shorter distance between the drawing board and the construction site
Novel Rapid Prototyping processes - building movable parts
Functionally Gradient Material laser rapid prototyping system
Virtual environments

3D Photo-realistic talking head for human-robot interaction
Human machine interaction based on Bayesian analysis of human movements
Collaborative workspace for aircraft maintenance
Generation of an automobile driving training interactive environment
Functional requirements for user-interface architectures for Virtual Enterprise dynamic reconfiguration
The feasibility of consumer evaluation of products using virtual prototyping technologies
Digital fabrication in the arts: Just another technical reproduction advance leap or a new artistic revolution?
Modeling of heat transfer and phase transformations in the rapid manufacturing of dental prosthesis by laser powder micro-deposition
Collaborative design and engineering

3D scan and RP for the as-built data collection and related design studies in a city
Augmented Prototyping as a design means for industrial design - a multiple case analysis
Method for increasing innovation capacity in development of casing type details
The impact of the Rapid Prototyping in the product design development
A new conceptual framework based on the ECSI model to support Axiomatic Design
Efficiency analysis of prototype evolution methodology on collaborative design
Whither one of a kind?
Custom design, more than custom to fit!

Saving a project through Rapid Manufacture in South Africa
Mass customization of foot or thoses for rheumatoid arthritis
Tactile scale models: Three-dimensional info-graphics for space orientation of the blind and visually impaired
Using intelligent prototypes to improve the aerodynamic design of race car aerofoil profiles
Effect of wind loading on low rise buildings using finite element modelling and Computational Fluid Dynamics:A Commercially Focused Approach
Rapid product development by reverse engineering
Study of a composite material with metallic particles for application in an automobile component
Development of a type of sandwich panels for the aeronautical industry
Study and characterization of a material with carbon fibres for the production of an ergonomic easy chair







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