作者:Kate Williams 韓圣龍 閆慧 Abdul Alkalimat
《社群信息學:理論與研究》收錄了自20世紀六七十年代至今發表的有關社群信息學的經典文章。《社群信息學:理論與研究》由Kate Williams 韓圣龍等著。
Part l:Theory
1 Networks,Neighborhoods and Communities:Approaches to the Study of the Community Question(1979)by Barry Wellman and Barry Leighton 2
2 Building a Network Theory of Social Capital(1999)by Nan Lin(林南) 23
3 The Informational City is a Dual City:Can It Be Reversed?(1999)by Manuel Castells 52
4 Grassrooting the Space of Flows(1999)by Manuel Castells 65
5 What is Collective Intelligence?(1997)by Pierre Levy 77
6 數字公平的含義、測度和實現途徑研究(2011)賴茂生 81
7 創建有中國特色的信息社會——2011北京大學”社群信息學”暑期學校通訊阿卜杜·阿爾卡利麥特凱特·威廉姆斯 閆慧韓圣龍 105
8 Community Informatics(2009)by Kate Williams and Joan C.Durrance 118
9 Social Capital and Cyberpower in the African American Community: A Case Study of a Community Technology Center in the Dual City(2001) by Abdul Alkalimat and Kate Williams
10 Social Cyberpower in the Everyday Life of an African American Community:A Report on Action—Research in Toled0,Ohio(2004) by Abdul Alkalimat
11 A Census of Public Computing in Toledo,Ohio(2004)by Kate Williams and Abdul Alkalimat
12 Informatics Moments:Digital Literacy and Social Capital in Civil Society and People's Everyday Lives(2012)by Kate Williams
13 Community Informatics in Lao Shao Bian Qiong Areas: Informatics of Happiness:Thoughts on ICT Applications in China's Backward Rural Areas(2011)by Chen Jianlong(陳建龍)
14 Toward Global Measurement of the Information Society:A US—China Comparison of National Government Surveys by Kate Williams and Yan Hui
15 Statistical Report on Internet Development in China(January 2012) by the China Internet Network Information Center(CNNIC)
16 中國互聯網的發展歷程(2012) 韓圣龍 楊學婧
17中國新興公益組織對信息社會和公益信息制度的前景預測—— 一項針四個公益組織的民族志未來研究(2009) 閆 慧
118 What Role Can Commercial Sites Play as Public Computing Venues
in China?A Case Study of Starbucks Coffeehouses(2012)by Wang
Sufang(王素芳),He Yingfang(何穎芳),Li Ping(李萍),
and Zhang Yuanrui(張原瑞)
19 The Divided Views of the Information and Digital Divides: A Call for Integrative Theories of Information Inequality(2011) byYu Liangzhi(于良芝)
About the contributors
Part l:Theory
1 Networks,Neighborhoods and Communities:Approaches to the Study of the Community Question(1979)by Barry Wellman and Barry Leighton 2
2 Building a Network Theory of Social Capital(1999)by Nan Lin(林南) 23
3 The Informational City is a Dual City:Can It Be Reversed?(1999)by Manuel Castells 52
4 Grassrooting the Space of Flows(1999)by Manuel Castells 65
5 What is Collective Intelligence?(1997)by Pierre Levy 77
6 數字公平的含義、測度和實現途徑研究(2011)賴茂生 81
7 創建有中國特色的信息社會——2011北京大學”社群信息學”暑期學校通訊阿卜杜·阿爾卡利麥特凱特·威廉姆斯 閆慧韓圣龍 105
8 Community Informatics(2009)by Kate Williams and Joan C.Durrance 118
9 Social Capital and Cyberpower in the African American Community: A Case Study of a Community Technology Center in the Dual City(2001) by Abdul Alkalimat and Kate Williams
10 Social Cyberpower in the Everyday Life of an African American Community:A Report on Action—Research in Toled0,Ohio(2004) by Abdul Alkalimat
11 A Census of Public Computing in Toledo,Ohio(2004)by Kate Williams and Abdul Alkalimat
12 Informatics Moments:Digital Literacy and Social Capital in Civil Society and People's Everyday Lives(2012)by Kate Williams
13 Community Informatics in Lao Shao Bian Qiong Areas: Informatics of Happiness:Thoughts on ICT Applications in China's Backward Rural Areas(2011)by Chen Jianlong(陳建龍)
14 Toward Global Measurement of the Information Society:A US—China Comparison of National Government Surveys by Kate Williams and Yan Hui
15 Statistical Report on Internet Development in China(January 2012) by the China Internet Network Information Center(CNNIC)
16 中國互聯網的發展歷程(2012) 韓圣龍 楊學婧
17中國新興公益組織對信息社會和公益信息制度的前景預測—— 一項針四個公益組織的民族志未來研究(2009) 閆 慧
118 What Role Can Commercial Sites Play as Public Computing Venues
in China?A Case Study of Starbucks Coffeehouses(2012)by Wang
Sufang(王素芳),He Yingfang(何穎芳),Li Ping(李萍),
and Zhang Yuanrui(張原瑞)
19 The Divided Views of the Information and Digital Divides: A Call for Integrative Theories of Information Inequality(2011) byYu Liangzhi(于良芝)
About the contributors
In the early nineteen-sixties the saved argument became the new orthodoxy incommunity studies with the publication of such works as Gans' The Urban Villagers(1962), Greer's (1962) synthesis of postwar survey research, and Jacob's (1961)assertion of the vitality of dense, diverse central cities. Such case studies as Youngand Willmott's (1957} study of a working-class London neighborhood, Gans's (1967)account of middle-class, new suburban networks, and Liebow's (1967) portrayal ofinner-city blacks' heavy reliance on network ties helped clinch the case.
The rebuttal of the lost argument's assertion of urban social disorganization hastherefore been accomplished, theoretically and empirically, by studies emphasizingthe persistence of neighborhood communities. In the process, though, the lostargument's useful starting point may have come to be neglected: that the industrialbureaucratic division of labor has strongly affected the structure primary ties. Savedscholars have tended to look only for-and at-the persistence of functioningneighborhood communities. Consequently we now know that neighborhoodcommunities persist and often flourish, but we do not know the position ofneighborhood-based ties within overall social networks.
Many recent saved analyses have recognized this difficulty by introducing the"community of limited liability" concept, which treats the neighborhood as justone of a series of communities among which urbanites divide their membership(see Janowitz 1952; Greer 1962; Suttles 1972, Kasarda and Janowitz 1974; Hunter1975; Warren 1978). Hunter and Suttles (1972: 61), for example, portray suchcommunities as a set of concentric zones radiating out from the block to "entiresectors of the city". However, while such analyses recognize the possibilities forurbanites to be members of diverse networks with limited involvement in eachnetwork, the "limited liability community" formulation is still predicated on theneighborhood concept, seeing urban ties as radiating out from a local, spatiallydefined base.
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