Ethics, Law and Society
出版社:Ashgate Pub UK
作者:Nicky Priaulx (EDT); Anthony Wrigley (EDT)
規格:24.1cm*16.5cm*3.2cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 7875 元無庫存,下單後進貨(採購期約4~10個工作天)
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This volume forms part of a series exploring key issues in ethics, law and society, published in association with the Cardiff Centre for Ethics, Law and Society. The collection is a celebration of the approach and values embraced within previous volumes in the series. The works collectively address new technological, social and regulatory developments and the fresh ethical dilemmas these pose, but quite critically, also compel an urgent revisiting of social and legal issues that were once the subject of controversy but which have fallen out of the line of sight of academics, politicians and policy-makers. Bringing together selected papers, the editors seek to make apparent the thematic links between contributions in presenting works written by a group of international experts in response to specific ethical issues, including topics on the ethics of care, theorizing ethics, body politics and governance; as such, the collection is multidisciplinary in approach, seeks to appeal to a broad audience and provides a valuable resource for all those concerned with contemporary ethical issues. This fifth and final volume brings the series to a close and is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Jennifer Gunning.
Nicky Priaulx is Co-Editor of Ethics, Law and Society Volume V (Ashgate Publishing, 2012) and a Senior Lecturer in the Law School, Cardiff University, UK. She is author of The Harm Paradox: Tort Law and the Unwanted Child in an Era of Choice (Routledge-Cavendish, 2007) and Director of the Cardiff Centre for Ethics, Law & Society at Cardiff University and the Legal Aspects of Medical Practice LLM Programme. Anthony Wrigley is Co-Editor of Ethics, Law & Society Volume V (Ashgate Publishing, 2012) and a Senior Lecturer in Ethics in the Centre for Professional Ethics, Keele University. He is a philosopher with research interests in ethics, metaphysics and law who has published widely in philosophy and applied ethics. His work predominantly tackles issues at the margins of life, from harms and the Non-Identity Problem in reproductive ethics to the scope and limits of advance decision-making for those who have lost capacity. He is also co-author of the European Textbook on Ethics in Research (The European Union, 2010).