The 9/11 Toronto Report
出版社:Createspace Independent Pub
作者:James R. Gourley
規格:22.9cm*15.2cm*2.6cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 1200 元無庫存,下單後進貨(到貨天數約30-45天)
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From the back cover:This volume is the final report issued from the International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001, held in Toronto, Canada. Over the four days of the Toronto Hearings, noted authors and scientific experts presented the best evidence gathered in the previous decade to a panel of distinguished individuals whose opinion on the strength of the evidence should carry considerable weight in the public sphere.The four panelists were: Ferdinando Imposimato, former Senior Judge and Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy; Herbert Jenkins, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at McMaster University, educated at Oberlin College and Harvard University; Richard Lee, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Toronto and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, previously positions at Harvard, Rutgers and Columbia University; and David Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Tennessee and former President of the U.S. Fulbright Association, educated at Yale and Cornell.Much of the evidence these panelists heard and questioned during the Toronto Hearings is presented in the opening chapters of this report. Following the evidence, each panelist has presented his findings, conclusions and recommendations based on the evidence. Panelist David Johnson noted that much of the evidence, “ignored by the mainstream media, cries out for a wider audience and a rigorous but fair review by independent authorities,” and that a “new, honest investigation conducted with subpoena powers should be empanelled to look into whether such crimes might have been committed.” Herbert Jenkins found that previous U.S. government investigations of 9/11 “were designed not to understand what actually happened, but rather to defend the official account, which they did by selective omissions and distortions of the evidence” and believes that “without a more open government, [there is] no way to repair the profound distrust of government that now cripples democracy in America.” Richard Lee said that the Toronto Hearings were “extraordinarily effective in presenting carefully compiled scientific evidence that casts serious doubt on the veracity of the official story” and was “impressed by the seriousness of the witnesses, their willingness to submit their evidence to scientific scrutiny and evaluation, and their challenging the authors of the official story to refute the evidence presented.” Ferdinando Imposimato held that the best course forward to achieve justice is to “submit the best evidence concerning the involvement in 9/11 of specific individuals to the International Criminal Court Prosecutor and ask him to investigate” and names potential targets of the ICC investigation. The opinions of the Toronto Hearings panelists make a clear and unmistakable case that the official account of 9/11 is false, and that the only way to realize truth and accountability is to tear down the wall of secrecy and lies that has been erected by the United States government around the events of 9/11.