Heat Pipes and Solid Sorption Transformations ─ Fundamentals and Practical Applications

Heat Pipes and Solid Sorption Transformations ─ Fundamentals and Practical Applications


:NT$ 12300 元
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"Preface This book covers the state of the art of adsorption research and technologies for relevant applications based on the use of the efficient heat transfer devices--heat pipes and two-phase thermosyphons--with the objectives of energy efficiency andsustainability. The severities of energy crisis and environmental problems have been calling for rapid developments in Freon-free air conditioning and heat pump technologies, the heat exchangers, which are considered as the components of prime importance. The concerns of energy consumption and environmental pollution urge researchers to work on the development of clean energy and the utilization of waste energy. From this viewpoint, interest in fuel cells and thermally activated (heat pipe heat exchangers) adsorption systems using natural refrigerants and/or alternative to hydrofluorocarbon-based refrigerants has increased significantly. The quest to accomplish a safe and comfortable environment has always been one of the main preoccupations of the sustainability of human life. Accordingly, during the past few decades, research aimed at the development of thermally powered adsorption cooling technologies has intensified. They offer two main benefits: (1) reduction in energy consumption and (2) adoption of environmentally benign adsorbent/refrigerant pairs, without compromising the desired level of comfort conditions. The efficiency of new power sources (co-generation, tri-generation systems, fuel cells, photovoltaic systems) can be increased with the help of heat pipe heat exchangers, solid sorption heat pumps, refrigerators, accumulators of heat and cold, heat transformers, and fuel gas (natural gas and hydrogen) storage systems. Low-temperature power systems are generally significantly less expensive to build"--


Leonard L. Vasiliev is president of the NIS Association "Heat Pipes" and head of the Porous Media Laboratory, A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Sciences, Belarus. He obtained his first doctorate degree (Candidate of science) in 1964 in Minsk. He is currently a member of the Scientific Council of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer. Professor Vasiliev has authored or co-authored about 340 publications in journals and conference proceedings. He is the author and co-author of 14 books, 218 Soviet authors’ certificates on invention, and 12 patents.

Sadik Kakac received his degree of Dip.-Ing (1955) from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Istanbul (ITU, MS degrees from MIT in mechanical (1959) and nuclear engineering (1960). He has authored or co-authored over 200 scientific papers on transient and steady-state laminar, turbulent forced convection, two-phase flow instabilities, fuel-cells modeling, micro heat transfer with sleep flow, and Micro/nano heat transfer. He is a fellow member of ASME and a recipient of the ASME heat transfer memorial award. He is a member of the scientific council and executive committee. Prof. Kakac edited and co-edited 14 volumes on thermal and fluid sciences and applications including a hand book o convective heat transfer.







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