An Apple a Day ― Health in Every Realm
出版社:Destiny Image Pub
作者:Pam Spinosi (COM); Stephen De Silva; Kevin Dedmon; Theresa Dedmon; Matthew Dimarco
規格:21.0cm*12.7cm*1.3cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 608 元無庫存,下單後進貨(到貨天數約30-45天)
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Enjoy bite-sized teachings and testimonies from the Bethel Church leadership team that show believers how to pursue and enjoy wholeness in every area of their lives.
Receive dynamic insight on experiencing divine health in your:
- Emotions: “Joy is the medicine from heaven provided to help us live full and well lives” (Kevin Dedmon)
- Creativity: “If we are created in God’s image, we have the ability to bring life and beauty all around us” (Theresa Dedmon)
- Inner Health: “The lies we believe about ourselves plague our bodies, souls, and spirits.” (Dawna DeSilva)
- Finances: “God is looking for a people He can trust with power… money is power.” (Stephen DeSilva)
- Family: “Treat everyone who comes into your life just like you would treat family.” (Matthew DiMarco)
- Physical: “I long to see the day when people learn to walk in divine health and there is no one left to heal. Divine health is more important than divine healing.” (Chris Gore)
- Intellectual: “God delights in your intellect. He created it, organized it, and gave it all the potential in the universe.” (Chelsea Moore)
- Childlikeness: “There is another side to all of us: the kid inside, the silly, fun, innocent, whimsical little guy or gal we didn’t just use to be but, if we are honest, still are—just in a taller package.” (Pam Spinosi)
- Receiving God’s Love: “I want to find a way to maintain the ‘Honeymoon Period’ in our lives with God and with each other.” (Deborah Stevens)
- Relationships: “It is so important in relationships that we focus on the good in others and not the bad.” (Leslie Taylor)
Pam Spinosi serves Bethel Church in two roles: testimony writer and BSSM international student liaison. A college English and ESL instructor by profession, she teaches writing classes at BSSM and oversees the Unto the Glory Conference, which she launched and has organized five times since 2006.
Kevin Dedmon has a traveling ministry focused on equipping, empowering, and activating the Church for supernatural evangelism through signs and wonders, healing, and the prophetic. He earned a Master’s degree in church leadership from Vanguard University, and has been in full-time ministry for more than 25 years. He and his wife are part of Bethel Church staff in Redding, California.
Stephen De Silva serves as CFO and member of the senior leadership team for Bethel Church in Redding, California. He teaches on mastering finances from the biblical truth of identity. His titles include Money and the Prosperous Soul, Financial Sozo, and Stewardship Foundations. His latest project is entitled Prosperous Home.