Equality, Diversity and Opportunity Management ― Costs, Strategies and Leadership

Equality, Diversity and Opportunity Management ― Costs, Strategies and Leadership


:NT$ 9900 元
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Equality, Diversity and Opportunity Management presents a comprehensive analysis of the processes of governance, leadership, policy and strategy formulation, decision-making, practical and financial management, and real-world implementation of the Equality, Diversity, Opportunity, and Discrimination (or anti-Discrimination) Agenda. The leadership, cost, and management of the Agenda for Equality, Diversity, Opportunity, and Discrimination (or anti-Discrimination) is discussed in three mandatory areas: a€¢ Employment and the Workplace a€¢ Service Provision and customer service a€¢ Neighbourhood and Community Management The necessary choice of these three key areas of application reflects a typical focus of government policy, legislation, and case law for the UK, Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and in many other countries that implement active Human Rights Agendas. You will find the book strongly orientated towards issues of corporate governance, personal and vicarious responsibility, leadership, cost management, implementation, and delivery. It deals directly, professionally, and in a non-opinionated manner with challenging (and sometimes unpopular or unwanted) issues of equality and inequality, diversity, a lack of opportunity or social mobility, and the widespread incidence of discrimination. The work suggests practical and realistic means to deal with such issues, whether at the level of corporate governance, leadership, policy and strategy, the incurring of unnecessary cost, or at the level of operational and departmental management procedure and process. Equality, Diversity and Opportunity Management is written at the same time from scholarly, objective, applied, proportionate, a€?hands-ona€?, and practitioner based perspectives.


Tony Morden is an established writer of business books. During a long and successful career as a business school academic and Principal Lecturer he also published widely in scholarly and practitioner journals. His other work experience included manufacturing, marketing, and human resource management. He was a VSO school teacher in Central Africa. He has worked with highly diverse groups of students and clients and has significant experience of teaching on an in-company basis. He is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. Tony Mordena€?s Principles of Management and Principles of Strategic Management are published by Ashgate. Principles of Management has been translated into Chinese and Arabic. His Short Guide to Equality Risk is published by Gower in the highly influential Short Guides to Business Risk series. Tony Morden is classified as disabled within the meaning of the UK Disability Discrimination and Equality Acts. He has in writing this book applied specialised knowledge and insights accumulated in the process of successfully defending his own rights in employment.







定價:100 9900
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