Water Droplets to Nanotechnology ― A Journey Through Self-assembly

Water Droplets to Nanotechnology ― A Journey Through Self-assembly


:NT$ 4800 元
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The ability of nanostructures to organize into complex arrangements leads to unique materials with valuable applications. Self-assembly is therefore a key concept for nanotechnology, but it can be quite a complex and difficult subject to approach. Water Droplets to Nanotechnology gives a simple and general overview of the different self-assembly processes which are at the basis of recent developments in nanotechnology.

The book shows how simple phenomenon from everyday examples can become sophisticated tools for self-assembly and the fabrication of nanomaterials. By exploring the coffee stain and tears of wine phenomena, the first part looks at how the evaporation of a droplet of colloidal solution can be used in designing organized structures. This leads onto more complex systems such as templated porous materials, photonic crystals, colloidal nanocrystals and quasi-crystals through to bottom-up systems for designing hierarchal materials.

By taking the reader on a journey from everyday life to the secrets of nanotechnology, the book is suitable for a non-specialist audience interested in self-assembly as well as the wider perspectives and latest developments of nanoscience.


Plinio Innocenzi is Full Professor of Materials Science at the University of Sassari and director of the Laboratory of Materials Science and Nanotechnology. He has authored more than 140 articles which have received more than 2500 citations. His research interest is currently devoted to self-assembled materials, such as mesoporous ordered materials and hybrid organic-inorganic materials.

Luca Malfatti is assistant professor at the University of Sassari and is a member of the Materials Science and Nanotechnologies Laboratory (LMNT). He received his Ph. D. degree in "Materials for Environment and Energy" at University of Rome Tor Vergata. His work deals with the applications of advanced functional materials, in particular the synthesis of mesoporous and hierarchical porous films obtained by supramolecular self-assembly as linear and non-linear optical devices, photovoltaic or photocatalytic systems and biosensors. He has published more than 60 articles.

Paolo Falcaro received his PhD in Materials Engineering from Bologna University and is currently is a research scientist at CSIRO Material Science and Engineering division. Previously he has worked as senior researcher (manager of sol-gel technology) at Center for Nanotechnology of Venice (Civen) and Nanofab for protective, decorative, self-cleaning coatings and biomolecular sensors. Paolo has published about 50 peer reviewed papers and has been awarded the Ulrich Award (International Sol-Gel Society).







定價:100 4800
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