Deadly Consequences ─ How Cowards Are Pushing Women into Combat

Deadly Consequences ─ How Cowards Are Pushing Women into Combat


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The Obama administration has announced its intention to change the long-standing combat exclusion policy that limited women to support jobs in the military; now women can hunker down in foxholes on the frontlines.

President Obama is dead set on eviscerating our military by pushing women to the frontlines. He isn’t the only one to blame, however—this policy is the product of a naive culture that blindly embraces government-hosted violence in the name of equal opportunity.

But there is no evidence women are clamoring for ground combat assignments. Worse yet, there is significant reason to believe that women in combat will lead to a wide range of devastating consequences, many unforeseen and unintended by proponents, but no less dangerous.

Pentagon insider Robert L. Maginnis exposes the cold truth behind this contentious topic, debunking barefaced myths about "gender equality" in combat situations in his new book Deadly Consequences: How Cowards are Pushing Women into Combat.

Civilian feminists view ground combat as a glass ceiling for women’s equal opportunity. They could not care less about our fighting ability or the threat it poses for women and for the men they serve with.

Women in the U.S. Armed Forces are regularly held to lower training standards than men. That means that when they’re called into active combat situations, they won’t bring the same physical strength and skills training as men do. In training, male Marines are required to lift 40 pounds, while female trainees must only lift 20. If a ship is sinking and the only way to save it is to lift a 40-pound piece of equipment, the female Marines will be less qualified for the task.

On top of this disparity is a looming draft. Security experts foresee another American draft within this generation; if women can serve in combat, every male and female over the age of 18 will be in danger of being called up.

Controversial and starkly factual, Deadly Consequences is a resounding indictment of a policy that is bound to erode not only the American military, but jeopardize American security and society as well.


Robert L. Maginnis serves as the Senior Fellow for National Security at Family Research Council (FRC). Maginnis is a Pentagon insider, from 1990-1993 as Inspector General and member of the task force that wrote Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; and currently, for more than 10 years, serving as a senior strategist for the Department of the Army, working international issues. Maginnis is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel, a national security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television (including Fox News and CNN), a columnist for Human Events and the VP for operations with MESMO Inc.







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