Comprehensive and Clinical Anatomy of the Middle Ear

Comprehensive and Clinical Anatomy of the Middle Ear


:NT$ 7650 元
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This book aims to provide otolaryngology residents, otology and neurotology fellows, teachers, and young practitioners with comprehensive, up-to-date information on middle ear anatomy that fully meets their needs. It will enable those undergoing surgical training to hone their surgical skills and will assist in ensuring that patients receive appropriate management. The anatomy of the middle ear is explained in easy-to-understand descriptions and exquisitely depicted in more than 100 color photos and numerous helpful color diagrams. Key features of the book are the correlation of clinical situations to the anatomical basis of disease, the simplified explanation of embryology to provide a better understanding of developmental anomalies, and the inclusion of carefully selected CT scans that will assist in the reading of normal anatomy and the identification of pathological features. ?


Salah Mansour is Professor of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Lebanese University, Lebanon. He is also President of the Arab Board of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Mansour holds clinical positions at the Sacre-Coeur Hospital, Baabda, Lebanon and the Clinique Amoudi Center, Mazraa, Beirut, Lebanon. He is a regular invited speaker at international conferences and has played a significant role in international continuing medical education, as well as being the author of peer-reviewed publications on a range of topics. Jacques Paul Yves Magnan is based at Hopital Nord, Marseille. He was appointed Professor and Head of Department at Aix-Marseille University in 1989 and became Director of the Otologic, Neurotologic, and Microendoscopic Laboratory there in 1996; he was appointed Professor Emeritus in 2010. Dr. Magnan has been the Founder and President of the European Academy of Otology and NeuroOtology (EAONO), Founder and Secretary of the European Academy of ORL-HNS, and Founder and President of LIONS (Live International Otolaryngology Network). He was President of the Politzer Society from 2004 to 2009 and will be Chair of the EAORL&HN meeting in Nice in April 2013. Hassan Haidar Ahmad graduated from the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanese University, Lebanon in 2007 and obtained his Diploma of Specialization in Otolaryngology from the university in 2012. He also holds a Diploma of Advanced Specialization in Otolaryngology from the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Marseille, France and has undertaken a Fellowship in Otology-Neurotology at Hopital Nord, Marseille. France. Dr. Ahmad is a member of the Arab Board of Otolaryngology. He has already published several peer-reviewed papers. Stephane Louryan received his MD, radiology degree and PhD in morphological science from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. He developed computed tomography methods applied in human paleontology, and has been president of the Royal Belgian Society of Anthropology and Prehistory. Dr. Louryan is curator of the Museum of Human Anatomy and Embryology at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and vice-chairman of the Laboratory of Anatomy, Biomechanics, and Organogenesis in the same institution. He is an Ordinary Professor at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles and an invited professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Lebanese University. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium and the author of about 200 scientific publications and the author/editor of 12 books. Karen Nicolas studied Medicine at the University of Munster, Germany, and qualified as a radiologist following a Fellowship in the Department of Radiology of the University Hospital of Munster. In 2000 she was appointed as a radiologist in the Radiological Department of the Rizk Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon, and subsequently joined the Radiological Department of the Middle East Institute of Health of Bsalim, where she is currently Head of the Department of Radiology. Since 2007 she has also worked part time on 64-detector row CT scanning of the ORL sphere at the Clinique du Levant under Professor Tohme.







定價:100 7650
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