The Horizontal Jumps
出版社:Createspace Independent Pub
作者:Nick Newman
規格:25.4cm*17.8cm*1.2cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 1500 元無庫存,下單後進貨(到貨天數約30-45天)
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A comprehensive insight into how to develop the Horizontal Jumper. Detailing every aspect of long term preparation, training periodization, technical guidelines, and much more.Chapter breakdowns include:1) Introduction to the horizontal jumps, a look at past, present, and future jumpers and details of all the major jumps in history.2) Detailed breakdown of all technical components related to the long and triple jump. Step by step picture guides, common errors and corrections, and strongly contested topics all included. 3) A look at every physical component needed for success in the horizontal jumps. You will learn exactly what is required and where the training focus should lie. The chapter concludes with descriptions of specific testing protocols and detailed evaluation tables for both the men's and women's event standards. 4) Discusses many training methods and principles related to the development of event specific physical abilities. Concludes with information on recovery methods, the prevention of overtraining and more. 5) How the individual training components are periodized throughout the training year. Detailed information on exercise progressions, periodization styles, load manipulation and exercise choice included. 6) The recipe for success. How everything fits together into a comprehensive structured training program. Breakdown of the training phases and how to structure your short and long term planning. Including the USA and European training set up and philosophies, various methods of periodization, tapering and peaking guidelines, detailed graphs, tables, charts and more. 7) Fully periodized coach/athlete ready training programs in 3 different training styles. Includes each phase of preparation, competition guidelines and peak competition set ups. 8) Event specific exercise pictures and detailed description. Includes plyometric, special weight training, and ballistic training exercises along with a secondary exercise training inventory and description guide. Final Thoughts: Includes 101 tips for horizontal jumpers and closing words.Overall the book is packed full of information, thoughts and opinions, pictures, graphs, tables and charts, tips and tidbits on every facet of jumps training, and is a guaranteed interesting read. From the serious professional to the high school coach, if you are interested in the jumps or in track and field training in general this is a must have addition to your library.