Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: Evidence Behind Practice 3E

Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: Evidence Behind Practice 3E


:NT$ 4949 元
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The third edition of Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: Evidence Behind Practice—revised and expanded, with new chapters and ancillary resources and tools on thePoint—is designed to give you the expertise with electrophysical agents you will need in your clinical practice. As with previous editions, the foundation of this book rests solidly and uniquely on evidence from experimental and clinical human trials. The goal of this textbook is to offer all the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools you need to master the practice of therapeutic electrophysical agents.

The online resources include new unit conversion and dosimetric calculators, which allows students and practitioners to learn about prescribing treatment and what measurements to think about when dosing, without having to work through all the equations. Also included are new practice questions to help prepare for the Physical Therapy certification exam. These questions are similar to the ones students are likely to face on their board exams and will help build proficiency and competence.

Information about the author:Alain-Yvan Belanger, BSc, MSc, PhD, PT is a retired professor from the Department of Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy program, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada. Dr. Belanger holds a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy from the University of Montreal, a master’s of science degree in kinesiology from Simon Fraser University, and a doctoral degree in neurosciences from McMaster University. He has extensive experience as a teacher, researcher, consultant, and author in the field of human neuromuscular physiology and therapeutic electrophysical agents. Dr. Belanger has held the positions of Scientific Editor of the journal Physiotherapy Canada and President of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. He has also served as Associate Editor of several journals. He is the sole author of the first, second, and third editions of Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: Evidence Behind Practice. An avid golf and poker player, Alain still dreams of playing a sub 80’s round of golf and winning the next World Series of Poker Seniors Championship! To contact Alain Belanger go to

New chapters and content provide the most comprehensive coverage of Electrophysical Agent topics.
NEW! Toward a Practice Based on Evidence chapter demonstrates why optimal clinical decision-making should be based on what evidence has proven to be effective.
NEW! Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy chapter adds to the body of mechanical agents for the management of chronic soft tissues disorders.
NEW! Thermotherapy chapter encompasses hot pack, paraffin bath, and fluidotherapy topics and integrates skin sensory testing and temperature measurement using infrared thermometer.
NEW! Electrical Stimulation for Tissue Healing and Repair chapter integrates microcurrent and high-voltage pulsed currents.
NEW! Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation chapter covers biphasic pulsed, Russian, and interferential currents.
Electrophysical terminology is now defined and integrated in related chapters to better facilitate learning.

New text and online features and resources provide the support you need for enhanced learning and career success.
Full color enlivens text and enhances image quality, clarity, and accuracy.
The Bottom Line highlights the key elements related to each chapter.
Application, Contraindications, and Risks and Research-Based Indications assemble and synthesize treatment safety, efficacy, and effectiveness to optimize clinical decision-making.
Case Studies have been added for each chapter and now follow the IFC model and use the SOAP format.
Online Dosimetric Calculators simplify the task of calculating dosimetry, while supporting the emphasis on the scientific basis of treatment.
Links to Online Videos allow you to visualize the practical and clinical components of EPA’s by showing devices, accessories, and applications of several agents.
Online Board-Style Questions give you an opportunity to practice test-taking and self-assess to prepare for licensing.


Alain Y Belanger BSc, MSc, PhD, PT
Professor, Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada







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