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前言 Foreword
Chapter 1 The General Plan of the Human Body
1.1 What are Living Things Made of
1.2 Body Systems ;
1.3 Directions in the Body
1.4 Body Cavities
1.5 The Metric System
Chapter 2 Disease and Disease—producing Organisms
2.1 What is Disease
2.2 The Study of Disease
2.3 Disease Terminology
2.4 Infection
2.5 The Microorganisms
2.6 Microbial Control
2.7 Laboratory Identification of Pathogens
Chapter 3 Chemistry of Life
3.1 What is Chemistry
3.2 A Look at Atoms
3.3 Molecules,Elements,Compounds and Mixtures
3.4 Ions and Electrolytes
3.5 Acids and Bases
3.6 The Chemistry of Living Matter
Chapter 4 Cell Structure and Function
4.1 Cellular Organization
4.2 Crossing the Plasma
4.3 The Cell Cycle
Chapter 5 Body Tissues and Membranes
5.1 Epithelial Tissue
5.2 Connective Tissue
5.3 Muscular Tissue
5.4 Nervous Tissue
5.5 Extracellular Junctions,Glands,and Membrant ~
Chapter 6 The Blood
6.1 Purposes of the Blood
6.2 Blood Constituents
6.3 Origin of the Corpuscles
6.4 Blood Clotting
6.5 Uses of Blood Derivatives
6.6 Blood Disorders
6.7 Blood Studies
6.8 Blood Chemistry Tests
6.9 Other Blood Tests
Chapter 7 The Heart and the Heart Disease
7.1 Circulation and the Heart
7.2 Structure of the Heart
7.3 Physiology of the Heart
7.4 Heart Disease
7.5 Prevention of Heart Ailments
7.6 Some Practical Aspects of Treatment
Chapter 8 Blood Vessels and Blood Circulation
8.1 Kinds of Blood Vessels
8.2 Structure of Blood Vessels
8.3 Names of Systemic Arteries
8.4 Names of Systemic Veins
8.5 How Capillaries Work
8.6 Pulse and Blood Pressure
8.7 Disorders Involving the Blood Vessels
8.8 Replacement of Arteries
Chapter 9 Bones,Joints and Muscles
9.1 The Musculoskeletal System
9.2 The Bones
Chapter 10 The Integumentary System
10.1 Structure of the Skin
10.2 Accessory Structures of the Skin
10.3 Disorders of the Skin
10.4 Effects of Aging
10.5 Homeostasis
Chapter 11 Respiration
11.1 Respiration
11.2 The Respiratory System
11.3 The Lung Cavities
11.I Physiology of Respiration
11.5 Disorders of the Respiratory System
11.6 Some Practical Aspects of Ventilation
11.7 Special Equipment for Respiratory Tract Treatments ~
Chapter 12 Digestion and Indigestion
12.1 What the Digestive System Does
12.2 The Alimentary Canal
12.3 The Accessory Structures
12.4 The Peritoneum
12.5 Some Practical Aspects of Nutrition
Chapter 13 Urinary System and Excretion
13.1 Urinary System
13.2 Anatomy of the Kidney and Excretion
13.3 Regulatory Functions of the Kidneys
13.4 Problems with Kidney Function
13.5 Effects of Aging
Chapter 14 The Endocrine System
14.1 Endocrine Glands
14.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
14.3 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
14.4 Adrenal Glands
14.5 Pancreas
14.6 Other Endocrine Glands
14.7 Chemical Signals
14.8 Effects of Aging
14.9 Homeostasis
Chapter 15 The Brain, the Spinal Cord and the Nerves
15.1 The Nervous System as a Whole
15.2 Nerves in General
15.3 Central Nervous System
15.4 The Peripheral Nervous System
15.5 The Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 16 The Sensory System
16.1 Sense and Sensory Mechanisms
16.2 The Eye
16.3 The Ear
16.4 Other Organs of Special Sense
16.5 General Senses
Chapter 17 Body Temperature and Its Regulation
17.1 Body Temperature and Homeostasis
17.2 Heat Production
17.3 Heat Loss
17.4 Temperature Regulation
17.5 Normal Body Temperature
17.6 Abnormal Body Temperature
17.7 Effects of Extreme
Chapter 18 The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses
18.1 Lymphatic System
18.2 Organs,Tissue and Cells of the Immune System
18.3 Nonspecific and Specific Defenses
18.4 Induced Immunity
18.5 Effects of Aging
18.6 Homeostasis
Chapter 19 Reproduction
19.1 Male Reproductive System
19.2 Female Reproductive System
19.3 Pregnancy
19.4 The Menopause
Chapter 20 Human Genetics
20.1 Chromosomal Inheritance
20.2 Down Syndrome
20.3 Too Many/Too Few Sex Chromosomes
20.4 Genetic Inheritance
20.5 DNA Technology
Medical Terminology
Key to the Exercises
參考文獻 References


Fortunately,most foods contain a mixture of proteins, one of which suppleme.nts theother.The practice of combining several different foods in a meal ensures that the proteins inone food will supplement those in another food because each differs in its amino acids. Anexample known to most people is cereals-low in lysine,eaten with milk-high in lysine.
The genes in the cells regulate protein manufacture. Even such a seemingly slightalteration as the substitution of only one amino acid in a long protein chain can cause achange,called a mutation,in the proteins activity with resulting changes in a persons physicalor mental attributes.
Usually,we think of molecules as including two or more different atoms.For example,amolecule of sodium chloride,which is common table salt,includes one atom of sodium and oneof chlorine. Those substance that contain molecules formed by the union of two or moredifferent atoms are called compound.Compounds may be made of a few elements in a simplecombination or they may be very complex some,such as protein,have thousands of atoms.Thesimplest compound would have molecules each of which contains one atom of each of the twoelements which unite to form the compound,an example of such compound is the gas carbonmonoxide,which contains one atom of carbon and one atom of oxygen.Some compounds arecalled organic and are very complex. The syrupy found in potatoes, the fatty layer of tissueunder the skin and the majority of drugs are organic compounds.




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