Learning to Teach Modern Languages in the Secondary School ― A Companion to School Experience

Learning to Teach Modern Languages in the Secondary School ― A Companion to School Experience


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"Learning to Teach Foreign Languages in the Secondary School has established itself as the leading textbook for student teachers of foreign languages in the UK and internationally. The practical focus of the book is underpinned by a theoretical perspective and backed up by the latest research, encouraging the reader to develop a personal approach to foreign language teaching. An account is also taken of relevant statutory frameworks. Now in its fourth edition, this book has been thoroughly updated to take account of recent policy and curriculum changes. With the recent increased emphasis on teachers as researchers and the alignment of many PGCE courses with Masters level criteria, reference to important concepts and theoretical positions have been strengthened. Strong reference to their relevance in the context of professional practice and a new chapter discussing the findings of research on Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning has been added"--


Norbert Pachler is Professor of Education at the Institute of Education, University of London. His areas of academic interest and expertise include foreign language education, new technologies in teaching and learning (with a particular emphasis on mobile learning, e-learning and technology-assisted language learning) as well as teacher education and development. He has led on, and contributed to numerous research projects, teaches on various Masters programmes (MTeach, MA TESOL) and supervises numerous research students (PhD, EdD, MRes). He is the author and editor of many books (Routledge, Springer, Continuum, Peter Lang) and has (co)authored a large number of chapters, journal articles and research reports. He has extensive expertise as journal editor; for example, since 1999 he is joint editor of the Language Learning Journal (Routledge). Since 2007 he is the convenor of the London Mobile Learning Group (, an international, interdisciplinary group of researchers from the fields of cultural and media studies, sociology, (social) semiotics, pedagogy, educational technology, work-based learning and learning design. He is also an experienced external examiner across teacher education, Masters and doctoral level provision. For details see

Michael Evans is Deputy Head of Faculty and Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Cambridge. He has substantial experience in foreign language teacher education, directs the Master’s course in Research in Second Language Education, and has supervised many PhD students on foreign language education topics. He was co-director (with Linda Fisher) of a DCSF-funded study, ‘Language Learning at KS3: the impact of the KS3 Modern Foreign Languages Framework and changes to the curriculum on provision and practice’ (2009). Recent book publications include editing of Foreign Language Learning with Digital Technology (London: Continuum, 2009), and co-authoring Understanding Teaching and Learning Modern Foreign Languages (London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2007)

Ana Redondo is Senior Lecturer in Education and Subject Leader of a Secondary PGCE in Modern Languages with significant experience in Teacher Education and CPD across Primary and Secondary education and in working with secondary languages teachers in partnership schools.

Prior to moving into HE she led the learning of languages from a senior position in the secondary phase and headed several Modern Languages departments.

She has co- edited Teaching foreign languages in the Secondary School: a practical guide (London: Routledge, 2007) as well as a Special Issue of Support for Learning, the British Journal of Learning Support on ‘Inclusive approaches to teaching foreign languages’ (NASEN, 2005). Her scholarly interests are in the fields of the global dimension in education, international citizenship and developing appropriate pedagogies in technology-enhanced contexts.

Linda Fisher is Lecturer in Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. She co-ordinates the MFL PGCE programme, is involved in extensive work with secondary teachers of MFL and supervises on the MPhil and PhD programmes. Her current research interests are in the field of pupil beliefs and pupil motivation for the study of foreign languages. With Michael Evans she recently completed a DCSF-sponsored research project: ‘Language learning at Key Stage 3: the impact of the Key Stage 3 Modern Foreign Languages Framework and changes to the curriculum on provision and practice’ (DCSF, 2009). Before moving to Higher Education, she taught German and French in a number of secondary schools and was Head of Department.







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