Beginning Fpga ― Programming Metal, Your Brain on Hardware
出版社:Springer-Verlag New York Inc
作者:Vasantha Crabb; Peter Membrey
You don't need an electronics engineering degree or even any programming experience to get the most out of Beginning FPGA. Just bring your curiosity and your FPGA. In this book, you'll be using the MicroNova Mercury, a very affordable and breadboard-friendly FPGA development board.
FPGA stands for Field-Programmable Gate Array. It's an integrated circuit waiting for you to tell it what to become. Unlike a microcontroller board like the Arduino, you don't really "program" an FPGA and tell it what to do; instead you use a hardware description language to tell it what to be.
And what can it be? It can be just about anything you can imagine! In this book you'll use it to create a pressure sensor, an air quality sensor, and just for fun, the KITT car display from Knight Rider (or Cylon eyes if you prefer to think of it that way). You'll also learn how to make your FPGA talk to a Raspberry Pi.
Along the way, you'll learn the theory behind FPGAs and electronics, including the math and logic you need to understand what's happening - all explained in a fun, friendly, and accessible way. It also doesn't hurt that you'll be learning VHDL, a hardware description languae that is also an extremely marketable skill.
Aiken Pang was born in Hong Kong in the early 80's just in time for the home micro-computer revolution. He developed an interest in computers after finding an Apple IIe at his uncle's home, installing a TV card, floppy drive and loaded his first game (Pacman) by himself at the age of 10. Since then he has self taught himself a number of programming languages and built his own computers from scratch.
Aiken followed his passion for computing into more formal studies and holds a BEng in Electronics Engineering and an MSc in Computer Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Massachusetts at Lowell respectively. He has been using VHDL to design hardware in FPGAs for over 10 years.
He lives in the USA with his wife France and their daughter Mayah.