The Power of No ─ Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness

The Power of No ─ Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness


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Over the past three years James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher have answered tens of thousands of questions in their writings, retreats, talks, and online seminars. The questions cover the entire spectrum of life, from how to deal with bad relationships, to how to access your innate special uniqueness, to how to pay the rent when you’re crying on the floor, broken and depressed,. Invariably, they look to one little word as the solution: No.
No is not only a solution; it is a path for people to heal and bring abundance and happiness into their lives. Every time you say yes to something you don’t want to do you can experience a spate of negative outcomes: resenting people, doing poor quality work, having less energy for the things you actually love, making less money, and so on. But the worst part is that yet another small percentage of your life is used up by something you don’t want.
We need the power of no so we can set proper boundaries around the things that hurt us directly. We need it to curb the relationships that drain us of our energy, creativity, and expression, to protect us from those people who put us down, hurt us emotionally, and leave us barren and depressed. And in the larger picture, we need the power of no to understand what we truly believe in, rather than the stories we take at face value because we’ve been conditioned to think them as the truth.
With the power of no we can refocus our energies toward living an abundant, healthy, and wealthy life. We can realize that there is nothing to prove, there is nobody to impress, there is no cage around us. Such is the power of saying no to our misconceptions.
As a species, this is where we find ourselves now and many of us are trying very hard to use the power of no at this higher level. To clearly see what intelligent compassion is. To open our hearts and bring healing to the world. The power of no is a force that allows us to truly surrender to a higher power and be the unique people we were meant to be. And in The Power of No, James and Claudia will help guide you to this place by relating the stories they’ve heard and the things they’ve experienced. Their goal is to bring this little word out into the world to shine its power and its light on all of us.


James Altucher is a successful entrepreneur, chess master, spiritual teacher, and writer. He has started and run more than 20 companies, some of which failed, several of which he sold for large exits. But more important, James has been inspiring people both in person through hundreds of events, through his books, and through weekly Q&A Twitter sessions by speaking on topics including stress, fear, anxiety, money, and relationships. His writing has appeared in most major national media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, ABC, Elephant Journal, Tech Crunch, and Thought Catalog. His blog, The Altucher Confidential, has attracted more than 15 million readers since its launch in 2010. He is the author of eleven books, including the motivational bestseller Choose Yourself and I Was Blind but Now I See. Join him at
Claudia Azula Altucher is an author and a teacher of yoga, meditation, and philosophy. She authored 21 Things to Know Before Starting an Ashtanga Yoga Practice, and she often gives talks or retreats on yoga and meditation. She also writes for many media outlets, including Thought Catalog, Elephant Journal, Feel Gooder, and My Yoga Life. Claudia has worked hand in hand with her husband, James, for years, co-writing blog posts and editing each other’s works. They have held spiritual retreats together and practice the Power of No on a daily basis. You can contact her through her website at or on Twitter at @ClaudiaYoga.







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