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Chapter One Legal Theory and Legal Methodology
1. What Is Jurisprudence7
2. Why Study Jurisprudence7
3. Controversy over Legal Methods
3.1 The rejection of method
3.2 Methodological heteronomy
3.3 Methodological autonomy
3.4 Summary and conclusion
Review Questions
Chapter Two Legal Positivism: An Overview
1. A Basic Definition
1.1 Meaning
1.2 Classification
1.3 Approach
1.4 Challenge
2. Two Disputes
2.1 The conceptual dispute over validity and obligation
2.2 The empirical dispute about resisting evil law
3. Three Theses
3.1 The validity thesis
3.2 The separation thesis
3.3 The legal obligation thesis
Review Questions
Chapter Three: Jeremy Bentham and Utilitarian Jurisprudence
1. Introduction
2. Bentham' s Principle of Utility
3. Utilitarianism: Bentham and Mill Compared
4. Bentham' s Theory of Law
4.1 The definition of law
4.2 In search of determinacy
4.3 Codification
4.4 Crime and punishment
Review Questions
Chapter Four: John Austin and the Theory of Command
1. Introduction
2. General Jurisprudence
3. Concept of a Legal System
4. Definition of Law
4.1 Commands
4.2 Sanctions
4.3 Sovereignty
4.4 Brief comments
5. Judicial Legislation
6. Criticism
Review Questions
Chapter Five:H. k. A. Hart and the Theory of Rules
1. Introduction
2. Hart' s Position : An Overview
3. Law as the Union of Primary and Secondary R.ules
3.1 Primary rules
3.2 Secondary rules
4. Rule of Recognition
5. Internal Point of View
6. The Existence of a Legal System
7. The Minimum Content of Natural Law
8. Criticisms
8.1 Against the internal/external aspects of law
8.2 Against rule of recognition
Review Questions
Chapter Six:Hans Kelsen and His Pure Theory of Law
1. Introduction
2. Rejection of Natural Law Theory
3. Jurisprudential Methodology
3.1 The neo-Kantian approach
3.2 The categorical dichotomy of ' Is' and ' Ought'
3.3 The regressive approach
4. Kelsen's Theoretical Position: An Overview
5. Elements of the Pure Theory of Law
5.1 Positivism
Chapter Seven: Joseph Raz and the Authority of Law
Chapter Eight: Jules Coleman and Legal Positivism
Chapter Nine: Natural Law Theory, An Overview
Chapter Ten: John Finnis and the New Natural Law Theory
Chapter Eleven: Lon Fuller and the Morality of Law
Chapter Twelve: Ronald Dworkin and Law as Integrity
Chapter Thirteen: John Rawls and His Theory of Justice
Chapter Fourteen: Robert Nozick and the Theory of Entitlement
Chapter Fifteen: Richard Posner and Economic Analysis of Law
Chapter Sixteen:Sociology of Law
Chapter Seventeen: Legal Realism
Chapter Eighteen: Historical Jurisprudence
Chapter Nineteen: Robert Unger and Critical Legal Studies
Chapter Twenty: Feminist Legal Theory


1.3 Modern natural law theories
One major problem with natural law is that just when it has gotten into shape and the theory influences the reality and the reality fits in with the theory, as is human nature and the nature of the world, circumstances change and the theory seems to be left behind. For example, Aquinas tried to accommodate the specific problems of his time and place in the 13th Century in Catholic/Christian Western Europe so his theory ran into trouble in the 17th Century during the Reformation when the common Christian faith Of Westem Europe split in two. Puffendorf in the 17th Century tried to adapt his theory into a more universal theory to deal with Protestant and Catholic relations, and in its time and place this theory worked. Now think of the 20th and 21st Centuries and consider the cosmopolitan and increasingly globalized nature of the world where there is now more awareness of the different religions as well as multiplicity of ideas of what is right or good. Ultimately no superiority can be claimed easily for any one ideology over the coundess others and this makes it impossible to base natural law on any one religion. Furthermore,another feature of modem times is the increasing amount of laws and regulations maintaining order. This begs the question whether morality is still that important in law.
Aquinas recognized that as humans continue to become more civilized, natural law increasingly becomes more limited as it is less necessary to have to reason and deduce what is right and wrong. This means that what is lawful need not be defined in terms of morality as the larger body of regulations that is a feature of more civilized societies will be in place easily clarifying what is legal and right. These are some of the reasons why natural law thinking started to decline and Positivism according to Austin took hold in the minds of jurists in the 19th Century undl mid-20th Century. However, after the Second World War ,natural law thinking has been revived, mainly by two modem natural lawyers, Fuller and Finnis, who developed the Aquinas theory to apply to "modem problems".
1.3.1 Fuller: the morality of law
Fuller's Theory of Law was published after the Second World War, after the horrific events seen in Nazi Germany.




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